A sulphuric-acid absorber is suspended in position ready for weighing.
For the various parts of the absorber system we have relied upon the original type of couplings used in the earlier apparatus.
All precautions are taken, however, so far as securing tightness in coupling and installing them on the absorber system are concerned.
The heat-absorber system is attached to rings soldered to the ceiling at different points.
Obviously the amount of water absorbed here is very much less than in the first acid absorberand hence the same absorber can be used for a greater number of experiments.
At the extreme right is the absorber table, and back of it the bed calorimeter.
There is, then, no correction necessary for the rejection of air with the changes in the absorber system.
A slight correction may be necessary here, as frequently the absorberis considerably warmer at the end of the period than at the beginning and if weighed while warm there may be an error of 0.
As a matter of fact, it has been found more advantageous to use but one absorberand have it refilled as soon as it has gained 400 grams, thus allowing a liberal factor of safety and no danger of loss of water.
This would indicate a third good quality of corn flakes, that is, used simply as a filler for its value as a water absorber only.
As the pressure in the absorber is much lower than that in the generator, the strong liquor has to be pumped into the latter vessel, and for this purpose pumps are provided.
Inefficiency of economizer, by reason of which heat obtained by the expenditure of steam in the generator is passed on to the absorberand there uselessly imparted to the cooling water.
Owing to the absorption of ammonia, the weak liquor in the absorber becomes strengthened, and it is then pumped back into the generating vessel to be again dealt with as above described.
He went out at intervals to look at the absorber and to read the thermometer at the oil storage pit, then back to the engine.
You will laugh at me and tell me to increase the absorber area, will you!
The absorber was not as ambitious a structure as the engine house.
The damage done by the dust storm to the absorber was now completely remedied and Roger and Ernest began work on a shallow concrete trough on which the condenser was to be erected.
At five o'clock Sunday afternoon, the absorber was finished.
The heavy metal had pierced the floor of the absorber and oil was pouring out in a thin but steady stream.
Somewhat to their own amusement the two men gave in to the vehement small girl, and the ground work for the absorber being complete, they began to clear space for the engine house and consumer.
The day in May that the men began a test for oil leaks in the absorber dawned with a promise of ferocious heat.
If the position of a liquid as an absorber and radiator determine that of its vapour, the position of water fixes that of aqueous vapour.
There is no known exception to this law; so that, to determine the position of a vapour as an absorber or a radiator, it is only necessary to determine the position of its liquid.
The position of a vapour as an absorber of radiant heat was shown to be determined by that of the liquid from which it is derived.
And from this fact, even if no direct experiment on the vapour of water had ever been made, we should be entitled to rank that vapour as our most powerful absorber of radiant heat.
For the heat emitted by lampblack, olefiant gas is a far more powerful absorber than carbonic acid; in fact, for such heat, with one exception, carbonic acid is the most feeble absorber to be found among the compound gases.
We were led thus slowly up to the examination of the most widely diffused and most important of all vapours--the aqueous vapour of our atmosphere, and we found in it a potent absorber of the purely calorific rays.
The cloth itself, without reference to the dye, is nearly as good anabsorber of heat as the snow around it.
It is worthy of remark that whenever, through a change of source, the position of a vapour as an absorber of radiant heat was altered, the position of the liquid from which the vapour was derived underwent a similar change.
When the absorber and dissipator crews get them cooled down enough so that we can use power again, we'll go back.
Because the dark earthenware tea-pot is a good absorber of heat, and the heat it would absorb from the fire would more than counterbalance the loss by radiation.
Because a thin coating of soot acts as a good absorber of heat, and overcomes the non-absorbing quality of the bright surface.
V (1897), to be read at the meeting of the British Association at Toronto, basing his conclusions on Tyndall's determination of the competency of carbon dioxide as an absorber of heat radiated from the earth.
The disc is first coated with lamp-black, and the rate at which it then receives heat is taken as the rate at which a full absorber absorbs heat under these conditions.
No; every good conductor of heat is a bad absorber of it; and no good absorber of heat can be a good conductor also.
No boat has a right to run into another, but they do it just the same, and a shock absorberis worth all the curses the captain and the crew can pronounce, however righteous their indignation toward the offending vessel.
It is the finest shock absorber in the world, as essential from an economic point of view as it is pleasant from a social one.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "absorber" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.