Among the subjects of tapestry at the Tower of London, the most ancient residence of our kings, was "the Dance of Macabre.
In the tower of London, the original and most ancient seat of our monarchs, there was some tapestry with the Macaber Dance.
Tower of London, tapestry formerly there of a Dance of Death, 227.
The curtains were drawn; a fitful fire made the figures in the tapestry advance and retreat; the candles in silver sconces lit up a misty Greuze over the mantel-shelf.
In the eighteenth century embroidery and tapestry are still an occupation, but other and less tedious works partially supplant them.
This is, methinks, the most proper way wherein a Lady can shew a fine Genius, and I cannot forbear wishing, that several Writers of that Sex had chosen to apply themselves rather to Tapestry than Rhime.
Then, suddenly, against that misty tapestry of tinted spectres, appeared Thessalie Dunois in the flesh!
All the halls, chambers, and closets or cabinets were richly hung with tapestry and hangings of divers sorts, according to the variety of the seasons of the year.
As for the beasts and birds, they are all of tapestry work.
I think I should adhere to velveteen for the covering, unless we can procure a gold thread tapestry sufficiently light and inexpensive for our purpose.
I invariably have neat tapestry covers made to fit the tables &c.
They hold quite a quantity of things, and I cover them with a tapestry tablecloth, place a fern in a pot in the middle, and dot books and photographs about them just as one would on a table.
There are two of these species of tablecloths especially to be recommended, both for their artistic and their inexpensive merits, and are far to be preferred to the tapestry cloths kept ready made in most shops.
The best material for covering these chairs is undoubtedly a strong tapestry at about 5s.
Falling back step by step before him until, at length, feeling the tapestry at his shoulder, he was involuntarily forced to stop.
At the same instant the tapestry was raised, the door opened, and some twenty persons entered the room.
I thrust my head and neck out of the tapestry to hear what Lucinda answered.
Thy mother is well and blooming; she is, at the present, abstractedly employed in a prodigious piece of tapestry which old Nicholls informs me is the wonder of all the women.
My mind misgave me when I saw a female conduct me into a little chamber hung with tapestry descriptive of the loves of Mars and Venus.
Miss Lombard, who had unlocked the door, held back the tapestry to let her father and Wyant pass out; then she followed them down a narrow stone passage with another door at its end.
The object of this strange eulogy had meanwhile drawn aside one of thetapestry hangings, and fitted her key into a concealed door.
The walls were covered with tapestry which had faded to the gray-brown tints of decaying vegetation, so that the young man felt as though he were entering a sunless autumn wood.
His servant carried him a cup of hot wine, and brought back word that he was sleeping and not to be disturbed; and an hour later, when Anne lifted the tapestry and listened at his door, she heard his loud regular breathing.
He has had a tapestry frame put up in the drawing room at which he works, I cannot say with the greatest skill, but at least with the greatest assiduity.
He has his bench in the church, and his right of sepulture in the choir; the tapestry bears his coat of arms; they bestow on him incense, "holy water by distinction.
Assyrian as well as mediæval art, for instance, in the Bayeux tapestry (Pl.
The stretched-leg prance from the Bayeux tapestry (eleventh century).
But that some at least of those in the Bayeux tapestry were flat, seems clear from the soldiers using them as trays on which to set the cups and dishes of their "Prandium.
Caumont has remarked that "in the Bayeux tapestry some of the figures are in chain-mail, and others in a kind of armour composed apparently of metallic discs sewn to a leathern jaque[192].
The Axe, which in the Bayeux tapestry is never seen in the hands of the Norman knights, appears in the twelfth century to have come into favour among them, for even the kings of this race are said to have contended with it.
The casque with neck-piece appears in the Bayeux tapestry (see Plate IX.
In the Bayeux tapestry there are figures of the Anglo-Saxons furnished with three or four of these missiles.
In the Bayeux tapestry it is almost universal, the nasal being much broader than that of Greek times, the crown conical, and not much raised above the head.
It probably differed in nothing but its size from the lance-flags seen in the Bayeux tapestry and on the seals and other monuments of the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
Nothing perhaps can more strongly mark this fact, than the diversity of interpretation that has been given to the armours in the Bayeux tapestry by some of the latest and most critical investigators of the subject.
In the Bayeux tapestrythey are accorded only to the most distinguished personages: in these cases, they are generally marked with rounds, as the hauberks are, probably indicating chain-mail.
The first three kinds are seen in the Bayeux tapestryand many of the seals of the period.
In many examples of the Bayeux tapestry they form volutes, (viewed laterally,) exactly like the sides of an Ionic capital.
We may further refer to the Bayeux tapestry (Stothard, Plate XVI.
Did you remark the subject on the tapestry of the first room you entered on French ground?
Tidies on the chairs were unknown, and there was only tapestry enough to get along with in a sort of hand-to-mouth way.
It would, however, be a pity to burn Ovid, Horace, Hesiod, our fine tapestrypictures and our opera.
The tapestry to which the guide referred is the same that you see in the engraving on the wall of the room, opposite to the observer.
This tapestry which hangs upon the wall was worked by the nuns at that convent, and it is said that Mary assisted them.
The figures on the tapestry consisted of groups of horsemen, elegantly equipped and caparisoned.
Potter whisked me away from them somehow, and we passed under thetapestry curtains while one of the two Hungarian bands Mrs. Ess Kay had hired played a waltz which made me long to dance.
Then the gorgeous masker would cross the hall, and disappear behind a great curtain of tapestry that covered an open doorway leading to the garden.
On this tapestry could be seen, here and there, a great number of black crosses traced by the hand with charcoal.
The circular walls were covered with rich Flemish tapestryof deep green, with designs of a darker shade, enwrought with threads of gold.
The captains had their dinner served in my lord's tapestry parlor, and poor little Harry thought his duty was to wait upon Captain Westbury's chair, as his custom had been to serve his lord when he sat there.
And with this she dropped a stately curtsy, and, taking her candle, went away through the tapestry door, which led to her apartments.
And now for my lady," said my lord, going up the stairs, and passing under the tapestry curtain that hung before the drawing-room door.