This hangs in a point over the brow, broadens over the top of the head, and tapers as it reaches the waist behind.
Along that coast many craft are familiar, but an odd name hangs about one set: the fishermen from near Dungarvan are always known as "the Turks".
His portrait, by Laurence, hangs there, picturing him as a chubby, good-humoured boy.
Nevertheless, I held to my purpose, steering south-southwest as nearly as the leads would admit, and looking constantly for the thinning out of the pack that hangs around the western water.
A bright sparkling veil hangs over it like the milky way, seen dimly between the shelving rocks, which bulge out in round soft layers, of a whitish-gray cast, and look exactly like petrified clouds.
Afternoon service hangs heavily; and the tall chorister is by no means so blithe, or so majestic in the toss of his head, as in the morning.
It is nothing for him to quit sleep at the first tinkling of the alarm-clock thathangs in your chamber, or to brave the weather in that cheerless run to the morning prayers of winter.
A wide, rich heaven hangs above you, but it hangs very high.
The bittersweet hangs its bare and leafless tendrils from rock to tree, and sways with the weight of its brazen berries.
At mid-day the air is mild and soft; a warm, blue smoke lies in the mountain gaps; the tracery of distant woods upon the upland hangs in the haze with a dreamy gorgeousness of coloring.
This fish hath very large fins, very small and smooth scales, a red circle about his eyes, which are big and of a gold colour, and from either angle of his mouth there hangs down a little barb.
It never shows at maturity the brilliant golden yellow fluff that hangs in masses about the open and empty vases of T.
We passes by innocent and hangs up in front of a plumbery shop, starin' in at a fascinatin' display of one bathtub and a second-hand hot-water boiler.
And say, if your man's one that hangs out here you can bank on Squint to give you the story of his life.
And now, far removed from that loved situation, The tear of regret will intrusively swell, As fancy reverts to my father's plantation, And sighs for the bucket which hangs in the well.
At the back of the inclosure hangs a great curtain, painted in like manner, and nearly always pierced and torn, that it may represent at a little distance gulfs on the earth or holes in the sky.
A gauze drop hangs in front to give the picture the required hazy effect, and red lights give a sunset glow to the entire scene.
From his shoulders hangs a mantle lined with ermine and embroidered with the double eagle.
Her right hand rests on a table beside her, and points to a book; her left hangs by her side.
He is in the robes of the Order of the Garter, of which the jewel hangs on his breast, and has a long full-bottomed wig, a lace cravat and cuffs.
An air of remote pagan antiquityhangs over them, and as we read we seem gradually to realize an Ireland as unlike the one we know now as if, like the magic island of Buz, it had sunk under the waves and been lost.
Again, to deepen the chest from front to back, he hangs two bars, B and C, as in Fig.
See how the Christ hangs his head: he is so weary of lip service.
Very curious, and the story thathangs round it will strike you as being more curious still.
The bell-rope hangsfrom the wire just to the right of my desk.
An especial lamp hangs before the image of Sakya-muni, which stands against a wall.
A samkang, a hermit's dwelling, hangs over a cavern produced by the fall of a huge mass from the slope of the pebble terrace eleven years ago.
The evening mist hangs low along the stream; the bridge seems to stretch across the rushing tide and end abruptly in mid-air.
She hangs around the house and rarely flies as far as the next house even, preferring to travel on a visitor's coat.
The upper arm does not move beyond the perpendicular plane while the forearm is swung forward, though the arm hangs loosely from the shoulder joint.
About each and everyone of them, hangs a deadly atmosphere of suppressed irritation.
He hangs up the receiver; falls back into a chair.
The flowers that grow on the tree that hangsover the abyss!
Life hangs upon a brittle thread, and often that frail support is hope.
But the bride answered, "First go and fetch me my garland that hangs on a willow.
When a half-moon hangsbetween the mountains its light is that of drooping drowsy lids.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hangs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.