Of these thynges that we put in eloquucion, lette thys be the fyrste care, to speake euidentlye after the dignitye and nature of thynges, and to vtter suche wordes, whych as Cicero sayth in hys oratour, no man may iustely reprehende.
In speakynge and wrytynge nothyng is more folyshe than to affecte or fondly to laboure to speake darkelye for the nonce, sithe the proper vse of speach is to vtter the meaning of our mynd with as playne wordes as maye be.
For I plainelie perceiue the realme being in this case, must needs decaie, and be brought to vtter confusion, and finall extermination.
But in case they are repugnant to the woorde of God, they ought in no wise to be receiued, albeit an Angell from Heauen vtter them.
When it waxed night, he commaundeth his seruauntes to make his bedde in the vtter part of the house: he taketh his writing tables, his writing wier and a candle, and sendeth all his seruaunts into the inner part of the house.
Euen so, if at this time spirites appeare, and doe vtter any thinge repugnant to the Doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets, they are to be reiected.
This counterfeit =Samuel= giueth him neither comfort nor Counsell, but driueth him to vtter desperation.
Not long after, Henry the seuenth Emperor, departed this life, to the vtter vndoing of all the Shiriffes.
He would not or could not vtter any speach, although to trie him they hung him vp by the heeles, and miserablie tormented him.
The counsell which they shal commit to me by themselues, their messengers, or letters, I shall keepe secret, and not vtter to any man to their hurt to my knowledge.
They weare for their vtter garmët clokes like vnto Moriscos, but after an other sort.
Some deuill whisper curses in my eare, And prompt me that my tongue may vtter forth, The Venemous Mallice of my swelling heart Luc.
But the bishop perceiuing which way the world went, reconciled himselfe: as for the deane, he stood long in the matter, & at length went himselfe to the pope to vtter his greefe.
Quoth the Earle againe, tell my Lord the Prince, that I loue to speake in that language, in which I can best vtter my mind and not mistake.
For a rymer that will be tyed to no rules at all, but range as he list, may easily vtter what he will: but such maner of Poesie is called in our vulgar, ryme dogrell, with which rebuke we will in no case our maker should be touched.
Decorum to vtterwriting to so great a Maiestie, but the king tooke them in so euill part, as he bid Flamock auaunt varlet, and that he should no more be so neere vnto him.
Here the earle of Chester (to vtter the good will which he had to fight) appointed in faire armour as he was, [Sidenote: The oration of the earle of Chester.
Howbeit I marueiled not a little when as all of them with one voyce began tovtter vnto me these or the like speeches.
But if I durst trouth playnely vtter and expresse.
It is said that as he heard one of host vtter his wish to another thus: "I would to God there were with vs now so manie good soldiers as are at this houre within England!
Now Cupid hangs the head, and melts in shame, for she didvtter Vestas holy name.
But here I see our countrie and the whole English nation to be at a point to fall intovtter ruine.
Englishmen that turned to the enimies side, the discomfiture fell with such slaughter vpon the English host, that king Egelred well perceiued the state of his regall gouernement to bée brought into vtter danger.
Come to the Pedler, Money's a medler, That doth vtter all mens ware-a.
Though hastie reportes through surmises growyng, May of poore innocentes be vtter ouerthrowyng, Yet bicause to thy maister thou hast a true hart, And I know mine owne truth, I forgiue thee for my part.
This hastie forth goyng Had almost brought vs all tovtter vndoing, It made me forget a thing most necessarie.
English host, that king Egelred well perceiued the state of his regall gouernement to bée brought into vtter danger.
The verievtter part of saint Adelmes point, is fiue miles from Sandwich.
This Ercombert was the first of the English kings, which tooke order for the vtter destroieng of all idols throughout his whole kingdome.
By this exchange of the waie also old Salisburie fell into vtter decaie, & Wilton which was before the head towne of the shire, and furnished with twelue parish churches, grew to be but a poore village, and of small reputation.
The next daie he gaue an other assault to the castell, and tooke the vtter court, wherin was found a great number of horsses, kine, and other cattell.
In this meane while, such as misliked with the doctrine and ceremonies then vsed in the church, ceassed not to vtter their consciences, though in secret, to those in whome they had affiance.
Frenchmen would in no wise condescend thereto, without their kings consent, who at that present was not in case to vtter his mind, being troubled with his woonted disease.
Stand thee close then vnder this penthouse, for it drissels raine, and I will, like a true drunkard, vtter all to thee Watch.
If either of you know any inward impediment why you should not be conioyned, I charge you on your soules to vtter it Claud.
For I will beleeue Thou wilt notvtter what thou do'st not know, And so farre wilt I trust thee, gentle Kate La.
Whiche blasphemous doctrine a Burges of the saide towne called Robert Lambe, could not abide, but accused hym in open audience, of erroneous doctrine, and adiured hym in Gods name to vtter the truth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vtter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.