The water used for the dilution of the acetone must be carefully tested for acidity, and the pipettes used for measuring should not be blown out, as it would be possible thus to neutralise nearly 2 c.
It is believed to be melted picric acid together with gun-cotton dissolved in acetone or ether-alcohol.
Both or rather all the forms of nitro-cellulose can be dissolved in acetone or acetic ether.
Crude wood spirit, which has been freed from acetic acid, consists in the main of a mixture of acetone and methyl- alcohol.
Acetone is usually prepared, however, by the dry distillation of crude calcium or barium acetate.
Should it have become too soft in the acetone vapour for the mill, it should be cut up into small pieces, which may be brought to any desired degree of hardness by simple exposure to air.
On subsequent distillation crude acetone passes over, and may be purified by conversion into the bisulphite compound.
During kneading the acetone gradually penetrates the mixture, and dissolves both the nitro-cellulose and nitro-glycerine, and a uniform dough is obtained which gradually assumes a buff colour.
The relation of the sodium hypochlorite solution to the sodium thiosulphate being known, the percentage of acetone can be readily calculated.
The method of carrying out the analysis is as follows:-- A known quantity of the solution to be tested, containing acetone to the extent of 0.
They all dissolve, however, inacetone and acetic ether.
In this, acetylene passing through a water-seal from a cylinder where it is stored as a solution inacetone (cf.
Both methods have proved perfectly safe and trustworthy; but the combination of the acetone process with the porous matter makes the cylinders smaller per unit volume of acetylene they contain.
Whenever still better light is required in railway carriages, as also for the illumination of large, constantly used vehicles, such as omnibuses, the acetone process (cf.
Neat acetylene must not be compressed to more than l-1/2 atmospheres except that an absolute pressure of 10 atmospheres is allowed when the gas is dissolved in acetone or otherwise rendered free from risk.
It is made of guncotton and nitroglycerine and acetone is one of the chemicals required in its manufacture.
Also soluble in acetone and in glacial acetic acid.
The glacial acetic acid acetone extract from cantharides (60%) in flexible collodion.
Acetone gives little colour on the addition of ammonia, but after the addition of ammonium sulphate a deep permanganate colour, which takes ten minutes to reach its full intensity.
The following mixture may be substituted for absolute alcohol as a decolouriser Acetone 10 c.
For the first few days after entrance he showed a moderate amount of acetone and a slight amount of diacetic acid in the urine; for the rest of his stay in the hospital these were absent.
Soda bicarbonate may be given, two drachms every three hours, if there is much evidence of acidosis, as indicated by strong acetone and diacetic acid reactions in the urine, or a strong acetone odor to the breath.
She never excreted much acetone or diacetic acid, and when she was discharged there was merely the faintest traces of these in the urine.
Illustration: A chart tracking acetone and diacetic acid for the month of April.
We have not found that the acetone and diacetic acid output behaves in any constant manner during starvation; in some cases we have seen the acetone bodies disappear, in others we have seen them appear when they were not present before.
He was kept on approximately the same diet, and was followed in the Out-patient Department, and on two occasions only did his urine contain a small trace of sugar and of acetone (July 31 and Oct.
The acetone was a little stronger than at entrance; the diacetic absent except on three days.
In this case, after starvation, a moderate amount ofacetone appeared and continued.
On this diet she was putting out 8 grams of sugar a day with moderately strongacetone and diacetic acid reactions in her urine.
The second day of starvation she was sugar-free, with a moderate acetone reaction.
At entrance the child was in semi-coma, with very strong sugar, diacetic acid and acetone reactions in the urine.
She has been reporting to the Out-patient Department every two weeks, and has never had any sugar, acetone or diacetic acid in the urine, and appears to be in splendid condition.
Ketones do not polymerize in the same way as aldehydes, but under the influence of acids and bases yield condensation products; thus acetone gives mesityl oxide, phorone and mesitylene (see below).
With ammonia they yield complex condensation products; acetone forming di- and tri-acetonamines (W.
CH3, may be prepared by the action of aluminium chloride on acetyl chloride, or by condensing ethyl acetate with acetone in the presence of sodium (L.
Acetone dissolves a large volume of acetylene, and this solution is quite stable and may be stored in iron cylinders and used for various purposes.
Acetone is the chemical basis of cordite; and therefore the British Army looked with great concern upon the added demand which the American aviation program proposed to put upon the acetone supply.
Already acetone and its kindred products were being absorbed in large quantities by the war production of the allies.
In December, 1917, we commandeered all the existing American supply of acetate of lime, the base from which acetone and kindred products are made.
The mixture is then forced through a die, and in this way it is formed into threads or rods, which harden as the acetone evaporates.
This is neutralized with milk of lime or soda ash, which converts acetic acid into calcium or sodium acetate, but has no action on the methyl alcohol and acetone which are also present.
They make use of the fact that the resin acids as sodium soaps are soluble in acetone and particularly acetone containing two per cent.
The solvent for the cooled mass is acetone containing 2 per cent.
In dealing with potash soaps it is necessary to separate the fatty acids from these and use them as acetone dissolves too great a quantity of a potash soap.
To complete the analysis, the acetone is completely evaporated and the mass dried to constant weight in a drying oven.
The mixture is then filtered into a previously weighed flask and washed several times with the acetone remaining.
The extraction of the rosin soap is conducted by adding 10 cubic centimeters of acetone eight times, rubbing the mass thoroughly with a spatula and decanting.
Funk for example has shown that if the phosphotungstic precipitate is treated with acetone it is possible to separate it into an acetone soluble and an acetone-insoluble fraction and that the curative fraction is in the latter.
Pyroxylic spirit is distinguished from acetone or pyroacetic spirit by the character of its flame, and by freely dissolving chloride of calcium, which is quite insoluble in the latter.
By passing the vapour of strong acetic acid through an iron tube heated to dull redness, and condensing the acetone thus formed.
The first test suggested foracetone was Gerhardt's chloride-of-iron test.
This coma, known as diabetic coma, is generally ascribed to the accumulation of acetone or acetone-producing substance in the blood.
They are products of the breaking up of sugar, but chemists do not explicitly agree as to the exact method in which acetone originates in the organism.
A solution of chloride of iron added to urine containing acetone strikes a burgundy-red color.
Jaksch has been led to believe, from his extensive investigations, that acetone is a constant and normal product of tissue-change, although Penzoldt considers such conclusion scarcely justified.
Acetone dissolves twenty-four times its own bulk of acetylene at ordinary atmospheric pressure.
If acetylene be compressed above fifteen pounds per square inch at ordinary temperature without first being dissolved in acetone a danger is present of self-ignition.
If discharge is carried on at an excessive rate the acetone is drawn out with the gas and reduces the heat of the welding flame.
The gas is forced into containers filled with acetone as described and is compressed to one hundred and fifty pounds to the square inch.
Acetone is produced in various ways, oftentimes from the distillation of wood.
As acetylene is dissolved in the liquid the acetoneincreases its volume slightly so that when the gas has been drawn out of a closed tank a space is left full of free acetylene.
It is now dried in heated rooms, where it is generally spread out on shelves, a current of air passing through carrying the acetone vapour with it.
This can be made by treating methane with chlorine, as just indicated, although a much easier method consists in treating alcohol oracetone (which see) with bleaching powder.
In case of more easily soluble coupling products the acetone is driven off under reduced pressure or the liquid acidified and diluted, and the substance extracted with ether.
In making it the ingredients are mixed into a paste with the addition of acetone and pressed out into cords (of various diameters) resembling brown twine, which are dried and cut to length.
Excess of acetone in the urine, as in starvation or diabetes.
A morbid condition characterized by the presence of acetone in the blood, as in diabetes.
If acetone fails to dissolve it, the presence of morphine.
If it dissolves in acetone it probably consists of emetine.
If acetone be present, a purple ring will form within a few minutes at the junction of the two fluids.
Acetone is derived from decomposition of diacetic acid, and this in turn from beta-oxybutyric acid by oxidation.
This cloud will gradually clear up, and if acetone be present, iodoform, usually crystalline, will separate out.
This postanesthetic toxemia is more likely to appear, and is more severe when the urine contains any notable amount of acetone before operation, which suggests the importance of routine examination for acetone in surgical cases.
Acetone is present in considerable amounts in many cases of diabetes mellitus, and is always present in severe {84} cases.
The most important of these are proteids, sugars, acetone and related substances, bile, hemoglobin, and the diazo substances.
Iodoform crystals obtained in several tests for acetone by Gunning's method (X about 600).
When the disturbance is mild, acetone only appears; as it becomes more marked, diacetic acid is added, and finally beta-oxybutyric acid appears.
In the presence of acetone a purplish-red color appears in the heated portion.
What comes over in the form of vapour is a mixture of water, acetone and wood spirit.
The cylinders in which it is carried are therefore filled with coke saturated with acetone and then when the acetylene is pressed in it dissolves, coming out of solution again as soon as the pressure is released.
The preparation is best effected by bringing the juice into 10 volumes of acetone, centrifuging at once and as rapidly as possible, washing, first with acetone and then with ether, and finally drying over sulphuric acid.
The mass is then well mixed with 1 litre of acetone for two minutes and again filtered and drained.
If acidosis is evident, as may be indicated by an excretion of diacetic acid, oxybutyric acid, or acetone in the urine, alkalies may be given.
More exact methods, however, for the determining of the severity of the acidosis will be found in another part of this text, where the test for sugar and the acetone bodies will be explained in detail.
In some cases, which are mild in character, the urine is made free of both sugar and acetone without further dietetic measures.
When the normal oxidation of the fatty acids is interfered with or is overtaxed, a different reaction from that which usually occurs may take place, and this results in an excretion of acetone in the urine (see Chapter on Diabetes).
However, when a severe diabetes is manifested and a high percentage of glucose and in some cases acetone bodies are found in the urine a more rigid treatment will be found necessary.
The presence of acetone is indicated by a purple color.
Diacetic acid, oxybutyric acid, and acetone develop in diabetes as a result of the breaking down of the fats and the lack of certain neutralizing agents found chiefly in carbohydrate foods.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acetone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: alcohol; chemical; solvent