The seuenth, that he shall come fro thence like a triumpher, to iudge the quicke and the deade.
Nicholas in Rouscia descending towardes the South, the Nauigation is without impediment to the cape of Bona Esperanca, ordenarilie traded and daily practised.
Canarie, where we remained a while in that order: but because they of the castle (which lieth to the towne) shot so mightily among vs; 2.
His horse was trapt in the earthie stringes of tree rootes, which though their increase was stubbed downe to the grounde, yet were they not vtterly deaded, but hop'd for an after resurrection.
First and formost he should renounce God and his lawes, and vtterly disclaime the whole title or interest he had in anie couenaunt of saluation.
Too much gall dyd that wormwood of Gibeline wits put in his inke, who ingraued that rubarbe Epitaph on this excellent Poets tombstone, Quite forsaken of all good Angels was he, and vtterly giuen ouer to an artlesse enuie.
It might also be worth noting that Fletcher states that the person in the canoe remained "at a reasonable distance staying himself," and would accept only a hat, "refusing vtterly to meddle with any other thing.
For knowing himselfe not to be of forcevtterly to vanquish the French, he assayed rather by faire forbearance to purchase their friendship.
Generally, the swords went so fast, that the French vnable to endure that deadly storme, were vtterly disbanded and turned to flight.
Hannibal shall flesh himselfe on an olde mans carkas, whose wisedom preserved his citye.
But in generall let all that are in Ordinary-pay, march after the sound of these directions.
Behold Gnato: and if we had some Satericall Poetes nowe a dayes to penn our commedies, that might be admitted of zeale to discypher the abuses of the worlde in the person of notorious offenders.
Can the wonders yt hath wroughte and which you your selfe confesse no more move you?
Well, as it is wisedome to commend where the cause requireth, so it is a poynt of folly to praise without deserte.
Hee sliues one, has a fling at another, a long tale of his talboothe, of a vulnerall sermon, and of a fooles head in souce.
Such greate floudes are like to insue, through this Hiemall distemperature, that diuerse men shall be drowned on drie hilles, and fishe if they could not swimme, were vtterly like to perish.
I vtterly dislike: for Bees loue not to be molested.
A time forbidden to take them in, by the Statute thirteene of Richard the second: but if they should bee allowed this priuiledge in Cornwall, the Inhabitants might vtterly quit all hope of good by them, for the rest of the yeere.
But this halfening, the present flourishing estate of that kingdome, vtterly conuinceth of falshood.
What followeth then, but that there is either no Purgatorie, or one vtterly voyde and emptie?
And moreouer, no man could passe any night in the same house where he was slaine, without some great feare, vntil such time as the house was vtterly destroyed with fire.
For that were vtterly repugnant to the Lawe of God, that hee shoulde confirme Witchcraft and Sorcerie by his example.
And here I wil not say it is to be feared, that there are many amongst them so wicked and villanous, as to exercise & practise magicall Artes, and such like, which are vtterly forbidden.
The Senat and people of Rome as stories witnesse, granted libertie to the people of Cappadocia, when the stocke and issue of their kings was vtterly extinct, to be frée, and Lords of themselues for euer after.
And therefore that God dooth not take vp suche kinde of men straightwayes into heauen, nor yet because they are not vtterly voyde of faith, thrust them presently downe into hell.
Saule= in the beginning of his raigne, while he yet gaue himselfe vnto godlinesse, vtterly destroyed all Coniurers and Witches.
I haue one with mée, sometime my bondseruaunt, but nowe enfraunchized and set at libertie, a man not vtterly vnlearned: with him my yonger brother lay togither in one bed.
There haue bin very many in al ages, which haue vtterly denied that there bee any spirits or straunge sightes.
Then following the streame as the course of the tide changed, he forced with oares to fetch the shore vpon that part of the coast, which he had discouered, and tried the last yeere to be the best landing place for the armie.
But as the Pannonians and Dalmatians had aforetime staied him, when [Sidenote: He kept not promise with the Romans.
Whereupon our souldiers vtterly impatient, were oftentimes ready to cut them in pieces, and to make them pay the price of their foolish arrogancy.
For it came to passe that their Colonies here and there being miserably sacked by strange people did vtterly ruin and ouerthrow their Empire.
For Goodnesse sake, consider what you do, How you may hurt your selfe: I, vtterly Grow from the Kings Acquaintance, by this Carriage.
And by Sea likewise: though their Ships might come to the walls of Syracusa, yet hee vtterly confounded the Romaine Nauye.
For why should we despayre herein, seing the Gospell (wryteth he) was deliuered to this intent, that it might be vtterly vnderstanded of vs, yea to the very inche.
The soile about the citie isvtterly barren, except that about two myles from the citie are seene about fyftie palme trees that beare dates.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vtterly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.