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Example sentences for "weathermost"

Lexicographically close words:
weathercock; weathercocks; weathered; weathering; weatherly; weathers; weathervane; weatherworn; weave; weaved
  1. At Noon Point Mercury bore South-East, distant 4 Leagues, and the weathermost point of the Main land in sight bore North 60 degrees West, distant 5 Leagues.

  2. Presumably therefore our author chose the attack on the weathermost ships, although they were also the van, as the lesser evil in spite of its serious drawbacks.

  3. His own view of the proper form of attack from windward is to bear down upon the van or weathermost ships of the enemy in line ahead on a course oblique to the enemy's line.

  4. When the squadron is in a line of battle ahead, and the signal is made for the headmost and weathermost to tack, the ship that leads on the former tack is to continue to lead after tacking.

  5. And there, far astern of us, was our weathermost competitor (at starting) dismasted, with the water rolling in and out of her scuppers.

  6. The brigantine, tacking as smartly and handily as a little boat, came round and headed well up for the weathermost buoy, to which she made fast a few minutes later, with the barque close upon her heels.

  7. They had expected that we should have run in between them, and fought broadside to broadside, by which means the weathermost schooner would have taken a raking position, while the others engaged us to windward and to leeward.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "weathermost" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.