One of the attractions of this sport is the fact that it is done on sight, so to speak; there is no dreary trolling aimlessly about, half asleep under a hot sun.
In the places first named, as also at the mouths of several well-known rivers, salmon and steel-heads may be caught bytrolling and spinning, and occasionally with the fly.
Few fish can be caught there by trolling a minnow or spoon, only an odd fish or so being the result; though a minnow or small spoon be trailed behind the boat for a couple of miles on the way home, nothing is caught.
Three or four hundred yards would go on an ordinary salmon reel and would form a splendid trolling line.
In the Shuswap Lake, by trollingin deep water with a lead attached, a large grey char with pink spots can be caught, running up to perhaps 20lb.
The regulations of the Club provide that the line must not be more than 24-ply, which is about equal in thickness to a not very strong salmontrolling line; 9-ply is about the size of a trout line.
In Devil's Lake lake trout, a species of char, can be got on the spoon by deep trolling up to a very large size; but it is not a very high form of sport, and cannot be compared to the rainbow trout fishing along the Thompson.
It makes splendid backing for a casting line, and as a trolling line it is absolutely unequalled.
It is a curious fact that during the fly season in July very few of these fish are ever taken, either on fly or spoon, or by trolling in the lake.
This year at Long Key I was trolling for sailfish out in the Gulf Stream, a mile or so southeast of Tennessee Buoy.
We fished--trolling slowly a few hundred yards offshore--and soon were fighting barracuda, which we needed so badly for swordfish bait.
Anglers have fished along the reef and inside, trolling with heavy tackle for anything that might strike, and once in a while a sailfish has somehow hooked himself.
During half a dozen sojourns at Long Key I had heard of two or three dolphin being caught by lucky anglers who were trolling for anything that would bite.
Now a flying-fish bait makes a rather heavy bait to troll; and as it is imperative to have the reel free running and held lightly with the thumb, after a few hours such trolling becomes hard work.
To angle for with a trolling line, or with a book drawn along the surface of the water; hence, to allure.
A trolling bait, consisting of a bright spoon and a hook attached.
Probably trollingfor lake trout," said the practical Dave.
Joe cut off one of the points, and I used it after that to wind my trolling line.
Some were trolling for salmon, with a lone Indian in the bow of each canoe; others with poles were fishing for smelt; still others with nets seemed waiting for fisherman's luck.
Of all the delicious fish known, give me the salmon caught by trolling in early summer in the deep waters of Puget Sound, the fish so fat that the excess of oil must be turned out of the pan while cooking.
Cassidy had been singing some time since in the young men's wing, trolling out pathetic ballads for the edification of Terence and his chief--but these had retired to rest long since.
We threw out a trolling line as we passed up the lake; but we caught no trout.
He had been trolling around the lake in a boat alone, without much success, and concluded he would try deep fishing from this rock, as he had heard that the trout were in the habit of congregating around its base.
We rowed about this beautiful sheet of water, exploring its secluded bays and romantic islands, trying experiments with the trout wherever a stream came down from the hills, and trolling for lake trout while crossing the lake.
A trolling rod for these large fish should be much stiffer, and stronger than those used for the fly, on the rivers and streams; and the reel should be stronger and higher geared than the common fly reel.
We took as many trout in trolling occasionally, as we needed for dinner and supper.
The trolling line suggested a way, as we found that it would reach readily from the bulb in the hollow to the edge of the field.
To add to their dismay, it was also discovered that during one of the exhausting portages the trollinghooks had been lost in passing through a bog, while their ammunition was reduced to sixty-five rounds.
Paddling slowly up the lake, trolling for fish as they went, they soon found a spot which answered their purpose admirably.
Will not come to the surface; will not take the fly or trolling spoon.
I can catch more trout with the angleworm and more bass with the trollingspoon than you can with the artificial fly," says Robert.
I would rather take five fair fish on fine tackle correctly manipulated than fill the hold with a hundred horrid monsters mastered by mere strength, as in hand-line trolling for bluefish in the ocean and for muskellonge, etc.
When the salmon begin to run in June or July, and before they have got into the fresh water streams, the Indians catch them in numbers with a trolling spoon.
Before very long Jack found the holding of the trolling line something of a nuisance, and at Fannin's suggestion passed it over to Jimmie, the steersman, who tied it about one of his arms and kept up the work of paddling.
This is a killing bait for trolling either for black bass or maskilonge--as the season advances, a red and white rag, or a small green-frog.
Our outfit did not contain the heavy sinkers and larger trolling spoons necessary in trolling for these, and we therefore had to content ourselves with the smaller fish caught in the shallower parts of the lakes.
I have taken it with bone and block-tin squids, trolling from a yacht, and also from an anchored boat with rod and line, by casting mullet or sardines for bait.
Another favorite method, but a tame one, is drifting with the wind and tide, following a school of fish and taking them by trolling with hand-line.
The only personal experience he gives of black-bass fishing, unfortunately, is by trolling with large flies.
Large flies are also successfully used introlling for pike, from a rather slow-moving boat.
On open water, a very successful way istrolling with a small spoon and single hook, or a dead minnow.
In trolling for fish of from three to ten pounds a natural bamboo rod, eight or nine feet long, answers well with one hundred yards of braided linen line, size E or F, and Sproat hooks No.
The first gag I ever caught was in the winter of 1877, while trolling off Cape Florida; it was a big one, too, weighing about fifty pounds.
I have taken it with a gaudy fly on the Ohio and Muskingum rivers, in Ohio, and in the Big Sandy and Tygert Creek, in Kentucky; also by still-fishing and trolling on Lake Erie about the Bass Islands.
A rod and reel should always be used, as trolling with a hand-line is very unsportsmanlike.
And the same remarks will apply in a measure to the gang or trace of several hooks, usually employed in trolling or spinning the minnow.
This was the vessel used for hunting, for harpooning porpoise and otter, and in trolling for fish.
We may perhaps follow Boas in calling this craft the fishing or trolling canoe.
The notch at the bow of the trolling canoe is simply called qa´dxu, “notch.
They are not singing barcarolles or ballads about the Lorely and her fated lovers, but simply trolling any nonsense that comes into their heads in time to the dancing of the water and the rhythm of their swimming.
The curtain falls; but we can still hear the trolling of his horn, and the merry clatter of his horse's shoes trotting gaily down the valley.
Through these holes he ran a piece of our old trolling line, and tied the ends.
Trolling by the way, we caught one two-pound namaycush.
He hauled together several fallen trees, laid them in a row and bound them at one end with his pack strap and at the other with a piece of our old trolling line.
Our feet at this time were wrapped in pieces of a camp blanket, tied to what remained of the moccasin uppers with pieces of our old trolling line.
Pike," he answered laconically, and left his luncheon to fasten a trolling hook on his trout line.
Trolling on the way, we caught a namaycush (lake trout), the first we had seen on the trip.
We had no luncheon; for although we spent the entire day trolling up and down the lee shore, it was not until evening that we caught any fish.
Now he could hear the voice of Steve again trolling some ditty, while Bandy-legs called out to ask Max a question.
However Steve was too good-natured a fellow to remain gloomy very long at a stretch, and in ten minutes they heard him trolling a comical ditty as he worked away, showing that his "doughnut fever" had calmed down sensibly.