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Example sentences for "victorie"

Lexicographically close words:
victims; victis; victoriae; victoriam; victorias; victories; victorious; victoriously; victors; victory
  1. For victorie dooth not alwaies follow the greatest multitude, neither is it a necessarie consequent, that the biggest bodie is indued with most force.

  2. The battell is at hand, and the victorie approcheth; and if we shamefullie recule, or cowardlie flee; we and all our sequele be destroied, and dishonored for euer.

  3. Remember that victorie is not gotten with the multitudes of men, but with the courages of hearts, and valiantnesse of minds.

  4. Sidenote: Victorie consisteth not in multitude but in manlinesse.

  5. Just this morning I had to send her home because she was ill.

  6. A dead language, spoken by the ancient Egyptians thirty or forty centuries ago.

  7. I didn't think the thing through or I wouldn't have been such a fool.

  8. A while he stood in this astonishment, 2 Yet would he not for all his great dismay Giue ouer to effect his first intent, 4 And th'vtmost meanes of victorie assay, Or th'vtmost issew of his owne decay.

  9. Then gan triumphant Trompets sound on hie, 2 That sent to heauen the ecchoed report Of their new ioy, and happie victorie 4 Gainst him, that had them long opprest with tort, And fast imprisoned in sieged fort.

  10. For ioy of this second victorie (saith Galfrid) Cassibellane made a great feast at London, and there did sacrifice to the gods.

  11. Thus king Ethelwulfe obteined a glorious victorie in so mightie a battell, as a greater had not beene lightlie heard of to chance within the English dominions.

  12. At length the victorie rested on the side where the right was, so that the wicked murtherer after he had fought a while, at length was slaine, togither with [Sidenote: Simon Dun.

  13. After which victorie by them obteined, they did much [Sidenote: Polychron.

  14. To be briefe, this battell was foughten with so equall fortune, that no man knew to whether part the victorie ought to be ascribed.

  15. At length the Englishmen hauing valiantlie foughten a long time with the enimies, which had compassed [Sidenote: The victorie doubtful.

  16. I can tell you myself Queen Victorie is a fine little woman I ever seen on my life.

  17. The duke of Burgognie cared not much on whose side the victorie fell, sauing for paiment of his monie: for he would oft saie, that he was freend to both parties, and either part was freendlie to him.

  18. The Welshmen got first the west hill, hoping to haue recouered the east hill also, which if they might haue obteined, the victorie had beene theirs, as their foolish prophesiers told them before.

  19. The multitude of Englishmen and Gauntiners at this siege was great, so that diuerse skirmishes chanced betwixt them, and such as were appointed by the earle to lie in garrisons against them: but still the victorie abode on the English side.

  20. Sidenote: A good victorie of them of Calis against the French fléet.

  21. A great victorie of the English nauie against the Flemish fléet, Ia.

  22. Here the English writers make mention of a battell, which the constable of Castile should giue to the duke, and that the victorie remained on the dukes side, and the Spaniards chased out of the field.

  23. King Henrie in the meane time following victorie and his good successe, sent the duke of Clarence to the sea coast, where (with great difficultie) he got the towne of Baieux, whereof the lord Matreuers was appointed capteine.

  24. Sidenote: A great victorie on the English side.

  25. But let no man ascribe victorie to our owne strength and might, but onelie to Gods assistance, to whome I haue no doubt we shall worthilie haue cause to giue thanks therefore.

  26. There was at the first a sharpe bickering betwixt them, but in the end the victorie remained with the Englishmen; so that manie of the Frenchmen were slaine, and taken, and the residue chased out of the field.

  27. Sidenote: The same day that the new maior went to Westminster to receiue his oth, the aduertisement of this noble victorie came to the citie in the morning betimes yer men were vp from their beds.

  28. Before he made them answer (to vnderstand what they would saie) he demanded of them whie they made to him that request, considering that he knew not whether the victorie was his or theirs?

  29. But yet this victorie and others the like, staied not the Frenchmen from working treason dailie, insomuch that diuers townes turned to the part of K.

  30. Thus was the queene fortunate in hir two battels, but vnfortunate was the king in all his enterprises: for where his person was present, the victorie still fled from him to the contrarie part.

  31. About this time the lord Willoughbie & sir Thomas Kiriell, returning with great victorie out of Burgognie, passing by the towne of Louiers, latelie reduced to the English obeisance, furnished it both with men and munition.

  32. But vnto which side the victorie should befall, vncerteine it was before the triall of both their chances had determined the doubt by the euent of the conflict.

  33. The earles, hauing got the victorie in this bloudie battell, conueied the king to London, and lodged him in the bishops palace.

  34. In this luckie time also, no lesse occasion of victorie was offered to the Englishmen in an other part, if they could haue vsed it with such circumspect warinesse as had beene expedient.

  35. But in conclusion the Frenchmen not able to resist the force of the English nation, were discomfited, slaine, and chased, leauing a glorious victorie to the Englishmen and Burgognions.

  36. And by goddes helpe he had victorie And whan the barbaryns y't were comen to helpe guion fawe y'e disconfiture they fledde away/ and guion fledd also in to affricque by shiipp/ and whan he was ther arryued he was sone after stranglid/ These .

  37. And as often as we haue so done, still the victorie was theyrs, and the ouerthrowe ours.

  38. And the fielde where this battayle was fought is called Otumpan: there was neuer a more notable facte done in India, nor greater victorie since the first discouery of the same.

  39. But those that went with the Treasurer, following victorie and spoyle, had left a bridge not well dammed vp, but verye hollowe and false, the whiche was of twelue paces broad, and two fadom in depth.

  40. It was thought, that if king Edmund had pursued the victorie and followed in chase of his enimies in such wise as he safelie might haue doone, he had made that day an end of the warres: [Sidenote: Edriks counsell.

  41. Swaine vsed the victorie verie cruellie against the Englishmen, oppressing them on each hand; to the intent that them being brought low he might gouerne in more suertie.

  42. Romans in great ioy & gladnes for the victorie atchiued.

  43. For Aldroenus agréed to send his brother Constantine ouer into great Britaine with a conuenient power, vpon condition, that the victorie being obteined against the enimies, the Britains should make him king of great Britaine.

  44. But the victorie which Marius obteined against their king Roderike, chanced in the yéere after the incarnation 87.

  45. O what a manifold victorie was this, worthie vndoubtedlie of innumerable triumphes!

  46. In the meane time, king John receiuing newes of this prosperous victorie thus gotten by his people, did woonderfullie reioise for the same, conceiuing an hope, that all his businesse would now come forward and growe to good successe.

  47. But Robert Turneham, togither with Sauerie de Mauleon, and Gerard de Atie, bare themselues so manfullie, that in all conflicts for the most part the victorie remained on their sides.

  48. For the Englishmen contented with that victorie which they had gotten, thought it not necessarie to follow him with their further hazard.

  49. Also it was told him, how Ferdinando the earle of Flanders, being certified of the victorie atchiued by his freends, followed at his backe.

  50. Againe, when the Duke after his great victorie at Hastings aduanced his armie towards Hartford-shire; Fredericke Abbot of S.

  51. And this was not the least piece of his Honour, that the Kings of England which succeeded, did accompt their order onely from him: not in regard of his victorie in England, but generally in respect of his vertue and valour.

  52. And if it be true which all men of action doe hold, that the eye in all battailes is first ouercome, then against men equally accustomed to both, the sight of the arrow is more auaileable to victorie then the cracke of the piece.

  53. To diuers Churches in France after his victorie he sent Crosses of gold, vessels of gold, rich Palles, or other ornaments of great beautie and price.

  54. Thus Anselme, with full saile of victorie and ioy returned towards England; but the Kings Ambassadour stayed behind, to assay whether by any meanes hee could worke the Pope to a milder minde.

  55. The next day after the victorie the Duke returned to Hastings, about seuen miles from the place of the encounter, partly to refresh his Armie, and partly to settle in aduise and order for his further prosecution.

  56. This so diuerted the Aniouans to the rescue of their Earle, that they let the other part of the victorie goe.

  57. After this victorie the King reduced Normandie entirely into his possession, and annexed it to the Realme of England.

  58. In which quarrell Henry was aided by Euerharde Earle Palatine, and Giselbert Duke of Lorreine, with diuers other Princes of Almaine: But when the cause came to be canuased by the sword, the victorie adiudged the Empire to Otho.

  59. Yet in the end the victorie fell to the Englishmen, and the French ships put to the chase and scattered abroad.

  60. Ys nat victorie in Batayle; 440 [The Battle Between Arthur and Lucius.

  61. How falsly quitte he her affeccioun By whom victorie he gat, as he hath wold!

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "victorie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.