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Example sentences for "acetate"

Lexicographically close words:
aces; acetabular; acetabulum; acetaldehyde; acetanilid; acetates; acetic; aceto; acetone; acetous
  1. On the occasion of his first visit to me I injected him with one-sixth grain acetate of morphia, thereby stopping the pain.

  2. I gave the man a subcutaneous injection of one-sixth grain acetate of morphia, for present ease, and ordered him muriate of iron and small doses of strychnia three times a day.

  3. It is noted that acetate of ammonia causes rapid changes in the solution, which appear to be due to a species of hydrolysis.

  4. The jute acetate showed the normal reaction with chlorine, and the lignone chloride was dissolved by treatment with sodium sulphite solution.

  5. The normal acetate gives solutions of high viscosity, films of considerable tenacity, and when those are saponified the cellulose is regenerated as an unbroken film.

  6. On adding lead acetate to the original clear solution, a well-marked precipitation was determined.

  7. Thus in the opalescent or milky solutions in which a proportion of cellulose nitrate is held in solution or semi-solution by the acetone still present, the lead acetate causes a dense coagulation.

  8. Rub together in a mortar a small quantity of sulphate of soda and acetate of lead, and as they mix they will become liquid.

  9. CH3, may be prepared by the action of aluminium chloride on acetyl chloride, or by condensing ethyl acetate with acetone in the presence of sodium (L.

  10. The ketenes are usually obtained by the action of zinc on ethereal or ethyl acetate solutions of halogen substituted acid chlorides or bromides.

  11. COCH3; or by the hydrolysis of diaceto-succinic ester, prepared by the action of iodine on sodium aceto-acetate (L.

  12. If, on the contrary, it is in good flesh, give a purgative, followed by half an ounce of acetate of potassium twice a day.

  13. Tolerably pure marsh gas[35] may be obtained by heating a mixture of an acetate with an alkali.

  14. A good dryer for printers' use is made by taking a small quantity of perfectly dry acetate of lead or borate of manganese in impalpable powder will hasten the drying of the ink.

  15. To render the paper fit for copying without being made wet, to the acetate solution chromic acid or ferro-cyanide of potassium is added.

  16. To render paper soft and flexible, heat it with a solution of acetate of soda, or of potash dissolved in four to ten times its weight of water.

  17. A small quantity of perfectly dry acetate of lead or borate of manganese in impalpable powder will hasten the drying of the ink.

  18. The other kind of dope had an acetate base and was made from cellulose-acetate and such wood chemical solvents as acetone.

  19. In December, 1917, we commandeered all the existing American supply of acetate of lime, the base from which acetone and kindred products are made.

  20. The nitrate dope burned rapidly when ignited but the acetate type was slow burning.

  21. There was nothing then for us to do but to increase the source of supply of these necessary acetate compounds; and this was done by encouraging, financially and otherwise, the establishment of 10 large chemical plants.

  22. It was evident that we should make our new dope acetate in character to avoid the danger of fire.

  23. These two boards allocated the acetate chemicals among the different countries according to the urgency of their demands.

  24. Thus in training planes not subject to attack by enemy incendiary bullets the nitrate dope would be fairly satisfactory, but in the fighting planes the slow-burning acetate dope was a vital necessity.

  25. Part of it only is soluble in water, and that resembles gummic acid in being precipitated by alcohol and ammonium oxalate, but differs from it in giving a precipitate with neutral lead acetate and none with borax.

  26. In the hydrated condition it is formed by the action of alkaline sulphides on cobaltous salts, or by precipitating cobalt acetate with sulphuretted hydrogen (in the absence of free acetic acid).

  27. H2O, is obtained when the carbonate is dissolved in hydrocyanic acid or when the acetate is precipitated by potassium cyanide.

  28. The yellow precipitate obtained is washed with a solution of potassium acetate and finally with dilute alcohol.

  29. Eventually the calcium acetate is taken out in the form of a thick paste, which is spread to dry.

  30. The acetic acid is released from the 'acetate of lime' by the action of sulphuric acid.

  31. This crude acid is steam-heated with milk of lime, which fixes the acid, forming calcium acetate (or acetate of lime).

  32. The Acetate of Lead, and the Ammonio-sulphate of Copper, have been used with advantage in the same disorder.

  33. Acetate of lead would be immediately decomposed by sulphates, and Nitrate of Silver precipitated by chlorides.

  34. The Acetate of Lead is much esteemed as an Astringent in the case of Haemoptysis.

  35. Two scruples of Acetate of Potash were dissolved in three drachms of water, and thus administered.

  36. Again, one equivalent of the neutral acetate of potash, with eight of Oxygen, will make one equivalent of the bicarbonate, two of free carbonic acid, and three of water.

  37. Acetate of Lead is used internally as an Astringent, but being a more dangerous remedy than the medicines above mentioned, it requires greater care in its application.

  38. Tincture of Cantharides and Acetate of Potash, both diuretics, have been employed in Lepra to eliminate the materies morbi from the blood into the urine, and have sometimes appeared to succeed in so doing.

  39. Thus Acetate of lead is employed in haemoptysis; Creosote and Uvae Ursi are used in haemorrhage from the stomach or bladder; and the vegetable Astringents are prescribed in Dysentery.

  40. It is soluble in a solution of acetate of ammonia.

  41. Tannic acid, the neutral acetate of lead and caustic potash produce with it an abundant precipitate; the perchloride of iron colors it a dark green.

  42. It is dextrogyrous and is precipitated by the neutral acetate of lead and by caustic baryta.

  43. The precipitate, after treating again with concentrated alcohol, is dissolved in water and the addition of sub-acetate of lead eliminates the albuminoids and peptones but does not precipitate the papain.

  44. Should any sores form on the skin, or should they arise from the opening of purulent deposits, dress them with the following ointment-- Acetate of copper 1/2 a drachm.

  45. Carbonic-acid Soda, Subcarbonate of potash, Binoxalate of potash, Acetate of potash.

  46. If a foamy solid rises to the surface during this time and refuses to become incorporated by the stirrer, a few drops of ethyl acetate may be added to reduce the foam.

  47. After precipitating as ammonic-magnesic phosphate with sodium phosphate, and well washing with ammonia, it is dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid, neutralised with ammonia, and sodic acetate and acetic acid are added in the usual quantity.

  48. The precipitate is filtered quickly through a large filter, and washed with hot water containing a little acetate of soda.

  49. If the lead is present as sulphate in sodic acetate solution, it is well to render it distinctly alkaline with ammonia.

  50. Heat, and extract with water as before; add the sodium acetate and acetic acid; and titrate.

  51. The uranium acetate solution is made by dissolving 0.

  52. As sodic acetate and acetic acid did not interfere, it became desirable to make some experiments on the finishing point.

  53. The precipitate is filtered off, and digested with a solution of ammonium acetate or of sodium hyposulphite at 50° or 60° C.

  54. The oxide is used for colouring glass; and the nitrate and acetate are used as reagents.

  55. A special test for sulphide may be made by adding a drop or two of solution of acetate of lead to four or five c.

  56. Their solution in hydrochloric acid is nearly neutralised; acetate of soda is then added, and an excess of sodium hypochlorite.

  57. After cooling, a solution of sodium acetate is added until the colour of the solution is no longer darkened.

  58. The interference of an excess of sodium acetate is avoided by adding more iodide crystals to the extent of doubling the usual amount.

  59. The same standard solution of uranium acetate is used.

  60. The addition of potassium chromate to the acetate solution reprecipitates the lead as a yellow chromate.

  61. Three times a day administer an electuary containing acetate of potash (2 drams), with licorice and molasses or honey.

  62. If the hemorrhage is profuse and persistent, a drench composed of 1 dram of acetate of lead dissolved in 1 pint of water, or ergot, 1 ounce, should be given.

  63. Following this, in recent and acute cases, give 2 drams of acetate or bicarbonate of potash twice a day in the drinking water.

  64. An electuary of acetate of potash, 2 drams, honey, and licorice powder may be spread on the teeth with a paddle every few hours.

  65. An excellent astringent for these cases is a putty made of powdered chalk and vinegar (acetate of lime), and the whole swelling is then covered with a thick coating of soft clay made into a mass with water.

  66. Aluminum acetate is an efficient and cheap antiseptic, and is composed of 1 part alum and 5 parts acetate of lead, mixed in 20 parts of water.

  67. According to Gore, its formation is due to the solution being too poor in copper, but I have added a solution of the acetate of copper and ammonium till the colour was bright blue without in any way reducing the incrustation.

  68. Thirty-five grammes of cupric acetate are dissolved in a litre of water, and 20 cubic centimetres of the strongest liquid ammonia are added.

  69. These seeds contain gum, acetic acid, acetate and muriate of potash, and other salts, with twenty-two parts per cent.

  70. The acetate amyl is a compound ether got from vinegar and potato oil.

  71. The Orange flowers yield a volatile, odorous oil, acetic acid, and acetate of lime.

  72. This dye is prepared by heating a mixture of magenta, acetate of sodium, and aniline in iron pots, provided with stirrers, &c.

  73. From solution of acetate of ammonia, 1-1/2 fl.

  74. Gradually add a solution of acetate of lead to another of arseniate of sodium.

  75. Iodides give a pale yellowish precipitate with nitrate of silver, scarcely soluble in ammonia, and insoluble in dilute nitric acid; a bright yellow one with acetate of lead; and a scarlet one with bichloride of mercury.

  76. Gay-Lussac, is to add to the nitric solution of the silver sufficient acetate of ammonia or crystallised acetate of soda to saturate all the nitric acid existing in the liquor, either in the free state or combined with the silver.

  77. This salt occurs native in transparent octohedra (lead vitriol), and is obtained in large quantities as a by-product in the preparation of acetate of aluminum for dyeing.

  78. The crude solution of acetate or sulpho-acetate of alumina employed in calico printing.

  79. Plumbic acetate gives a purplish-red precipitate, mercuric cyanide a blue one, the supernatant liquid being also blue.

  80. This article is in great demand in the wholesale drug trade, under the name of 'concentrated liquor of acetate of ammonia' (LIQ.

  81. By precipitating acetate of lead, by tartrate of ammonium, washing and drying.

  82. With a mordant of sulphate or acetate of iron it dyes black; and with the addition of a little sulphate of copper greys of various shades.

  83. WATER-PROOF Mix equal quantities of alum and acetate of lead, and dissolve the mixture in 1-1/2 gallons of boiling water.

  84. It unites with the iron forming the acetate of iron.

  85. Acetate of iron, made from iron filings and vinegar, is used for dark browns occasionally.

  86. Stains produced from drugs and chemicals include such materials as logwood, bichromate of potash, ammonia, iron sulphate, acetate of iron, etc.

  87. This fluid is then heated, adding crystals of sodium acetate until it becomes perfectly clear.

  88. The quantity of lead can be {98} determined by comparing the discoloration with that produced by passing the gas through lead acetate (sugar of lead) solutions of known strength.

  89. Normal and abnormal pigments, which interfere with certain of the tests, can be removed by filtering the urine through animal charcoal, or precipitating with a solution of acetate of lead and filtering.

  90. One part of lead acetate crystals contains 0.

  91. The light is produced by an open flame of amyl-acetate burning from a wick of cotton fiber which fills a tube of German silver 1 in.

  92. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acetate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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