It would not save him to tell him again that she would never marry Gerald.
As I am a Truesdell and as you are my father, I'll never marry a Curtis.
Now, this Alice didn't never marry, I'll bet a hoss.
I promised him that his son would never marry a Curtis.
He ordered me to promise that I'd never marry a Truesdell.
I'd never marry a man I did not thoroughly respect, and I don't respect you a bit.
To every unfortunate girl I'd say, 'Never marry a man too weak to understand and appreciate you.
If she never came Doctor John would never marry; but he wouldn't be an old bachelor for all that.
I forgot everything except that I loved Jack Willoughby, and that I could never, never marry anybody in the world except him.
Little girl," he said earnestly, "no matter what anyone says to you, never marry a man for his money or for any other reason on earth except because you love him.
Standing alone in her own room the morning after the funeral, she had made a vow to never marry again.
It is so that I have come to expect to never marry.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "never marry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.