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Example sentences for "great victory"

  • How often have the French, in appearance at least, allowed themselves to be consoled for the defects of the home administration by a great victory or an advantageous peace!

  • Queen and cardinal regarded it as a great victory, for they had carried their view: but the tone of the country was still against them.

  • One of these delaying fights took place on the night of the 15th-16th November, and was claimed by von Hindenburg as a great victory.

  • The Allies merely held their lines, yet really they won a great victory, because they had achieved their object.

  • There was much joy in Berlin, and the capture of the city was acclaimed as a great victory, in which "we did not lose a single man.

  • If to follow up a great victory promptly, vigorously, and fully, be one of the distinguishing marks of a great commander, then the Duke of Marlborough was certainly one of the greatest generals of whom history tells.

  • This proved to be the Duke of Marlborough's last great battle and his last great victory.

  • And, what was worse, rarely has a great victory produced so little fruit.

  • Delivered by a great victory" could mean but one thing to one so young as she; so day after day she answered their questions in the manner of one who is waiting expectantly for some great good to happen.

  • My Voices have told me that I shall be delivered by a great victory.

  • Her Voices had promised "deliverance by a great victory," and deliverance had not come.

  • They had spoken also of deliverance by a great victory, but Jeanne misunderstood the message.

  • And when a consul had gained a great victory, he had what was called a triumph.

  • The next time the Gauls came, Marcus Valerius, a descendant of the old hero Publicola, was consul, and gained a great victory.

  • There was a great battle fought at Pharsalia, a battle which nearly put an end to the old government of Rome, for Cæsar gained a great victory; and Pompeius fled to the coast, where he found a vessel and sailed for Egypt.

  • A great victory," said Wellington, "is the most awful thing in the world, except a great defeat.

  • No one will ever know how near we came to a great victory.

  • They claimed a great victory, and with justice, as they finally held the ground.

  • As might be expected, our evacuation of Ningpo was represented to the Emperor as a great victory gained.

  • Our forbearance was magnified into a great victory by them, for the moment at all events.

  • It was a great victory; but in the midst of it Sir John Moore was wounded by a cannon shot, and only live long enough to hear that the battle was won.

  • They gained a great victory, and the English thought it made up for Hastings.

  • Dion had just been stopped by the zither-player to ask for confirmation of the tidings that the united forces of Antony and Cleopatra had gained a great victory on sea and land.

  • They are indeed ringing for a Great Victory," she replied; "the greatest ever won.

  • Is it a king's marriage, or a great victory?

  • Their first peal had sounded in honour of a great victory.

  • Had the Spaniards been trustworthy, Wellington might even yet have won a great victory; but then had they been so, there would have been no battle of Talavera at all.

  • Seldom, in modern times, has a great victory been so cheaply purchased; the total of killed and wounded on the side of the allies fell considerably short of 4000 men.

  • Spain won a great victory, and while the people were still rejoicing, the queen's officers met Columbus to make plans for the long-thought-of voyage.

  • Sidenote: =A great victory=] Only a few cannon on each ship could be fired.

  • How long has it been since we won a great victory?

  • We have won a great victory," he said, "but it doesn't pay us.

  • We shall dwell for a moment on the nature of the effect of a great victory.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great victory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great captain; great deale; great effect; great encouragement; great future; great height; great hill; great hunter; great mass; great multitude followed him; great national; great nature; great peril; great plain; great prophet; great public; great question; great respect; great revolution; great rivers; great voice; great way; greater degree; greatest diameter; greatly mistaken; she got