Thy father has provided thee with a guardian and 'tis to him I take thee.
They are unseemly things for men to wear; it is as though one were uncivilised.
She danced with less skill than any that had come before.
Beneath the spreading branches were a host of men, horses and dogs.
I had never so hevy a sesyn as I had from the tyme that I woste of yowr sekenesse tyl I woste of yowr a mendyng, and zyth myn hert is in no grete esse, ne nowth xal be, tyl I wott that ze ben very hal.
I pray yow send me word how they spede, and how ye spede in yowr owyn materys also.
And All mygthty Jesu preserve yowr hye astat, my spesiall Lord, and send yow long lyve and good hele.
Besechyng yow that ye do yowr parte in thys mater, for thys I have wrytyn to my Lord Chaunseler[105.
Redham, this same nyght, acordyng to poyntmen [appointment] that ye made ther foryowr self.
Iff Arblaster come to yow, ye maye see hys letter sente to hym by me, wherin I have wretyn that he scholde take yowr advyce; but I praye you, above all thynges, that me make hast so that I heer from yow ageyn by thys day vij.
Ther is moche adoo in the Northe, as men seyn; I pray yow be ware off yowr guydyng, and in cheff off yowr langage, and so that ffro hense fforthe by yowr langage noo man perceyve that ye ffavor any person contrary to the Kynges plesur.
Wyngfeld; and wher so evyr he may met me on evyn grownd he wyll do myche; but and we met evynly, no fors, so I have yowr blyssyng.
Item, I praye yow schewe, or rede to my moodre suche thynges as ye thynke is for her to know, afftre yowr dyscression; and to late hyr undrestond off the article off the trete between Syr Wylliam Yelverton and me.
Now, and ye have as many ladyse as ye wer wont to have, I reqwere yow for hyr sake that ye best love of theym all, onys trowbyll yowr syllf for me in thys mater, and be owght of my clamor.
I was bond to the shrevys for gren wax[139-1] and for a fyeri facias that is awardyd owt of yowr lond, wyche drawyth in alle bettyr than v.
No mor I wryth to yower good faderhod at thys tym, but All myghty God have yowe in Hys kepyng, and sende yowe vyttorye ofyowr elmyes [enemies], and worschyp in cressyng to yowr lyvys end yn.
And of yowr goode wyll and favour herynne I pray yow to late me have wetyng, and I schall be redy to wayte on yow at ony tyme and place wher ye wull assyne.
Most reverent and worschepfull fadyr, I rekomawnd me hertyly, and submytt me lowlely to your good faderhood, besechyng yow for cheryte of yowrdayly blyssyng.
Rythe reverent and worchypfwl broder, I recomawnde to yow, certyfyyng yow that yowr letter was delyveryd to me the xxiii.
Men thynk her, that ben yowr wel wyllerys, that ye may no lesse do than to send hym forthe.
And as for the bille copyd of the Cort Rolle, when he mevyd to him of it, he smylyd and seyd that suche a bylle ther was, seyyng that ye wold an oppressyd sundreys of yowr contremen of worchypfull men, and the for he kepyd it styll.
I have do yowr herrendys to my modyr and my hunckyl and as for the feffeys of Stokysby, my hunckyll syth that ther be no mo than he wrot to yow of that he knowit.
Lord seyd he hadde spokyn with yowr man ther of the day be fore, and if the Byshop of Norwyche wod not doo so mwche for him, he hys the les behold to him.
And God have yow in hys kepyng, and sen yow good sped in alle yowr matteris.
The fende of hell that is yowr foo He shall be wrappyd and woundyn in woo: Fro wo to welth now shall ye go, With myrth euer mor to melle.
No more of this wranglyng in my chyrch: I shrewe yowr hertys bothe for this lurche.
Y schall her sende a wheyt palffrey, Het hambellet as the weynde; Ner for the loffe of yowr weyffe, Off mor sorow scholde yow seyng.
My tyme biddes me hastene to an ende, and soe I comitt thys (to) yowr care, and hope of yowr helpe.
So trustethe your people, with assurĂ¡unce Throwghe yowr grace, and highe benignitie.
In cas ye han Drayton in any quiete take sewertie of yowr tenants for paiment as I have wret befor.
Wherfor I pray yow, make yowr word god if ye may, and at the lest, let myn adversarijs not have it in pees if ye may.
Item, I send hom writt and prasens for yowr servaunts and myn.
And yowr men answeryd and seyd that they knewe no man was possessyd ther in, ner hade no ryght therin but ye, and so in your name, and in your ryght they seyd they woulde kepyt.
I wolde he wer qwyte of hys indytments, so that he wer qwyte of yowr servyce; for by my trowthe, I holde the place the mor ongracyous that he is in, for hys dysposycion in dyverce thyngys, the whych ye schal be informed of her after.
And if it like you to have with you my cosyn William her sone, I trow ye shuld fynde hym a necessary man to take hede to yowr howshold, and to bye all maner of stuffe nedefull therto, and to se to the rewle and gode gidyn therof.
Be avyse of yowr councell, I purpose to sende Loumnowr and Playter to commone with hym therin.
Sidenote: Lete yowr counsell comone with hym, but thei may sey they knowe not myn evidens nor titell,] And in good feyth me thynkyth by hym that he is ryght ille plesyd that the mater was so gydyt.
Pray dont let yowr mesmat Jack se this, if yow do hel tel owr Nan, and shel ter mi hart owt then, for shes a devil at me now.
I committ thys [to] yowrcare & hope of yowr helpe.
Lorde wyllinge and nowe butt perswade yowr selfe soe as I hope & yow shall nott need to feare butt wth all hartie thanckefullenes I wyll holde my tyme & content yowr ffrende & yf we Bargaine farther yow shalbe the paie mr yowr selfe.
It reads "Loveinge Countreyman I am bolde of vow as of a ffrende, craveinge yowr helpe wth xxxll vppon mr Bushells & my securytee or mr Myttons wth me.
Y schall her sende a wheyt palffrey,[L287] Het hambellet as the weynde; Ner for the loffe of yowr weyffe, Off mor sorow scholde yow seyng.
And for Godis cawse vse all yowr cowrses cum discrecione.
I hew alredy sent an other letter to the gentill manyowr lo.
I sall send yow over the vatter vithin thre dayis, vith an full resolucion of all my vill, anent all purposes; As I sall indeid recommend yow and yowr trustiness till his lo.
Alwyse I repose on yowr advertysment of the precyse day, vith credit to the berar: for howbeit he be bot ane silly ald gleyd carle, I vill answer for him that he sall be very trew.
At the resset of yowr lo(rdchipis) letter I am so comforted, especially at your Lo: purpose communicated onto me thairin, that I kan nather vtter my joy nor find myself habill how to enconter yowr lo.
I may se it brunt vith my awin ein; as I hew sent yowr Lo: letter to yowr Lo.
I pray yow, as ye luf yowr awin lyf, becawse it is nocht ane matter of mowise, be circumspect in all thingis, and tak na feir bot all sall be veill.
I think it sall be meittest to be convoyit quyetest in ane bote, be sey; at qhilk tyme vpon swre adwartisment I sall hew the place very quyet and veill provydit; and as I receve yowr answer I vill post this berair to my Lo.
And incase God grant vs ane hapy swccess in this errand, I hope baith to haif yowr lo.
God, I viss nathing vith a better hart, nor to atchive to that qhilk yowr lo.
Now I longe for the rest of yowr comunycacyon, || wherfore loke to haue me yowr geste at souper, where ye shall tell it more conuenyently.
For sothe I thanke you, that ye offere yowr selfe to be my gest vndesyred, when many hertely prayed refuse it, but I wyll gyue yow double thankes, if ye wyll soupe to day at home.
What shuld ye do at Londo: seynge ye were not farre from the see cost, to seale in to yowr cuntre?
To morrow vnto me and my wyfe, prepare our dyner at yowr howse, then and if it be to souper tyme, we will not leyue of talkynge, vntyll you say that ye are wery, and if ye wyll at souper also we wyll not forsake you.
Queen: So trustethe your people, with assurance Throwghe yowr grace, and highe benignitie.
Wherby I truste right shortely so to describe your most noble reaulme, and to publische the Majeste and the excellent actes of yowr progenitors.
He had, he said, "conservid many good autors, the which otherwise had beene like to have perischid to no smaul incommodite of good letters, of the whiche parse remayne yn the moste magnificent libraries of yowr royal Palacis.
The same devil met Margaret Hamilton 'and conversed with yow at the town-well of Borrowstownes, and several tymes in yowr awin howss, and drank severall choppens of ale with you'.
If you will sende youre childe to mee, I will doe so mutch for yow as too brede her upp with my granedor Roda, yowr sistar Catterin's child.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yowr" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.