The Jews, who cared nothing about papal maledictions, were enriched by the pontificalaction in relation to the lending of money at high interest; but Pius II.
John de Medici, that magnificent Pope, had been scarcely elected to the Pontifical chair by the title of Leo X.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, description of the Roman Pontifical College, 61.
On the first day of the year 1818, Bishop Dubourg celebrated Pontifical Mass at St. Genevieve.
Since 1859 the Italians of what was once known as the States of the Church, have been deprived of this great blessing of the Pontifical rule, and with what dire results let us examine.
Facing the pontifical throne was a platform reserved for the Queen of Naples and her suite.
Then comes Samuel, in many ways typical of Christ, the founder of the Royal Priesthood and of Pontifical Kingship; and last of all, David holding the Lamb and Crown of Calvary.
During a vacancy of the pontifical chair no judicial or political functionary may, on any pretext, invade the (p.
Boniface, is depicted again in similar pontifical garments, and is attended by two cross-bearers.
Peter as made to the See of Rome, and including the essential prerogatives of the Pontifical power.
From the biography of Leo in the Pontifical book was copied the simple name into the readings of the Roman Breviary for the day of this saint, and so it remained down to the 17th century.
The “potestas,” said to have been assigned by Constantine to the Roman see, does not exceed the authority which even according to the Vita Sylvestri of the Pontifical had been given by Constantine to that pope.
Astronomy in the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, and director of a private observatory on the Janiculum in that city, wrote his historical scientific study [Footnote 2] of the great founder of modern astronomy.
The ambassador of Venice was the first in the pontifical city who received news of the defeat of Marignan.
His Belgian and Spanish devotion had been developed by his preceptor Adrian, who afterwards occupied the pontifical throne.
Rome, was insulted by the pontifical guard, which killed one of his pages and fired on the carriage of his lady.
Not having undertaken a detailed history of all the pontifical intrigues, we shall take leave to be silent on the five propositions of Jansenius, condemned by Innocent X.
A pontificalinterregnum of two years, from Clement V.
Imploring the assistance of Barbarossa, who had been elected emperor, he offered to crown him, and obtained from this prince a promise to receive the pontifical authority at Rome.
Italy; and such were the points of support on which the pontifical levers went to work, in order to put it under way once more.
If I mistake not, our passport was examined by the papal officers at the last custom-house in the pontifical territory, before we traversed the path through which the Roman army marched to its destruction.
Pontifical Sword presented by Pope Eugene IV to John II of Castile, 10 G 13.
He also declared that the French had landed, not to defend the existing Pontifical Government, but to avert great misfortunes from the country.
Orazio and his companions meanwhile were not sleeping, and received regular information from their friends in Rome of the plans and preparations made by the Pontifical Government, albeit it kept them as secret as possible.
Gasparo, at the head of his band, had long defied the Pontifical Government, and sustained many encounters with the gendarmes and regular troops, whom he almost invariably defeated and put to flight.
Attilio was of the same opinion, and added that Regolo would advise them of the movements of the Pontifical troops.
It is regarded as the necessary complement of his election and consecration, conferring the "plenitude of the pontifical office," and the name of archbishop.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pontifical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.