Her face was as pale as ivory; every drop of blood seemed to have left it; the same with her neck and bosom; her limbs had dropped anyhow, in disarray; a fur jacket was untidily cast over her black muslin dress.
There, in the terrible and incurable squalor of Marthe's own kitchen, Marthe's apron was thrown untidily across the back of the solitary windsor chair.
It lay unlocked, as she had left it the evening before, the contents protruding untidily from under the thick leather flap.
With hysterical impetuosity she tore off each garment and threw it untidily upon the floor; then slipping into bed, she buried her hot face in the pillows and burst into a violent, unreasoning torrent of tears.
A mass of dark hair, caught by a big red bow, tumbled untidily down her back.
This woman had grey hair that escaped its pins and fell untidily about her shoulders.
Her face was white and her hair fell untidily about her eyes.
The Corporal demanded to know why the man had wandered so far from billets and what he meant by being so untidily turned out.
Returning from his mission through the streets of Mons he saw a soldier untidily dressed and without puttees, but wearing on his jacket the red circles which were the distinguishing mark of the 1/4th Londons.
His face was painted a dark red; and face and head alike were oiled so he looked greasy; he fed untidily with his fingers, and sometimes, when he would give a morsel to one of his followers, rent the meat with his hands.
He was a man of middle age, untidily dressed, whose clothes were covered with cigar ash and recent wine stains, whose linen was none of the cleanest, and whose eyes behind his pince-nez were already bloodshot.
Some clothing lay untidily over one of the two rush-bottomed chairs.
The handkerchief she took from the coat pocket into which it had been untidily stuffed, in order to search underneath.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "untidily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.