Attention has already been directed to them as illustrations of young valleys, and as places where the Potsdam conglomerate is well shown, but they are attractive from the scenic point of view.
The effect of the vertical joints and of horizontal layers of unequal hardness is well shown.
In this view the relation of the erosion remnant to the extensive base-leveled surface is well shown.
The base-level surface is well shown, and above it rise the remnants of the higher plain from which the lower was reduced.
This is well shown on the sides of the stream-course at Ndawathumi which lies at the border of the table-land.
The form of this hill is well shown in the sketch attached, and there is little doubt that we have here an old volcanic “neck,” the remains of a submarine vent.
In the profile of the island attached to this work the Seatura slope is well shown; but that of the Wainunu table-land being seen from the south is represented only by a level contour-line at the base of the Ndrandramea mountains.
This latter fact is well shown by the male flowers of dioecious plants, which, according to Gallesio,[437] first become double.
The third source of electricity is heat, and the effect of this agent is well shown by twisting together a piece of platinum and silver wire, so as to form one length.
That these three portions of the rostrum are in their essential nature compartments, is well shown in C.
The rapidity of these changes in certain cases is well shownby the parallel sections in Fig.
The diminished adhesion of the salt water is well shown by the smaller drops which it forms on a glass rod.
This is well shown in some of the sphygmographic tracings by Carter;[15] while in one of our tracings from the right radial of a man æt.
This is well shown by the map on the opposite page.
Their position in the ancient world is well shown on the map reproduced opposite.
This is well shown in the many records which have been preserved, both in England (R.
This is well shownby the following table based on information gathered by Curr and by Fison and Howitt.
The struggle of the people with the army under Charles I may be well shown by these quotations from the Petition of Right in 1628: " .
These hairs are attached in a groove, well shown in this specimen.
That the extension of the glabella to the front of the cephalon is a primitive feature is well shown by the development of Sao (Barrande, 1852, pl.
The exopodites are not so well shown as in some others but the setae are flattened and blade-shaped, and often bear numerous small spines.
Upon this, there set in those adaptations to a crawling mode of existence which are sowell shown in the trilobite.
The shelving form is well shown in the beautiful Claudopus nidulans, sometimes called Pleurotus nidulans, and in other species of the genus Pleurotus, Crepidotus, etc.
This is well shown in large specimens, and especially as the veil is stretched over the gills as shown in Fig.
Just before the exposure was made to get the photograph several of the plants were wounded with a pin to cause the drops of milk to exude, as is well shown in the illustration.
How unrelated much of our teaching is to the daily life is well shown by inquiries recently made of the children of New Jersey by Professor Earl Barnes.
The construction of this wince iswell shown in the drawings.
There is the dye-vat as usual; in this is suspended the drawing mechanism, whose construction is well shown in the drawing.
The cloth is threaded in a continuous manner, well shown in the drawing, through the machine.
The construction of the machine is well shown in the drawing, while the mode of working is obvious from it and the description just given.
How privateers became pirates is well shown by a case that occurred in the latter half of the seventeenth century.
The character of the Dutchman is well shown in the curious difficulty which hastened a third breach of the peace with England in 1672.
The result of this want of policy is well shown in the case of Roger North one of the adventurers in the last expedition of Ralegh, who, in 1619, wished to re-establish the colony in the Oyapok, which had virtually sunk to nothing.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "well shown" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.