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Example sentences for "weightiest"

Lexicographically close words:
weighs; weight; weighted; weightie; weightier; weightily; weightiness; weighting; weightless; weightlessness
  1. The weightiest considerations of policy require that the restraints now proposed to be thrown around the measure should not for light causes be removed.

  2. Inducements of the weightiest character exist for the adoption of this course of policy.

  3. The scenery was dull and unattractive, and this would have counterbalanced the weightiest prudential reasons with him at any time.

  4. It was in truth as entirely a monument of the strength, no less than the weakness, of his whole scheme, as his weightiest piece.

  5. I would not weaken one's confidence in another for anything in the world--unless I had the weightiest reason.

  6. I am always so grieved myself to know that a person is not as good as I believed him to be, I would not attempt to convince any one of confidence misplaced for the world--unless I had the weightiest reason.

  7. They assert the weightiest truths and make the weightiest revelations concerning the future, as men who know that they have a right to be implicitly believed and obeyed.

  8. These passages are of the weightiest import; for they teach us how the nucleus of the canon of the Old Testament was formed, and give us all the particulars that enter into the idea of a canonical writing.

  9. But one of the weightiest objections to a plurality in the Executive, and which lies as much against the last as the first plan, is, that it tends to conceal faults and destroy responsibility.

  10. Robertson, who shortly followed him, no doubt drew direct inspiration from Voltaire, and his weightiest achievement, the View of the State of Europe, prefixed to his History of Charles V.

  11. E1) (But one of the weightiest objections to a plurality in the Executive, and which lies as much against the last as the first plan, is, that it tends to conceal faults and destroy responsibility.

  12. The national calamity had now suddenly brought him to a larger field of duty, and devolved upon him the weightiest responsibility.

  13. Why then should nature have visited our reason with restless aspirations after it, as if it were one of our weightiest concerns?

  14. Mayer and Joule dealt in unobtrusive retirement with the weightiest scientific questions.

  15. As regards these questions of weightiest import to the science of physiology, Dr.

  16. I say, to consider the precious promises; to believe the excellency and virtue of Jesus Christ, and love him in your souls, and delight in him, is the weightiest matter of the gospel.

  17. First of all I endeavored to restore to him the weightiest credit--that which he must find in himself: whoever ascribes to himself no moral strength, at last forfeits it in reality.

  18. Do they express themselves upon the weightiest subject considerately and with lawyerlike diffuseness, or on the most frivolous subject frivolously?

  19. And let thy trusted lords attend In careful watch upon their friend, For, unexpected, check and bar Our weightiest counsels often mar.

  20. The weightiest of our disbursements are smiles and flatteries, with a ribbon and a cross at the end of them.

  21. Men will always hold something back; they must be shaken and loosened a little, to make them let go what is deepest in them, and weightiest and purest.

  22. Verily, it is My weightiest testimony unto all people, and the proof of the All-Merciful unto all who are in heaven and all who are on earth.

  23. Almost immediately after the “Most Great Separation” had been effected, the weightiest Tablets associated with His sojourn in Adrianople were revealed.

  24. Some of the weightiest passages of His Epistle to Queen Victoria are addressed to the members of the British Legislature, the Mother of Parliaments, as well as to the elected representatives of the peoples in other lands.

  25. In this way, infidelity will, at least, be deprived of one of its weightiest arguments, its gravest objections.

  26. The principle here laid down is of the very weightiest character.

  27. We consider it one of the weightiest and most seasonable subjects that could possibly engage the attention of the Lord's people at the present moment.

  28. This is a great practical truth, involving, at once, the very highest privileges and the very weightiest responsibilities.

  29. They are great retributive acts; they represent and embody the last and most solemn and weightiest impersonation of Eternal Justice.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "weightiest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.