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Example sentences for "retable"

Lexicographically close words:
resuscitate; resuscitated; resuscitating; resuscitation; ret; retablo; retail; retailed; retailer; retailers
  1. The frontal was of gilt copper, with silver-gilt figures under canopies; and upon the retable rested the châsse of S.

  2. Three statues were also found of the same date as the chapel, and serve as the retable of the altar: they represent the Blessed Virgin sitting, and S.

  3. But when the present detestable roccoco retable was erected, this was destroyed.

  4. A Venetian retable by Giovanni and Antonio di Murano, in the style of an illuminated manuscript.

  5. Retable painted by Martin Schoengauer, in the style of a manuscript illumination.

  6. Various attempts have been made to show that Torell was an Italian, and that the painted retable at Westminster was the work of a foreign artist, but there is not the slightest foundation for either of these theories.

  7. And even without this reason for similarity, it was not uncommon for the painter of a retable to borrow his composition and general decorative scheme from an illuminated manuscript by some skilful artist.

  8. Suggesting one of the great shields of beaten gold that King Solomon had made for the Temple of Jerusalem, an alms-dish stood on edge, and leant against the retable to the right of the veiled chalice.

  9. The historic gold plate was therefore arranged on the retable with something of the effect of show pieces at Mappin and Webb's.

  10. Illustration: The Resurrection: from the Painted Retable formerly in the Jesus Chapel.

  11. One of his finest works is a large retable at Volterra in the church of S.

  12. Examples of these imitations are a retable in S.

  13. Arezzo possesses a number of fine enamelled works by Andrea and his sons--a retable in the cathedral with God holding the Crucified Christ, surrounded by angels, and below, kneeling figures of S.

  14. This is a retable of the conventional orthodox form which occupies the usual place--even in this Protestant church--at the end of the choir.

  15. At the head of the left aisle is a chapel which also has an elaborate marble retable of the same period.

  16. An immense retable is placed at the head of the nave.

  17. The retable has two miracle reliefs, and between them a small bronze Christ, which has been put there in error.

  18. Above the retable is the Madonna with two saints on either side: the crucifix surmounts the whole composition.

  19. Chapel of Avangour, 1576, with marble retable of same period.

  20. A fine renaissance retable has been mutilated and plastered against the west wall.

  21. There is a very curious retable at the side representing the Resurrection.

  22. An old carved oak retable representing the Adoration of the Magi and a crowd of other figures is in the baptistery.

  23. In the nave is a curious painted retable of S.

  24. Within is a carved oak retable representing the Passion, Resurrection and Assumption.

  25. The high altar has a retable into which are let sculptured panels of the 16th cent.

  26. In the church are preserved the panels of an alabaster retable of the 15th cent.

  27. The necessity for the retable arises from the fact of the reverent usage of the Church, which requires that nothing shall be placed on the Altar but the Eucharistic vessels, the book rest and the book.

  28. Two candles in candlesticks placed on the retable of the Altar and lighted at the celebration of the Holy Eucharist; frequently called Eucharistic Lights.

  29. On the retable at the foot of the reredos, stand two massive candlesticks of silver gilt.

  30. Beneath on the retable is inscribed in Greek the words: "Able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him.

  31. A flight of veined marble steps leads to the beautiful retable of the high altar.

  32. The sacristan will show you also the retable of the miraculous wafer, which bled when trampled on by Protestant heels at Gorcum in 1525.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "retable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    altar; altarpiece; credence; frontal; hob; ledge; retable; shelf; shoulder