How often have the French, in appearance at least, allowed themselves to be consoled for the defects of the home administration by a great victory or an advantageous peace!
Queen and cardinal regarded it as a great victory, for they had carried their view: but the tone of the country was still against them.
One of these delaying fights took place on the night of the 15th-16th November, and was claimed by von Hindenburg as a great victory.
The Allies merely held their lines, yet really they won a great victory, because they had achieved their object.
There was much joy in Berlin, and the capture of the city was acclaimed as a great victory, in which "we did not lose a single man.
If to follow up a great victory promptly, vigorously, and fully, be one of the distinguishing marks of a great commander, then the Duke of Marlborough was certainly one of the greatest generals of whom history tells.
This proved to be the Duke of Marlborough's last great battle and his last great victory.
Delivered by a great victory" could mean but one thing to one so young as she; so day after day she answered their questions in the manner of one who is waiting expectantly for some great good to happen.
My Voices have told me that I shall be delivered by a great victory.
Her Voices had promised "deliverance by a great victory," and deliverance had not come.
They had spoken also of deliverance by a great victory, but Jeanne misunderstood the message.
And when a consul had gained a great victory, he had what was called a triumph.
The next time the Gauls came, Marcus Valerius, a descendant of the old hero Publicola, was consul, and gained a great victory.
There was a great battle fought at Pharsalia, a battle which nearly put an end to the old government of Rome, for Cæsar gained a great victory; and Pompeius fled to the coast, where he found a vessel and sailed for Egypt.
A great victory," said Wellington, "is the most awful thing in the world, except a great defeat.
No one will ever know how near we came to a great victory.
They claimed a great victory, and with justice, as they finally held the ground.
As might be expected, our evacuation of Ningpo was represented to the Emperor as a great victory gained.
Our forbearance was magnified into a great victory by them, for the moment at all events.
It was a great victory; but in the midst of it Sir John Moore was wounded by a cannon shot, and only live long enough to hear that the battle was won.
They gained a great victory, and the English thought it made up for Hastings.
Dion had just been stopped by the zither-player to ask for confirmation of the tidings that the united forces of Antony and Cleopatra had gained a great victory on sea and land.
They are indeed ringing for a Great Victory," she replied; "the greatest ever won.
Their first peal had sounded in honour of a great victory.
Had the Spaniards been trustworthy, Wellington might even yet have won a great victory; but then had they been so, there would have been no battle of Talavera at all.
Seldom, in modern times, has a great victory been so cheaply purchased; the total of killed and wounded on the side of the allies fell considerably short of 4000 men.
Spain won a great victory, and while the people were still rejoicing, the queen's officers met Columbus to make plans for the long-thought-of voyage.
Sidenote: =A great victory=] Only a few cannon on each ship could be fired.
How long has it been since we won a great victory?
We have won a great victory," he said, "but it doesn't pay us.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great victory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.