It does not absorb the perspiration rapidly nor radiate it freely, and after several washings it becomes felted, and in that condition is absolutely injurious to health.
When you have put your soiled flannel through two good washings with soap in the usual way, dip it in clean boiling water, and finish cleaning it with that dipping.
It stands to reason that such unnatural washings should be followed by a retribution equal to the error committed, because, as before stated, Nature's laws cannot be perverted without a penalty.
No applications or medicated washings of any kind should be allowed.
The brown scale may be got rid of by repeated washings with one of the many insecticides, but it should be applied at a temperature of 90 deg.
The existence of gold had long been suspected, and possibly known, in California before 1848, and there had been desultory washings in parts where there was very little to reward prospectors.
The detection of fragments of cancer in the vomit or in washings from the stomach is of equal diagnostic significance, but of rare applicability.
The eye of the tube as well as the washingsfrom the stomach should be carefully examined for such particles.
Return the filtrate and washings to the dish, evaporate the water, and carefully ignite without fusion.
The washings are then titrated with N/10 sulfuric acid and expressed as sodium or potassium carbonate.
Repeat the washing with 5 cubic centimeters of alcohol five or six times, each time pouring the washings into the flask; cool the flask to room temperature and fill to the mark with 96 per cent.
Place the combined kerosene filtrate and kerosene washings from the insoluble impurities determination in a platinum dish.
The soap is then further washed and these washings are run to other tanks to be used over again to wash a fresh batch of soap.
Three more, about the size of a bean, were unearthed from the next two troughs, while the washings of the troughs below were without nuggets.
The deposit is of deep-water origin and appears to have been formed from the fine washings of a coast some distance away.
It may however be remarked here that these deposits are but partly derived from the degradation of the submerged basaltic table-land or from the washings of a basaltic coast.
In its course there is a jumble of washings and anointings, of grips, and key-words and new names, and the investiture of each of the initiated in an Endowment robe.
After divers washings and anointings and rubbings, the acting of an historic drama, the taking of oaths and grips, and the giving of a new name, celestial wisdom and joy are supposed to descend and forever rest upon the favored soul.
Sudden storms in summer, or sudden thaws in winter, usually cause large increments in turbidity accompanied by soil washings that often carry appreciable quantities of faecal matter into surface water supplies.
The organic matter found in water may be derived from various substances such as urea, amido compounds, and cellulose; humus bodies derived from soil washings and swamps may also be present.
Frequent washings with cold water, with the occasional use of warm water and soap, are absolutely necessary to cleanliness.
The occasional use of soap and warm or tepid water is therefore necessary; but all washings with soapy or warm water should be followed by a thorough rinsing with pure cold water.
After twenty-four hours the whole is thrown on a weighed filter, and washed until the washings are almost colourless and tasteless.
At the same time a second piece of copper is introduced into the material which has given a deposit on the first piece, the washings of the first piece being added, and the boiling continued.
The frequency of the baths orwashings will depend upon the rapidity with which the scales are reproduced.
Repeated washings with vinegar or dilute acetic acid, or with alkaline lotions, will free the hairs of the ova.
The washings which dripped from the surface were collected in a graduated flask.
The colonies of bacteria shown in the petri-dish test made of the washings from wall paper further supports these findings.
The washings from the wall paper showed active development of bacteria, both in the bouillon and agar tests.
Illustration: Heavy Colonies of Bacteria Developing in Agar Jelly Treated with Washings from Wall Paper Practically no Development of Bacterial Colonies in Agar Jelly Treated with Washings from Sanitary Wall Paint] =Hospital Practice.
It will be noticed that the tests made from the washings of the wall paint show practical absence of bacteria, and was clear, as was the bouillon-solution test of the paint.
Where sheet rubber is being prepared, carefully strained cup-washings or bucket-washings may be utilised in the dilution of the latex to the required standard, thus increasing slightly the percentage of first-grade rubber.
Bucket-washings should yield a good type of pale rubber if they are obtained properly.
These comprised: (1) A pale rubber (often streaked) obtained from coagulation of cup washings and bucket rinsings.
Two years afterwards, by successive washings of the earth on the surface of the graves, deposits were extracted which at once produced splenic disease.
Then follow washings with water and gomez in the third, sixth, and ninth night.
Vessels of lead, wood, and earth, are impure for ever; vessels of gold and silver can be taken into use again after a number of washings with gomez.
And she certainly is making herself well-beloved with the boys from the Eureka Washings and the other mines," and he grinned ruefully.
The mines and washings shut down while all turned to the work of rebuilding.
He did not join the workmen at the mines or washings as a parson, but as another man, interested in their labor and in themselves.
Your mines and gold washings shut down on this day.
The day before had been pay day at the Eureka Washings and the Oreode Company's diggings and at most of the major mining prospects in the vicinity.
Still, the bulk of the wages from the mines and washings are spent for drink and in gambling.
And in time--and that before fall--some of the toughest hard-rock men and muckers working in the mines and at the Eureka Washings openly praised the Reverend Willett Ford Hunt.
At the moment of their sighting the hydraulic washings across the river, there was raised a wild, concerted shout from a point ahead.
And again, verily I say unto you, How shall your washings be acceptable unto me, except ye perform them in a house which you have built to my name?
During the washings the larger stones and boulders are removed by a fork.
Further washings showed even greater richness; and, hurrying to Bannack, they returned at once with supplies and friends, and formed a mining district.
Gold, generally procured by washingsin New Spain, i.
The chief towns are Caxamarquilla and Huamachucho, both of little note excepting for the gold washings in their neighbourhood.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "washings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.