If the disease involves the head and lungs, the animal may become unthrifty and emaciated.
Sheep that are unthrifty and in a poor physical condition, especially if this is due to internal parasites, frequently develop dropsical swellings in the region of the jaw, or neck.
It is quite frequently found in large numbers, almost filling the lumen of the intestine of an unthrifty pig (Fig.
After clipping the ticks migrate from the ewes to the lambs, which may become unthrifty and weak.
If, however, the increase in the quantity of urine secreted occurs independently of any normal cause and is accompanied by an unthrifty and weakened condition of the animal, it would then characterize disease.
If the disease involves the digestive tract, the animal is unthrifty and loses flesh rapidly.
They ranted, drank, and merry made, Till all his gold it waxed thinne; And then his friendes they slunk away; They left the unthrifty heire of Linne.
Soe fares the unthrifty lord of Linne Till all his gold is gone and spent; And he maun sell his landes so broad, His house, and landes, and all his rent.
I pay for their meetings, I am sure: that boy Makes prize of all his fingers 'light upon To relieve his unthrifty uncle.
Miserable fathers have, for the most part, unthrifty sons.
Be it the worst, then: that place I did assign My unthrifty brother, Ludgate, must now be mine.
I could prevent[37] you: is't not my unthrifty brother?
God forbid that nyse unthrifty thought shulde come in thy mynde, 55 thy wittes to trouble; sithen every thing in coming is contingent.
She was very lavish, andunthrifty of her property; so that her goods and ready money wasted away, and at last she had scarce anything left but land and stock.
But, as a wife, she was unthrifty and drunken, and she has not changed, for her sobriety was more than suspected on the day of the funeral.
There is the able-bodied man with his drunken, unthrifty wife, and his emaciated children.
She was very layish, and unthriftyof her property; so that her goods and ready money wasted away, and at last she had scarce anything left but land and stock.
Gunnar stood up, and Kolskegg with him, and Kolskegg said, "Unthrifty will Hallgerda's kinsmen be to thee.
America was still undiscovered; the overland route to India was the only one known; the people of the continent outside of Italy were unthrifty serfs, ruled and ruined by unthrifty lords.
The bulk of the dry lands are light and thin in soil, and the natural humours of the ground have been much exhausted by the unthrifty habit of veld-burning.
With hazarders and rioters he keepeth residence At clash and cards, with all unthrifty game; Which, in continuance, shall bring him shame.
Of these three unthrifty guests: They know full little what is their ordinance.
The thrifty citizen inspires the confidence of the community, and acquires an influence in community affairs that the unthrifty citizen does not enjoy.
As a nation we may be thrifty or unthrifty in the use of our resources (see Chapters XIV and XV).
The tax, under thrifty management, could be easily paid; under unthrifty management, it would ruin the manager.
The losses of the unthrifty managers come out of the accumulations of previous thrift, or else are borne by the thrifty men who have trusted them.
The actual profits in any enterprise are often overestimated by our failing to notice that all the waste of unthrifty undertakings comes practically out of the profits of the more thrifty.
In many instances, the low condition of farm property is due to unthrifty neglect of farmers in whole neighborhoods.
A farm valued at $500 annual rent might, under thrifty management, produce twice as much as under unthrifty management.
THE HEIR OF LINNE PART I LITHE and listen, gentlemen, To sing a song I will begin: It is of a lord of faire ScotlĂ nd, Which was the unthrifty heir of Linne.
They ranted, drank, and merry made, Till all his gold it waxed thin; And then his friends they slunk away; They left the unthrifty heir of Linne.
So fares the unthrifty lord of Linne Till all his gold is gone and spent; And he maun sell his lands so broad, His house, and lands, and all his rent.
This baby, if we must give it that sweet name, seemed to be three or four months old, but, being such anunthrifty changeling, might have been considerably older.
Why should any one save," the unthrifty soul will most naturally ask, "if his savings are liable to have a slice cut out of them by a levy at any time?