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Example sentences for "wooers"

Lexicographically close words:
woody; woodyard; wooe; wooed; wooer; wooes; wooeth; woof; wooing; wooingly
  1. Oh, I had wooers aught or nine, They gied me rings and ribbons fine; And I was fear'd my heart would tine, And I gied it to the weaver.

  2. Whene'er to seek the maiden men were by wooers sent, In his pride, wild Hagen upon their death was bent.

  3. I heard it said that he intended to marry his own daughter, when her sick mother was dead, and that was why he cut off the heads of all the wooers who came to ask for the princess's hand in marriage.

  4. The Princess Hilde grew up beautiful, and many wooers came to Balian to ask for her hand in marriage.

  5. Some of the party began to talk of distant Isenland, the kingdom of the beautiful and warlike Brunhild, who challenged all her wooers to do battle with her, thereby slaying many.

  6. The wooers were indeed in a dangerous mood, and they began to finger their weapons, and utter fierce threats against Telemachus.

  7. The substance of Odysseus was wasting away; for day after day the wooers came thronging to the house, a hundred strong, and feasted at the expense of its absent master, and drank up his wine.

  8. Presently he came to the place where the wooers were assembled, and they came crowding about him with false words of welcome.

  9. All the wooers now came running up, and crowded round the exasperated beggars, hoping to see fine sport.

  10. Hear me swear, by the hearth of Odysseus, and by the board at which I have fed, that before thou leavest Ithaca thou shalt see thy master with thine own eyes--thou shalt see him slaying the wooers who play the master here.

  11. The Slaying of the Wooers I Stripping off his rags, and girding them round his waist, Odysseus took the quiver, and poured out all the arrows on the ground at his feet.

  12. Would that all the wooers were in the same plight!

  13. This man's name was Amphinomus, and he was the chief among the wooers who came from Dulichium.

  14. Then one by one the wooers rose up, in the order in which they sat, and tried to bend the bow.

  15. Odysseus, and the four lances flew, and four wooers bit the dust.

  16. The lard was brought, and the wooers sat in turn by the fire, rubbing and anointing the bow, but all to no purpose.

  17. All day she wove it, but at night, when her wooers had gone (for they did not sleep in her house), she unwove it again.

  18. Ulysses asked the wooers to give him fair play, and not to interfere, and then he stripped his shoulders, and kilted up his rags, showing strong arms and legs.

  19. Again the wooers threw, and dealt two or three slight wounds, but the spears of the four were winged with death.

  20. By this time all the people in the town knew that the wooers had been slain, and they crowded to the house of Ulysses in great sorrow, and gathered their dead and buried them, and then met in the market place.

  21. All that time the wooers lay in wait for him, with a ship, in a narrow strait which they thought he must sail through on his way back to Ithaca.

  22. Telemachus replied that the wooers were one hundred and eight, and that Medon, a servant of his own, took part with them; there was also the minstrel of the house, whom they compelled to sing at their feasts.

  23. In she came and awakened Penelope, saying: 'Come and see what you have long desired: Ulysses in his own house, and all the wicked wooers slain by the sword.

  24. On this all the wooers laughed, and advised him to go out of doors, where he would see that the sun was shining.

  25. Then they ran back to Ulysses, four men keeping the doorway against all the wooers that were not yet slain.

  26. However ill the wooers might use him, Telemachus must take no notice, beyond saying that they ought to behave better.

  27. A great many wooers sought to wed with her, and among others a man named Alfwin, a renowned champion and man slayer.

  28. My daughter," said she to the rose, "the thrush loves you; of all your wooers he is the most constant and the most amiable.

  29. Meanwhile news of the death of the wooers had run through the city.

  30. Yours is not the custom of wooers in former days who were wont to sue for wedlock with the daughter of a rich man and contend among themselves.

  31. Under an inspiration of Athena, Penelope came down once more to chide the wooers for their insolence; she also upbraided them for their stinginess.

  32. Hermuthruda's cruelty to her wooers is common in northern and German mythology, and close parallels are afforded by Thrytho, the terrible bride of Offa I.

  33. The English king, unwilling personally to carry out his pledge, sent Amleth as proxy wooer for the hand of a terrible Scottish queen Hermuthruda, who had put all former wooers to death, but fell in love with Amleth.

  34. And the wooers of the Tsarevna Baktriana came and pranced and galloped, but when they saw the terem their hearts died away within them.

  35. Many brutal wooers have come to me who would have taken my virginal heart by force, such a thing as was never heard of since the beginning of the world.

  36. I have heard not once nor twice that she has expedited many wooers into another world; believe me that thy brother also will not be able to marry her without me!

  37. Wooers already began to make their appearance at the Tsar's court, but Tsar Umnaya Golova was in no great haste to marry off his daughters.

  38. In those days when the valiant wooers of the Tsarevna Baktriana were trying their best to win her, the brothers of little fool Ivan took it into their heads to go thither and see the fun.

  39. Lovers and wooers this grim lawyer regarded as the most impertinent order of animals in universal zoology; and of these, in Miss Watson's case, he had a whole menagerie to tend.

  40. Nor is it delight ‭ To hear, from her plight, of or work or word; ‭ The Wooers spoil all.

  41. These past, consider how thou mayst deprive ‭ Of worthless life these wooers in thy house, ‭ By open force, or projects enginous.

  42. Now then, before the insolent access ‭ The Wooers straight will force on us, express ‭ What you have heard.

  43. All wooers are rich, and all captives poor.

  44. By chance thou didst buy the armour of Paris, by chance thou didst find the bow of Eurytus, that bow, methinks, with which the god-like Odysseus slew the wooers in his halls.

  45. There he paused on that high threshold of stone where once he had sat in the disguise of a beggar, that very threshold whence, on another day, he had shot the shafts of doom among the wooers of his wife and the wasters of his home.

  46. When it became known that the old fox was dead, wooers presented themselves.

  47. But one of the good points which old Mr. Fox had possessed, was always lacking, and the cat had continually to send the wooers away.

  48. Three caskets are set out, of which her wooers have each to choose one, and open it.

  49. Tell the three wooers that, inasmuch as one of them is exactly the same to you as another, they must allow chance to decide between them.

  50. I faith that wee will: And I will tell your Worship more of the Wart, the next time we haue confidence, and of other wooers Fen.

  51. O, by no meanes, she mocks all her wooers out of suite Prince.

  52. Not so my Lord, a tweluemonth and a day, Ile marke no words that smoothfac'd wooers say.

  53. Of all her wooers not one before had ever dared to come to England and run the risk of a refusal, but "Monsieur," as the English called him, had shown himself so bold that the queen was charmed.

  54. The last of Elizabeth's wooers was the Duke of Alencon.

  55. Several of these ardent wooers sent envoys to England to plead their cause; the king of Sweden sent his brother, and the king of Denmark straightway despatched his nephew on the same errand.

  56. His young wooers are as insolent as Claudio, as flushed with youth; his beggar-men are brethren of Edie Ochiltree; his Nausicaa is sister to Rosalind, with a different charm of stately purity in love.

  57. I'll teach little kings the risks of proposing to me," she said, as she ordered the hall where her wooers slept to be fired.

  58. A great many wooers were importuning her, among whom a certain Alfvine, a great champion and man-slayer.

  59. So he first gathered all the wooers of Gunwar together on the pretence of a banquet, and then lined the customary room of the princess with their heads--a gruesome spectacle for all the rest.

  60. Maidens admired in their wooers not so much good looks as deeds nobly done.

  61. Odysseus has shot Antinous, the Wooers look at the wall to find spears vainly; but why?

  62. Telemachus says that the wooers have no mind to go to the father of Penelope, who [Greek: autos eednoosaito thygatra].

  63. It is a weaker argument, that the speech about arms tempting men to use them disregards the fact that the Wooers wear swords; what they need under the rain of arrows is shields and throwing spears.

  64. There is a variation in the last book of the Odyssey; the souls of the unburied Wooers arrive among the dead in Hades, though their bodies are unburned.

  65. And you may find in love these different parts-- Wooers have tongues of ice, but burning hearts.

  66. And Telemachus will testify of this, thine own dear son, that not by mine own will or desire did I resort to thy house to sing to the wooers after their feasts; but being so many and stronger than I, they led me by constraint.

  67. And straightways the knees of the wooers were loosened, and their hearts were enchanted with love, and each one uttered a prayer that he might be her bedfellow.

  68. But the proud wooers threw up their hands, and cried outright for laughter.

  69. Therefore Homer doth not only make the Greeks whilst encamped near the Hellespont, eat no fish, but he mentions not any sea-provision that the dissolute Phaeacians or luxurious wooers had, though both islanders.

  70. Their downfall was no sooner known than all these flattering wooers took to their heels in a troop.

  71. Truly I will stand by thee," said Athene, "and many of the greedy wooers shall stain the earth with their blood.

  72. And when the wickedness and greed of the wooers was made known to her, Athene grew very angry.

  73. When the wooers heard from him that Telemachus had sailed away with twenty brave youths, in the swiftest ship in Ithaca, they were filled with rage.

  74. When it was ended the floor ran with blood, and Odysseus, like a lion at bay, stood with the dead bodies of the wooers piled in heaps around him and his face and hands stained with blood.

  75. No harm shall come to him, although the wooers in their black ship wait to slay him.

  76. The wooers laughed and enjoyed the sport, and gave gifts of food to the sturdy old beggar, as they took Odysseus to be.

  77. The wooers bit their lips with rage, and some of them answered him rudely; but Telemachus paid no heed, and when at last they returned to their houses, he went upstairs to his own room.

  78. For a little there was silence, then one of the wooers said angrily: "Penelope is to blame, and no other.

  79. Odysseus is come home, and all the wooers lie dead.

  80. One by one the wooers tried to move the great bow and make it drive a swift arrow before it.

  81. Who harms this man must fight with me," said Telemachus, and at that the wooers shouted with laughter.

  82. Soon the wooers entered, and noisily ate they and drank, and roughly jested.

  83. To his friend Mentor he told his adventures, but he looked on the wooers with silence and scorn.

  84. All day they spoke of the wooers and plotted how to slay them.

  85. The wooers took no notice of the comings and goings of the strange warrior, so busy were they with their noisy feast.

  86. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wooers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.