The end of the bone lies under the acromion process, in contact with the capsule of the shoulder-joint, and the acromion stands out prominently.
The tip of the acromion is usually employed as a fixed point in measuring the length of the upper arm.
In connection with this fracture, reference must be made to a condition frequently met with, in which the epiphysial portion of the acromion is found to be separate from the body of the process--separate acromion.
In exceptional cases, portions of the glenoid or humerus are found separated as sequestra, or the disease involves parts outside the joint, such as the acromion or coracoid process.
To inject iodoform, the needle is introduced either immediately outside the coracoid process, or just below the junction of the acromion process and spine of the scapula.
Fracture of the acromion process# may result from a blow or fall on the shoulder.
The appearances are characteristic; the muscles of the shoulder are wasted, the acromion is prominent, and between it and the upper end of the humerus there is a marked hollow into which one or more fingers may be inserted.
Measurements of the length of the limb from acromion to lateral epicondyle are rarely of any diagnostic value.
The lateral end forms with the acromion the acromio-clavicular joint, which, however, is not always readily identified.
The author has in a case of osseous tumour removed the whole body of the scapula, leaving glenoid, spine, acromion and anterior margin with excellent result and a useful arm.
Acromion broad both at base and at tip, sharply bent upward, so as to be parallel with anterior border of scapula.
The acromion is directed more upward, so that the angle between it and the body of the scapula is more acute, and the process itself is rather more expanded distally.
The direction of the acromion is probably subject to large individual variations, though this can not be determined at present, and the same is true of the form of the first phalange of the first digit.
The acromion is short, with convex margins at the base, beyond which it narrows suddenly and terminates in a straight, cylindrical process, which is strongly inclined upward.
Acromion broad at base, tapering toward the tip, which is again somewhat expanded; bent upward, but not sufficiently to be parallel with anterior margin of blade.
Pain or soreness, sometimes an acute pain, is experienced under the scapula near the angle, at or about the acromion process, and sometimes at the nape of the neck.
The right arm from the acromion to the middle finger (incl.
The scapula of the horse has no acromion process, but it is easy, if we compare the human scapula, to judge of the position which this process would occupy if it were present.
In the ox, in which the acromion process, which is very rudimentary, does not attain the level of the glenoid cavity, the acromion portion is but slightly marked off from that which takes its origin from the spine of the scapula.
The spine is bent slightly downwards and backwards; before terminating in the acromion process it presents a triangular projection, the apex of which is directed downwards.
The spine is atrophied at both its extremities, so that at its inferior part we do not find the acromion process.
Its external surface is divided into two parts by the spine of the scapula; which, in some animals, terminates inferiorly in a flat and clearly distinct process, the homologue of the acromion process of the human scapula.
In the dog and the cat it consists of two parts, one of which arises from the spine of the scapula; the other from the acromion process.
The spine of the scapula becomes more and more prominent towards its inferior extremity, where it ends in a twisted and inflexed portion, which represents the acromion process; this process terminates at the level of the glenoid cavity.
Portions of the acromionmay be separated along with the ligaments connecting the clavicle to it, in the accident of dislocation of the scapular extremity of that bone.
The projection is not so apparent when the immediate swelling from effused blood has been fully formed, but the hollow under the acromion can be felt through any quantity of extravasated blood.
The acromion process may be broken off; but the accident is rather uncommon.
They are more distinctly perceived on comparing the two shoulders; then the acromion on the affected side stands remarkably outwards.
The acromionis occasionally broken into fragments by heavy falls on the point of the shoulder.
Portions of the acromion process, superior costa, and spine of the scapula, were of their natural appearance.
I saw grooving of the crest of the spine, but never happened to meet with a fracture of the acromion process.
Abduction of the limb therefore brought the greater tuberosity into contact with the acromion process, and movement was checked.
On the fifth day the line of demarcation extended to the spine of the scapula, laying bare the bone and exposing the acromion process and involving the pectoral muscles.
There is a case on record of a boy of fourteen who was shot in the right shoulder, the bullet entering through the right upper border of the trapezius, two inches from the acromion process.
The apex of the acromion varies much in breadth and sharpness, as may be seen by comparing figs.
A) varies a little in shape and size, as does the apex of the acromion in sharpness, and the part just below the rectangular bar in breadth.
The acromion sends out a rectangular bar, ending in an oblique knob, which latter in the wild rabbit (fig.
The deltoid is wasted, and the acromion unduly prominent.
The acromion and coracoid processes of the scapula are rudimentary.
The ribs remarkably expanded and flattened; the scapula low and broad, with completely developed acromion and coracoid processes.
Scapula peculiarly flattened; acromion strongly developed as a rule, but arising from a slightly-marked spine; coracoid process generally strongly developed.
In the scapula the acromion joins the coracoid as in Bradypus; the clavicle is large.
It has a strong spine, with an acromion and a well-developed metacromion.
It has a well-marked spine, and the acromion projects much.
An ally of the present animal, for instance, the Hippopotamus, has the acromion developed.
Scapula with theacromion coinciding with its anterior edge.
It is a remarkable fact that the acromion is joined to the rest of the spine of the scapula by a joint.
As in other American Edentates, the acromion joins the coracoid.
The most important internal difference is in the form of the scapula, which has at most a slight acromionand coracoid process.
The shoulder blade has a well-marked acromion and a distinct coracoid process; it is wide proximally.
In Armadillos, Sloths, and Megatheriidae, the acromion is very long and the clavicle is well developed.
In nearly all the Odontoceti the scapula is broad and somewhat fan-shaped; the prescapular fossa is much reduced, and the acromion and coracoid process form flattened processes, extending forwards nearly parallel to one another.
The clavicle is long and slender, and is connected with the sternum and acromion by vestiges of the precoracoid.
The scapula is high and very narrow, with the spine and acromion very little developed.
In Hippopotamus the acromion is fairly prominent, but in the other Suina, though the spine is prominent, the acromion is not developed.
The spine and acromion are well developed, and the prescapular and postscapular fossae are nearly equal in size.
Clavicles are generally present, and theacromion of the scapula is commonly very long.
In the Shrews the scapula is long and narrow, and has a well-marked spine, whose end bifurcates, forming the acromion and metacromion.
The acromion of the scapula has a recurved process, similar to that often found in rodents.
The apex of the acromion varies much in breadth and sharpness, as may be seen by comparing figures B, C, and D.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acromion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.