Lastly he refers briefly to the prevalent evils of worldly and social life; to wit, the luxury in dress and food, the habits of excess common among Germans, the practice of usury and taking interest.
And if anybody thinks that usury can never go to lengths wicked enough to be worthy of so wild an image, then that person either knows nothing about it or knows too much.
Can Armenian usury be a common topic of talk in a camp in California and in a club in Piccadilly?
The first is the charge of usuryand unproductive loans, the second the charge either of treason or of unpatriotic detachment.
That is to say, the drifting and detached condition may be largely the cause of Jewish usuryor gipsy pilfering; but it is not common sense to contradict the general experience of gipsy pilfering or Jewish usury.
Palestine has hardly as yet a patriotism to be betrayed; but it certainly has a peasantry to be oppressed, and especially to be oppressed as so many peasantries have been with usury and forestalling.
The Zionists therefore are maintaining a perfectly reasonable proposition, both about the charge of usury and the charge of treason, if they claim that both could be cured by the return to a national soil as promised in Zionism.
And the moral is that the logic of usury is in its nature at war with life, and might logically end in breaking into the bloody house of life.
This iz the common practice, authorized by law; so that laws against usury only create an evil in one way, by endevoring to prevent it in another.
Now laws against usury create this very evil: They drive money from a country; they create a necessity for it; and then a few welthy men enrich themselves, not by loaning at fifteen or twenty per cent.
Laws against usury were doutless necessary and useful at that time.
The municipal laws of different states and kingdoms hav fixed different rates of interest; so that what iz usury in one country or state, iz legal interest in another.
Laws against usury do not save such men; it iz idle to suppose it; on the contrary, they multiply instances of oppression, az all America can witness.
The laws against usury increase the distresses of the needy, by enhancing the risk, and consequently the insurance on loans.
Laws against usury do not help such men; on the contrary they oppress them.
Laws against usury therefore I consider az originating ether in the necessity of the times, which long ago ceesed, or in a bigotted prejudice against the Jews, which waz az barbarous formerly, az it iz now infamous.
They will vew laws against usury in the same light that we do the inquisition in Spain, the execution of gypsies and witches in the last century, or thoze laws of England which make 100l.
And yet, by the strangest antinomy, this same banker is the most relentless collector of profits, increase, and usury ever inspired by the demon of property.
These two modes of suicide are at first simultaneous; but soon the first is given additional force by the second, famine uniting with usury to render labor at once more necessary and more scarce.
Moses and Jesus Christ proscribed, under the names of usury and inequality, [50] all sorts of profit and increase.
Rent," says Bossuet, "is as far from usury as heaven is from the earth.
Usury flourished as it had never flourished before.
Usury Laws While thus the great democrat had the imperishable honour of emancipating personal freedom in principle from capital, he attempted moreover to impose a police limit on the excessive power of capital by usury-laws.
Usury is unlawful to the Muhammadans, but as they are spendthrift and improvident, the Hindus are able to make a living among them by lending them money in times of necessity.
Usury was practised to such an incredible extent that the interest on loans in some instances equalled, in a few months, the whole capital; this was the more aristocratic mode of making money, which not even senators disdained.
The Jews are strictly forbidden by their law to exercise usury towards one an other.
The Jews are strictly forbidden by their law, to exercise usury among one another.
To evade the usury laws life annuities were often sold at a low rate, redeemable for a stipulated sum.
Trade might now be practised, but usurywas to be avoided.
She gave pitiable facts and figures of Indian famines, and passed on to describe in more detail the evils of usury in the Bombay Deccan.
What are the practical remedies for extortionate usury in India, and principally in the Bombay Deccan?
A Lombardunto this day signifying a bank for usury or pawns.
Debt and usury is the incubus which weighs most heavily on the agricultural resources of Turkey.
A Lombard unto this day signifying a bank for usury or pawns.
He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor.
Debt and usury is the incubus which weighs most heavily on the agricultural resources of Turkey.
The trade of merchandise being the most lucrative, may bear usury at a good rate.
What he borrows from the ancients, he repays with usury of Dryden.
Archaic] Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of anything that is lent upon usury.
In such a situation the legislator has to choose between forbidding interest here and allowing usury there; between restraining speculation and licensing oppression.
Usury then is no mere taking of exorbitant interest.
Hence the same transaction, as described by the letter of the law, might mean lawful interest in the city, and usury out in the country--the two were so disconnected.
His is the art of putting two and two together, and usury is the art of putting interest together.
Usury he would absolutely abolish, to save the poorer classes from ruin.
Among the Jews usury is made the rule, whereas amongst the Christians it is repressed.
We hear him denouncing with fire and power the vice of usury which was on the increase.
France had already spent immense sums in bribes without any satisfactory remuneration, but Louis now exacted usuryfor the money he advanced.
What is the forfeiture for taking usury in this state?
As usury was forbidden in Israel, and precautions against excessive indebtedness were exceedingly elaborate, the possibilities of oppression in connection with debt in Israel were much more limited than in most ancient communities.
It is enough for our purpose that usury in its literal sense was actually forbidden among Israelites, and that they were thus shut out from the developed commercial life of the surrounding nations.
He could not ruin himself by borrowing at extravagant rates of interest, for no one was tempted to lend him, and usury was forbidden.
The landless classes were ground down by usury and oppression, for in that state of society the landless man had no career in trade, and was at the mercy of the landholding capitalist.
A large part of this general hatred of the Jews was due to the fact that they were making money out of their trade and their medical science, being allowed by their own law to take usury from the Christians.
Jew may lend upon usuryto a foreigner, while he is forbidden to do so dealing with a brother.
Their powers are put out at interest, and they get usury in kind.
In connection with usury laws, some confusion has arisen as to what constitutes a purchase and what constitutes a discount.
If the usurious interest has been paid by the borrower, double the amount of the usury may be recovered from the bank by the borrower.
This transaction does not come within the usury laws.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "usury" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.