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Example sentences for "weightiness"

Lexicographically close words:
weighted; weightie; weightier; weightiest; weightily; weighting; weightless; weightlessness; weights; weighty
  1. Our want of a frame suitable for the greatness and weightiness of the work, which speaks sadly against us, but is not to be a ground to neglect the duty, we being commanded to look to the God of the covenant for it.

  2. As a league betwixt us and the representative body of the kingdoms of England and Ireland: where he took occasion to go over the several articles of the covenant, showing the nature and weightiness of the duties.

  3. And, partly, this weightiness ariseth from the great danger and dreadful punishment of breaking the covenant; which is threatened in many places of Scripture.

  4. The manner used both by Jews, heathens and Christians in entering into covenant, doth clearly set out the weightiness of it, and what a horrible sin it is to break it.

  5. The solemnity and weightiness of covenant-taking consisteth in three things.

  6. If it is the felicity which Fortune gives that moves thee--mere name though it be--come reckon up with me how rich thou art in the number and weightiness of thy blessings.

  7. And then after a little I said: 'Thou sovereign solace of the stricken soul, what refreshment hast thou brought me, no less by the sweetness of thy singing than by the weightiness of thy discourse!

  8. But the conception is a novel and magnificent one, contrasting instructively in its weightiness and majesty with the more naïve and pathetic renderings of an earlier time.

  9. This is a most awful act of worship: I trust the intimation to it was attended with proper weightiness of spirit.

  10. Much more weightiness of spirit appeared to exist in the strangers who attended, and consequently more stillness.

  11. This information, he says, was received by my friends with much sympathy and, I trust, weightiness of spirit, and I felt a little strengthened by the expression of their feelings and unity with me in this concern.

  12. An indefinable stamp of weightiness is impressed on Gibbon's writing; he has a baritone manliness which banishes everything small, trivial, or weak.

  13. The vigorous and skilful narrative, and a certain grandeur and weightiness of language, make us overlook it.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "weightiness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    authority; avoirdupois; beef; consequence; deadweight; earnestness; eminence; enormity; formality; gravity; greatness; heft; import; importance; influence; magnitude; moment; net; overweight; pith; poundage; precedence; preponderance; pressure; prestige; priority; prominence; rank; seniority; seriousness; significance; signification; sobriety; solemnity; stature; thoughtfulness; tonnage; underweight; weight