They now demand that the victors shall concede to the vanquished all that the latter have ever claimed, and vastly more than they could secure when they themselves were victors.
Ambrose Spencer, he said, the man whom Clay was now ready to honour, had begun it, and he himself "saw nothing wrong in the rule that to the victors belong the spoils of the enemy.
The exultant cannon of the victors startled the city from its slumbers, and convinced the Silver-Grays that the Woolly Heads still held the capitol.
It has been thought strange that the natives should not have availed themselves of their superior numbers to fall on the victors after they had been exhausted by the battle.
The lands, the persons, of the conquered races were parcelled out and appropriated by the victors as the legitimate spoils of victory; and outrages were perpetrated every day, at the contemplation of which humanity shudders.
It was gained not so much by the strength of the victors as by the weakness of the vanquished.
Their hearts overflowing with joy and thankfulness the victors sank on their knees at nightfall, when all was over, and thanked God for His mercy.
In humbleness and in a spirit of true devotion, the victors fell to thanking God on the battlefield for their rescue, and they instituted a day of thanksgiving to be observed as year after year it should come round.
The acquisition of the victors were in no way adequate to the labour expended.
The invincible veterans of Longstreet, oftener victors than the Tenth Legion of Caesar, had rejoined their companions, who boasted the additional honors of Chancellorsville.
As the victors hurried through the fort, the sound of cannon from the ship of war in the harbour, proclaimed that some of their enemies had reached the shore, and were being protected in their embarkation.
Parties of the victors were hurrying over the fort, some ransacking the quarters of the officers, others piling the arms of the conquered, and others collecting the prisoners who had lain down their arms.
Loud shouts arose from the gallant victors as the dark eagles were seen flying far out to sea; and all that part of the country was, for the present, relieved from the baneful shadow of their wings.
The rule in the civil service was, "to the victors belong the spoils.
They organized and carried out their surprise in a wonderful manner, and perhaps they would be the victors tonight if we didn't have such a general as Sheridan.
After a long while the exhausted victors fell asleep.
And I thought it likely that, after that decisive battle, the victors would consider the welfare of the public, and that the vanquished would consider their own.
Pompey will not lay down his arms for the loss of Spain; he holds with Themistocles that those who are masters at sea will be the victorsin the end.
The opposition succeeds; the government is overthrown; the victors divide into a moderate party and an advanced party.
Indeed, the victors are said to have been so merciless as to cut off the right foot of every captive, no matter what his rank or nation.
But when the moon rose, the victors fiercely urged the pursuit.
The tree itself had been originally brought, it was said, from the country of the Hyperboreans, by Hercules, and planted in Olympia, where it was sacredly preserved to furnish garlands for the victors in the games.
It is said, however, that only one case of such detection ever occurred, and in that case the woman was pardoned in consideration of the fact that her father, her brothers, and her son had all been victors in the games.
XLIII Who now is left to keepe the forlorne maid From raging spoile of lawlesse victors will?
Victors at the Pythian games and triumphing Roman generals were crowned with laurel.
When at last darkness covered the earth, the victors themselves were terrified at their work.
They were three thousand men in all; but the courage of the garrison increased by a hundred thousand, for they were the victors from Pogrebische, Nyemiroff, Makhnovka, and Konstantinoff.
The victors then returned, bearing in their canoes another thousand captives, of whom many were slain and cooked to provide a share of the horrid feast to the women of the tribe.
The diggers took refuge in the empty claims, where some were bayoneted and others captured, whilst the victors set fire to the tents, and soon afterwards retired with 125 prisoners.
Wright attacking with equal vigor, soon the disorder spread through every part of Early's force, and in rout and ruin the exultant victors of the morning were flying up the valley.
Great was the astonishment of Taylor when daylight revealed to him the retreat of the victors of Pleasant Hill.
The vanquished cry; the victors loudly shout; 'Tis terror all within, and slaughter all without.
Thus equal deaths are dealt with equal chance: By turns they quit their ground, by turns advance, Victors and vanquished in the various field, Nor wholly overcome, nor wholly yield.
The defeat of his Turkish friends in the Balkan Wars had been almost as great a blow to him as to them, and he had seen in the subsequent discord of the victors a chance of crushing them all.
It was the common characteristic of the victors that they could not win decisive battles in the sense of earlier wars, and of the vanquished that they evaded the expected Sedans and Waterloos.
There was fought a battle hardly less fatal to victors than to vanquished, for though the hosts of Meave were routed, yet Concobar's men could not continue the pursuit.
Seeing themselves quite outnumbered, therefore, the survivors of the Firbolgs with Sreng demanded single combat with De Danaan champions, but the victors offered them worthy terms of peace.
For when men have been vanquished, their victors never hate them any longer.
As for me, then, the victors will have in me as true a guardian of the state as they lately found in me an enemy, since he whom nature has endowed with the quality of fidelity does not change his conviction when he changes his fortune.
And when they were bitterly reproached by their allies, they blamed the difficulty of the country, and laying down the amount of the penalty, they divided the land with the victors according to the agreement made.
Here indeed was fought the good fight, and the victors rose to heaven with palms in their hands.
There was little bloodshed, but the French victors were in possession of hostages of the utmost value in the families of Abd-el-Ka-der's most influential chiefs.
On this account, the victors had so diligently desecrated it as to render the apartment in which it was contained too noisome to abide in.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "victors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.