Most of the above I elicited from Marlow, for all I knew of Carleon Anthony was hisunexciting but fascinating verse.
This latter was unexciting as a coincidence, however.
Acres of them, once known to their last tree, including the safest routes of approach by day or night, had been cut down to make space for substantial but unexciting houses, quite like the houses in anybody's town.
When I stop to think about it, I can hardly bring myself to swallow our unexciting meals; I wish to be dining on curries and tamales and mangos.
However, I waive judgment until tomorrow at four, when I am to pay a short, unexciting call of half an hour.
He would continue in the unexcitingexpress business for a while, until he had amassed enough to buy the ball-team.
It resulted in his being told that he could play freely with his dime one whole afternoon before the unexciting process of saving it began.
Many a man finds it easy, under the pressure of strong excitement, and for a moment or two, to keep up a swift pace, who finds it very difficult to keep steadily at unexciting work.
With His life in us we shall be ready for the long hours of uneventful, unexciting duties, and for the short spurts that make exacting calls on us.
Again it led me through a lonely country of field and forest, unexciting but very pleasant, a country fragrant with the scent of wild flowers and the refreshing odours of the woods.
Whereupon the folly of his anger became extremely apparent to Laurence; the more so that he had so recently concluded to eschew ambitious adventures and decline upon the large and unexciting levels of the Commonplace.
It gives me a charmed and unexciting feeling of being caressed without being loved.
For he himself had said that his chances of stability lay in an even and unexciting tenor of life.
Therefore I and I alone was able to pierce through his blandness, and to see the tremendousness of the effort behind it all; and I wondered whether that was his idea of an easy and unexciting life!
You know that in comparatively uneventful, unexciting circumstances he could go back four years in a night.
The study was an unexciting and comparatively comfortable room.
Walking day by day along the shore or through the fields, he came to think that life might very well be spent without ambitious or extended hopes in quiet toil and unexciting pleasures.
No exciting books suit feverish patients; Unexciting books make one drowsy.
The Proposition may be written "All | unexciting books | are | books that make one drowsy".
All | unexcitingbooks | are | books that make one drowsy".
It was, as he had said, her points of view which gave interest to the facts that unexciting people had died, married, or been born.
His spiritualistic faith was a reality to him, as unexciting as Christianity to the normal Christian; he entertained no manner of doubt as to its truth.
He merely was not quite sure whether or no he wanted to do that which he had been on the point of proposing, and which in itself was of a perfectly unexciting nature.