Defn: Situated beneath the acromialprocess of the scapula.
Defn: Situated above the acromial process of the scapula.
The bullet entered 2-1/2 inches below the acromial end of the right clavicle and emerged over the 9th rib in the posterior axillary line.
The bullet entered from the front, grooved the under surface of the acromial end of the clavicle with increasing depth, and eventually perforated the posterior margin of the bone, raising the compact tissue in an angular manner.
Situated above the acromial process of the scapula.
Situated beneath the acromial process of the scapula.
The flaps thus formed being reflected without much hæmorrhage, I separated the scapular attachment of the deltoid, and divided the connections of the acromial extremity of the clavicle.
The sub-deltoid or sub-acromial bursa, which usually presents a single cavity and does not normally communicate with the shoulder-joint, is indispensable in abduction and rotation of the humerus.
The two buttons at the ends of the branches are applied to the acromial points, while the measurer occupies a position in front of the subject to be measured.
The sternal fragment may be slightly drawn upwards by the clavicular fibres of the sterno-mastoid, while the acromial fragment falls by the weight of the arm, and the fragments usually overlap to the extent of about half an inch.
Another plan is to place a pad over the acromial end of the clavicle, and fix it in this position by a few turns of elastic bandage carried over the shoulder and under the elbow.
Downward displacement of the acromial end of the clavicle is much rarer, and may follow a fall on the elbow or a blow over the clavicle.
A small tubercle (deltoid tubercle) which frequently exists near the acromial end is liable to suggest the presence of a fracture.
The clavicle was fractured two inches from the acromial end, and the sternal end was driven high up into the muscles of the neck.
Leichtenstern cites a case of a mamma on the left shoulder nearly under the insertion of the deltoid, and Klob speaks of an acromial accessory mamma situated on the shoulder over the greatest prominence of the deltoid.
The bones exfoliated, the spine and the acromial end of the scapula came away, and a good stump was formed.
Instead of fulfilling its normal function of preventing displacement, the coraco-acromial arch acted as a fulcrum.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acromial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.