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Example sentences for "stimulants"

Lexicographically close words:
stilted; stilts; stilus; stima; stimulant; stimulate; stimulated; stimulates; stimulating; stimulation
  1. This is what the stimulants such as tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, opium and cocaine do for those who trust in them.

  2. It has been truly said that the man who relies upon stimulants for strength is lost, for he is drawing upon a reserve fund, which is not completely replaced, and physiological bankruptcy must inevitably ensue.

  3. Stimulants do not produce force and should never be mistaken for food.

  4. In addition to the above, stimulants are also advisable such as powdered Nux Vomica, powdered Capsicum, powdered Ginger, powdered Nitrate of Potash, equal parts four ounces.

  5. Sometimes stimulants and tonics are necessary and the following will be found very effective: Pulv.

  6. Nerve stimulants are necessary and I have derived good results from the following: Pulv.

  7. It is necessary to give stimulants and tonics as soon as they are on the road to recovery, as Pulv.

  8. Diet: moderate, animal food sparingly, and stimulants to be avoided.

  9. Give stimulants only after the patient has recovered enough to swallow, and when there is no serious bleeding.

  10. Stimulants--In serious bleeding of any kind do not give stimulants until the bleeding has been stopped, as the stimulants increase the force of the heart and so increase the flow of blood.

  11. For there naturally was a good deal of that in a passion based on a single interview and nourished by weekly stimulants at morning services.

  12. She knows enough to be satisfied that all that can be done is being done; that even warmth and stimulants are useless, perhaps even injurious, till artificial respiration has done its work.

  13. She dreaded the perpetual recourse to such stimulants as change of scene and society, because of the reaction that was sure to follow.

  14. In addition to the remedies already alluded to, stimulants are called for from the first; and should the cough be ineffectual in relieving the bronchial tubes, the administration of an emetic dose of sulphate of zinc may produce a good effect.

  15. Effect of Stimulants on the Energy Supply.

  16. Evidences of their weakening effect are found in the feeling of discomfort and lassitude which result when stimulants to which the body has become accustomed are withdrawn.

  17. Even in periods of weakness and depression, stimulants are usually not called for, but a more perfect provision for hygienic needs.

  18. The natural appetite may be spoiled, however, by overeating and by the use of highly seasoned foods, or by indulging in stimulants during the meal.

  19. Stimulants have been aptly styled "the whips of the nervous system.

  20. To tax stimulants for the sole purpose of making them more difficult to be obtained, is a measure differing only in degree from their entire prohibition; and would be justifiable only if that were justifiable.

  21. These considerations may seem at first sight to condemn the selection of stimulants as special subjects of taxation for purposes of revenue.

  22. Any operation, however, which is urgently called for will be here performed, nourishment, stimulants and opiates administered if required, and the patient moved to the field hospital in an ambulance wagon of the second line of assistance.

  23. These are total abstainers, who maintain that the use of stimulants is essentially sinful, and allege that the wine used by Christ and his disciples at the supper was unfermented.

  24. He was roused by two medical attendants, come prepared with stimulants to sustain him through the next occasion.

  25. I don't know the ones that put him to sleep--that was before my time--but I know the man who injected the stimulants and woke him again.

  26. Carbonate of ammonia and other cardiac stimulants are recommended.

  27. Hot coffee or alcoholic stimulants are of value as restoratives, but the latter are to be avoided during an exposure to cold.

  28. Stimulants must be promptly administered, though cautiously on account of the tendency to nausea and vomiting.

  29. Alcoholic stimulants in some cases are demanded in addition.

  30. For the last few days he had been administering stimulants to relieve the exhaustion which had succeeded the alternations of delirium and stupor.

  31. I feel sure she has not taken any stimulants all through her husband's illness; and she has been constantly in the way of them.

  32. It has been pointed out that there are a variety of substances, which are themselves chemically neutral, that are powerful stimulants of vital activity if used in only minute proportions, but are powerful poisons if present in larger amounts.

  33. Possibly connected with this may be the increased responses exhibited by the action of stimulants (figs.

  34. She had nursed it, and worried over it, and enjoyed ill health so long, that only the constant recourse to the most refined stimulants postponed the end which would have been a merciful relief--to others.

  35. She was taken in hand by a charitable organization and found a home, after she had become pregnant at a wedding feast where alcoholic stimulants flowed freely.

  36. For example, let us take the person who has a settled desire for alcoholic stimulants but really wishes to be rid of it forever.

  37. The desire for alcoholic stimulants merely illustrates the principle involved.

  38. We wonder at the delusions of witchcraft, and can scarcely comprehend how men could so abandon common sense as to give credence to such folly; but the absurdity of the use of alcoholic stimulants is not less puerile.

  39. The men who never tasted stimulants had the most endurance, and suffered the least from cold or exposure of any kind.

  40. Demons developed from germs that might have produced seraphs, become rank growths, drinking in the healthful stimulants of life and reproducing them in hideous forms of vice and crime.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stimulants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.