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Example sentences for "berries"

Lexicographically close words:
berith; berline; berm; bernicle; berried; berry; berrying; berserk; berserkers; berserks
  1. The Island of the Red Berries* On this island were trees with great red berries which yielded an intoxicating and slumbrous juice.

  2. This they continued till vespers, when all three ate of the berries again.

  3. There will be no berries except strawberries yet, and strawberries are not much use to keep life together when you are travelling.

  4. There are plenty of berries in the woods, and besides we occasionally came down and stole things from the carts waiting at night at the post-houses.

  5. After the transfer of the berries was completed, the three girls returned to the house, triumphantly smiling, and happy, with the twelve quarts of berries.

  6. Then stir in very lightly the cup of berries and put in well-greased muffin tins.

  7. Mary, "let's buy the berries of the boys and divide them between us.

  8. Mary, and she started in the direction of the pasture with great animation, when Jane inquired, in a loud voice, if she were not going to take something along to put the berries in.

  9. Almost the red of the holly-berries could be seen, and every pointed ivy-leaf and spike of evergreen in the wreathings of the windows stood out in bold relief against the shining panes.

  10. Often they came with a whole pot-full, or had strung berries on a straw; then they would sit down by the little Fir Tree and say, "How pretty and small that one is!

  11. If the birthday comes in December, a rope of evergreen is appropriate and very effective for this decoration, with branches of holly or other red berries at the corners, the "goodies" to be placed in the centre.

  12. The children were then asked to guess the number of berries on a large piece of mistletoe which hung from one of the chandeliers.

  13. Upon the wall were hung red berries and bright-hued autumn leaves, garlands of which may be easily made if the leaves are gathered as they fall, waxed, pressed, and strung on strong threads.

  14. Sprays of red berries can be introduced with splendid effect.

  15. Have plenty of holly berries in the garlands of evergreen.

  16. And then, the thorns your hands are sure to rend, Unless with heavy gloves you will defend; Amid most thorns the sweetest roses blow, Amid most thorns the sweetest berries grow.

  17. One day he started off to a river far remote from the lodges of his tribe, and where berries and grapes were very plenty, in pursuit of bears.

  18. Some of the branches had beautiful little red berries like wintergreen berries on them.

  19. And we can get carried up to Mr. Pine's, and pick berries up above his ranch.

  20. The bronze-winged pigeon lived here on the red fruit of Rhagodia, and the black berries of a species of Jasmine; and seems also to pick occasionally the seed vessel of a Ruellia, which is very frequent on all the flats of Comet Creek.

  21. The yams proved to be the tubers of a vine with blue berries; both tubers and berries had the same pungent taste, but the former contained a watery juice, which was most welcome to our parched mouths.

  22. As yet the birds have not taken all of the scarlet berries of the bitter-sweet vine, which clings lovingly, but with a somewhat parasitical clasp about the hospitable boles of the great trees.

  23. Thin and stop the shoots, and thin the berries in good time.

  24. Give the final thinnings to the latest Grapes; and as they are frequently required for winter use, a good thinning should be given, as crowded bunches and berries will not keep late in the season.

  25. Remove decayed berries as soon as observed, and keep the house containing ripe fruit dry and free from dust.

  26. Do not allow plants in pots to remain in the house to cause damp, which, despite every care in ventilating, is apt to settle on the berries and spoil them.

  27. Keep thinning the berries and stopping the laterals as they advance, which, with syringing and giving air, is the principal work to be done.

  28. Continue to thin the Grapes in the early houses: a few berries may require to be taken out of some of the bunches up to the time of their changing colour.

  29. The first thinning to be performed when the berries are the size of Peas; the second when they begin to be crowded; and the third after the berries are stoned.

  30. The bunches to be frequently and carefully looked over and all tainted berries removed, and the foliage kept free from insects.

  31. But they were not so sweet or toothsome to our girlish tastes as the tawny-orange cloud-berries which Clare and I were eating as we lay.

  32. Five thousand here, and a thousand there, and hundreds like berries on a bush!

  33. The children heard the rustle and turned about, then the pail dropped, the berries spilled on the ground and the sunbonnet children ran, screaming wildly, "Father!

  34. Milk for the berries we picked yesterday," the mother of the sunbonnet children said smiling.

  35. The street outside was thronged with great motor ambulances rumbling in from the suburbs, carrying the wilted remains of berries and fruits which had been dug up by the furious legions of Chuff.

  36. One by one the unprincipled berries were being picked off by expert marksmen.

  37. Elder berries are mixed with blackberries and steamed in the ground oven; manzanita berries are mashed and mixed with smoke-dried salmon eggs.

  38. The berries and nuts of the numerous yews and cycads were capable of affording much food.

  39. I find the berries of the laurel, which is a species of cherry, very attractive to blackbirds, and as long as there are any left they seem to prefer them to the apples.

  40. In spring its small white blossoms are thickly distributed, and at Christmas its scarlet berries are ever welcome.

  41. Mistletoe is quite easy to propagate by rubbing the glutinous berries and their seeds on the under side of a small branch at the angle where it joins a limb.

  42. The increasing excellence, abundance and cheapness of fruits and berries is full of promise for the health and vigor of the American people.

  43. We'll pick a lot of berries for the pies, won't we, Laddie?

  44. I'm too fond of huckleberry pie to risk having all the berries go into the children's mouths.

  45. Russ, for so they had come to call the place where the wild red berries grew.

  46. It isn’t a case of oats and berries against June-bugs.

  47. There is no day but is beautiful in the woods; and none more beautiful than one like this Christmas Day,—warm and still and wrapped, to the round red berries of the holly, in the magic of the snow.

  48. Meantime, a big rain and the warm June days were turning the berries red by the quart.

  49. I had put a little stick beside each of the three big berries that were reddening first (though I could have walked from the house blindfolded and picked them).

  50. In sight from where I stood hung bunches of withering chicken or frost grapes, plump clusters of blue-black berries of the greenbrier, and limbs of the smooth winterberry bending with their flaming fruit.

  51. The fence-rows and old pastures are full of berries that will keep the fires burning in the quail and partridge during the bitterest weather.

  52. The berries were sweet, to be sure, but their friendship was sweeter.

  53. He had nothing to satisfy his monstrous appetite except berries and mushrooms.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "berries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.