Lyttelton's Division with Wynne's Fusilier Brigade was to stretch out to the eastward and, by a wide turning movement pivoting on the guns and Barton's Brigade, attack the Cingolo Ridge.
This is accomplished by pivoting the piece carrying the wheels to the main body of the stem, as shown in Fig.
B' and B'' are the projections that pass into A and receive the pivotingscrews d and d.
A compound slide rest has above the cross slide, a second slide carrying the tool holder, this second slide pivoting to stand at any required angle, as in Fig.
It will be seen, by the lines that are marked to pass through the pivoting pins of the rocking lever D, that the joints marked 2 in Fig.
The tool apron is in American practice pivoted between two jaws, which prevent its motion sideways, and to prevent any play or lost motion that might arise from the wear of the taper pivoting pin b, in Fig.
The whole line advanced to a maximum depth of 5 miles, and then swung to the right, pivoting on Rafat.
Meanwhile, the task of the 74th Division was to swing forward, with their left resting and pivoting on Neby Samwil, to capture Beit Iksa village and works, and so to swing forward to the Nablus road.
Furthermore, he was in no hurry to let the world know that he was grinding lodestones one day and pivoting compass-needles the next; what he cared for supremely was to discover facts, new phenomena, new methods.
The pilot wrenched her round in a narrow circle that brought her pivoting on her wing-tip, and allowed the observer to look and point his gun straight overside and directly down on the enemy.
It is fitted with a tube sight and an arrangement for pivoting in an iron socket upon a wall or in an embrasure.
At this moment the pivoting point of the ski is at its centre, and its heel is side-slipping in one direction as much as its point is in the other, as in A.
The first thing to do is to make an examination of the cylinder, not only to see if it is broken, but also to determine if pivoting is going to bring it out all right.
As to the pivoting of a cylinder, we will deal with this later on.
Here the anchor is composed of two pieces, A B, screwed upon a plate H pivoting at V.
Pivoting on his left he wheeled his whole army round and raced for Louisville.
Its advance was to be a wheel pivoting on Thionville.
The preliminary movement of the British army, a wheel to the east, pivoting on its right, was to be completed by the right wing at 9 a.
Staley [Illustration: The structure, pivoting downward, plunged Quest to his waist in the osmotic solution.
Instantly the structure, pivoting downward on its wall-socket, plunged Quest to his waist in the osmotic solution.
At this he let go of his victim and howled as he turned in a demonic rage, pivoting with huge arms outstretched while Si'Wren stood rooted to the spot.
The black exploded into action, pivoting around towards the unseen bank of the river as Si'Wren dug into his sides with her heels and reached back at the same time to strike her horse's rump a quick sharp slap.
Corps behind the Canal de St. Quentin, in conformity with which move it was necessary for the 36th Division to be swung back also, pivotingupon the 1st Inniskillings, which battalion still clung to its Battle Zone.
Locate the exact centre of the chip of wood before pivoting it to the end of the stick, and with your knife make a small hole for the pin to run through at this point.
Thread should be used for pivoting these pieces together, with knots tied on either end.
Instead, it sweeps out to the side; the movement is accompanied by pivoting on the left foot.
THE TURN is a walking step, pivoting on one foot to change direction.
The walk presents an appearance of strutting, although the shoulders are held level, and the body firm; a sharp twist that punctuates each step is effected by means of pivoting on the supporting foot.
Turn by pivoting on the supporting foot, continuing to touch the point of the free foot to the floor.
Pivoting on my left toe, I swung a terrific right to his jaw, and, like a felled ox, he dropped in his tracks.
Scarcely had it started than I gave the signal to Tars Tarkas, simultaneously springing for the receding half of the pivoting door.
Fighting on this front filled almost a week, when the destruction of the fortifications of Namur forced the Belgians to fall back, pivoting on Louvain to the line from Louvain to Wavre, the last line in front of Brussels.
At any rate, that was absolutely necessary to enable a good defence to be made whilst you are pivoting on Whiting's position.
Buckner's pivoting division under Preston was left to the position to which the Confederate chief had assigned it.