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Example sentences for "vtterlie"

Lexicographically close words:
vtmost; vtter; vtterance; vttered; vttering; vtterly; vttermost; vue; vuelve
  1. Andrews in the vacation: this William was commanded to take vpon him the charge thereof againe, at the kings pleasure, whose meaning was vtterlie to remooue Eadmer, as not worthie of that roome.

  2. Duke Robert also, abhorring and vtterlie detesting this his brothers pride, streightwaies returned home, purposing with himselfe to the hazard of warre, sith he sawe no hope to be had in brotherlie loue and amitie.

  3. On Friday a great number of them, estéemed to 20 thousand, went to the manor of Heiburie that belonged vnto the lord of saint Iohns, and setting fire on it, sought vtterlie to destroie the whole buildings about it.

  4. Therefore to satisfie them, sith otherwise it might not be, he vtterlie renounced his right to the kingdome, and to the whole administration thereof.

  5. King Henrie receiued the ambassadors verie courteouslie, and granted that communication might be had of peace, but vtterlie denied anie abstinence from warre, bicause he would not lose time, if the treatie sorted not to good effect.

  6. For the Ile of Anglesey, which is as a nursse to the Welshmen, those Irishmen that came to the kings aid, had vtterlie wasted and destroied.

  7. Howbeit when he should die, he vtterlie denied that euer he was priuie to anie such thing.

  8. Herevpon, his death being knowne, his people tooke them to flight as men vtterlie discomfited.

  9. So that Walerane being thus dispossessed, exhibited his bill of complaint to the king, who incontinentlie sent to the earle, commanding him to make restitution, which he vtterlie refused to doo.

  10. The bishops, and namelie Lincolne, vtterlie refused to be contributarie to his grant.

  11. But after his death, and when the king had remooued those his councellers from him, he confessed he had put his seale to a writing, but that he vnderstood what were the contents thereof he vtterlie denied.

  12. About thirtie of those offendors were apprehended, and put to execution, besides those that escaped, some into sanctuarie, and some into voluntarie exile, running out of and vtterlie forsaking the countrie.

  13. Wherefore I haue cleerelie determined, and with my selfe concluded, vtterlie to relinquish all such fantasticall imaginations, concerning the obteining of the crowne.

  14. For suerlie he knew that to be the daie, in the which it should be decided and determined whether he should peaceablie obteine and inioy his kingdome during his life, or else vtterlie forgo and be depriued of the same.

  15. But the maior and aldermen of the citie would not in anie wise agree to satisfie their request herein, vtterlie refusing to receiue him or anie of his companie into the citie.

  16. To whether partie a man might iustlie attribute the victorie, it was vtterlie vncerteine, with so like losse & gaine the matter was tried & ended betwixt them.

  17. For so litle doth the lawe made for the doughters of Zalphead helpe the cause of your quenes, that vtterlie it fighteth against them, both damning their authoritie and fact.

  18. Note here the intollerable pride of this antichristian pope in assuming, and the basemindednesse of these two kings in ascribing vnto that man of sinne such dignitie as is vtterlie vnfit for his indignitie.

  19. And so it proued here, for whilest priuat quarels are pursued, the generall affaires are vtterlie neglected: and whilest ech nation séeketh to preferre hir owne aliance, the Iland it selfe is like to become a desert.

  20. To conclude, by the valiant conduct of this chieftaine, the Welshmen were then so sore brought vnder, that in maner the whole nation might séeme to faile, and to be almost vtterlie destroied.

  21. Neither so contented, they did also vtterlie race the said citie, so as it was neuer after that daie builded or reedified againe.

  22. And in the morning, when they saw that if they shuld buckle togither againe, the one part should vtterlie destroie the other, they fell to agréement in moderating ech others demands.

  23. To be bréefe, the Britains were brought into such danger and miserie, that they knew not what way to take for remedie in such present perill, likelie to be ouerrun and vtterlie vanquished of their enimies.

  24. Therefore sirs, now sith it will none otherwise be, but that we shall vtterlie die; better it is for vs to die in the field, than cowardlie to be put to an vtter rebuke and shamefull death, for the right of England standeth in vs.

  25. When the daie was closed, those that were about the king (in number a twentie thousand) hearing how euill their fellowes had sped, began vtterlie to despair of the victorie, and so fell without anie long tarriance to running awaie.

  26. Which Bourchier, the king (offended with the moonkes for the little regard had to his request) vtterlie refused, and would not admit him vnto that place.

  27. After this, the lord Talbot sent to the duke of Burgognie, signifieng that except he would come foorth, and bide by a battell, he would vtterlie wast his countrie of Picardie.

  28. All these obiections he vtterlie denied, or faintlie auoided: but none fullie excused.

  29. At which mishap his whole host being vtterlie discomfited, fled out of the field with the losse of manie, whereof some were slaine, and some taken by pursute.

  30. Wherevpon béeing after laboured to double the summe he vtterlie refused, and determining rather to forsake the realme than to commit such an offense, made suit to the king for licence to go to Rome to fetch his pall of the pope.

  31. Besides these, diuers other bookes and treatises of historicall matter I haue seene and perused, the names of the authors being vtterlie vnknowne.

  32. But as we vtterlie want the first sort, except they be brought vnto vs: so it happeneth sometime, that the other two are ingendered and seene at home amongst vs.

  33. Aristotle vtterlie denieth that anie castle at all can be profitable to a common wealth well gouerned.

  34. You shalbe a king whilest you rule well, but if you doo otherwise, the name of a king shall not remaine with you, but you shall vtterlie forgo it, which God forbid.

  35. Wherefore I vtterlie despaired to obteine my purpose, till this present yeare of Grace 1584.

  36. Greeke and Hebrue, much more then to be vtterlie ignorant or nothing conuersant in them.

  37. Neither will I speake oughts of the Romane partitions, & limits of their legions, whose number and place of abode, except of the Victorian and Augustane, is to me vtterlie vnknowne.

  38. And there it was agreed that the said Iohn and all the Scots should vtterlie submit themselues to the kings will.

  39. Cothie, whose race is somewhat long, and therefore his description not vtterlie to be passed ouer.

  40. But when the earle could not preuaile in his sute, he tooke his iournie towards England, vtterlie despairing to procure any peace.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vtterlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.