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Example sentences for "water till"

  • The maccaroni must be boiled in water till it slightly swells, and is soft enough to cut; it must be cut into short pieces about two inches in length.

  • Clarify one pound of sugar in half a pint of water till it becomes a thick syrup.

  • Peel twelve leeks; boil them in water till tender; take them out and put them into a quart of new milk; boil them well; thicken up with oatmeal, and add salt according to the taste.

  • Stew them till thick and smooth; take out the herbs and spices; skim well; boil the livers in a quart of water till tender, and put in.

  • Then dry the pith well in a cloth, and, having scraped off all the skin, beat it well; add a little rose-water till it is very fine and without lumps.

  • Let the rice be very well picked and afterwards cleansed; it ought to be washed in several waters, and kept in water till it is going to be boiled.

  • Your honour can then dine, and after dinner trifle away the minutes over your wine or brandy-and-water till seven, when your honour can step into a first-class for Bangor.

  • After dinner I trifled agreeably with my brandy-and-water till it was near seven o’clock when I paid my bill, thought of the waiter and did not forget Father Boots.

  • I “trifled” over my brandy-and-water till I finished it, and then walked forth to look at the town.

  • Scald the slices in water till tender; then make a syrup of a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit, and proceed as directed for quinces.

  • If your peaches are very hard, boil them in water till tender, before you pickle them, and they will be fit for use almost immediately.

  • Boil a tea cupful of hops in one quart of water till reduced to one half.

  • Simmer half a pint or a pint of Embden groats in a small quantity of water till tender; there must be no gruel.

  • Pick and wash a pound of rice, and boil it gently in two quarts of water till it becomes dry--keeping the pot well covered, and not stirring it.

  • Boil half a pound of French Berries (the unripe berries of the rhamnus infectorius) in two quarts of water till of a deep yellow, and while boiling hot give two or three coats to the work.

  • Steep them in a quart of water till it is reduced to a pint.

  • Boil four feet in four gallons of water till it comes to half a gallon; strain it, let it stand till cold, and skim off all the fat clean.

  • Take a handful of common salt, and half the quantity of alum; boil it in half a gallon of water till dissolved.

  • Chop celery into pieces half an inch long, enough to fill one pint measure, and stew in a small quantity of water till tender.

  • Boil twelve potatoes in four quarts of water till reduced to three quarts.

  • Then put in a teacup of coarsely ground coffee, parched a light brown and mixed with cold water till it forms a paste, to six cups of boiling water.

  • A quantity of this air, after being agitated in water till it was diminished about one half, admitted a candle to burn in it exceedingly well, and was even hardly to be distinguished from common air by the test of nitrous air.

  • To five parts of inflammable air, which had been agitated in water till it was diminished about one half (at which time part of it fired with a weak explosion) I put one part of nitrous air, which diminished it one eighth of the whole.

  • This air, however, itself, without any previous phlogistication, is purified by agitation in water till it is diminished by fresh nitrous air, and to a very considerable degree.

  • Boil a calf's foot in water till reduced to a pint of jelly, clear of sediment and fat.

  • Beat a quarter of an ounce of sweet almonds with a tea-spoonful of water till it is quite fine, boil it in the broth, and strain it.

  • Boil two feet in three quarts of water till reduced to half the quantity; strain it, and set it by.

  • Here, Humphreys, put these in a jug of water till I go home.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "water till" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brown house; dear son; drinking water; hour more; induce the; water and; water baptism; water between; water bottle; water colours; water containing; water could; water cure; water deposits; water down; water enough; water evaporated; water origin; water over; water pollution from industrial; water pollution from raw sewage and; water rights; water species; water until; water wheel; water will