Nothing of note happened and we trekked on unmolested in any way, travelling slow, for the trade cattle were fat and in excellent condition, which of course I didn't want to spoil.
We trekked easy the first few days, for the grass was not so green as it might have been, and I wanted to avoid pushing my oxen while the waggons were loaded at their heaviest, and so far had met with no adventures.
The hunters were visibly exhausted; they must have trekked for days to bring their friend to the village, for the srag hunts ranged deep into the rain-forest.
The whole of that night we trekked along the banks of the Orange River, parallel to the British columns.
These emigrants or pioneers inspanned their large ox-waggons, bade farewell to their homes and farms in the Cape Colony and trekked across the Orange River.
We trekked along, unconcernedly watching the pretty effect of our friends the gunners' practice; able with glasses to see the stones and dust driven ahead when the shells burst low; but unable to see any Boers.
We trekked south-east from Silverfontein in the spring-wagon, behind a team of eight spanking horses.
The great man noticed one man solitary As he trekked a turbid trail.
Again he trekked the turbid trail To this problem he did commit.
They have trekked back along the Middelburg Road, and are a dozen miles off by now, I'll be bound.
Every morning, as I trekked along down by the Oliphant River, I used to creep from the waggon at dawn and look out.
Trekked back to camp and dined with Colonel Law and the Dorsets who fed us up right well.
The Dorsets trekked at daylight to hold Indudo Mountain and Indumeni on our right.
On Sunday, 2nd December, we trekked to Tafel Kop, not far from Bethulie.
We hastily saddled our horses and trekked through Wilge River near the residence of Commandant Beukes, and halted late that afternoon not far from the farm of Mr. Christiaan de Wet--not the General.
The British trekked along between the ridges, where our men had taken up positions, and this kop.
General de Wet immediately after left us with the commandos of Heilbron and Vrede, and we trekked away under General Botha in the direction of the Rhenoster River.
These burghers joined us, and we trekked along together, until, shortly after, they left us and proceeded to their own district.
From there we trekked nearer to the town and then northwards; we crossed through Sand River and camped at Bretsberg.
From Vecht Kop we trekkedin a south-westerly direction.
General de Wet left in the afternoon, and in the evening we trekkedtowards Wit Kop, and halted for the night on the ledges near Mr. Krog's farm, between Wit Kop and Wonder Kop.
The inhabitants of the town, mostly women and children, left the town on Monday morning and trekked across the bridge, while I went on to the farm of Mr. Christiaan de Beer.
The commandos trekked with all speed through the mud--for the weather was rainy: the Transvaalers to the Biggarsberg and the Free Staters to the Drakensberg.
The laager again trekked in great haste, while the burghers went to meet the enemy.
We had trekked from the district of Heilbron to where we now were in eight days, and during all that time we had been in a completely devastated region.
The laager then trekked to Plat Kop, taking the prisoners along with it.
So they trekked on a little way, passing beneath the shelf of rock that has been mentioned as projecting from that side of the koppie which overhung the stream, where there was just room for a wagon to travel between the cliff and the water.
Dissensions arose amongst the Boers shortly after, and a number trekked on and established a separate settlement, with Potchefstroom as capital.
The only real settlers in South West Africa are Boers who trekked from the Transvaal and Cape Colony.
We trekked on over the same level plain, but as evening drew near the sky assumed a threatening aspect, and it was thought prudent to outspan and tie up in order to prepare for the reception of the impending storm.
The farms we passed on our way down were deserted, all the occupants having trekked to Potchefstrom to attend a monster meeting fixed for the following week.
The house was out of our way, so I expressed cold thanks for the permission, and we trekked to the next village (Klopot), which was said to contain hay.
Rain fell all day, as we trekked through valleys which were only wide enough for the narrow road, and for that bright green ribbon river which, below us, ran between mountains of bare, precipitous rock.
Roshai was already in the hands of the Schwabes, and we must not dally, so we trekked till dark, bivouacked partly in a paddock, and partly in two rooms of a house belonging to an Arnaut and his wife.
Men pitched their homesteads to the winds and trekked penniless for the mines.
Before Canada had wakened up to it fifty thousand American settlers had trekked across the border.
Not a Boer was to be seen, so we trekked on in peace, and camped once more at Quaggafontein, leaving that place at five o'clock the next morning.
Moulin started off as soon as possible in that direction, and trekked through the long midsummer morning.
That day we marched to the railway and struck it, and then trekked off, some miles north, to the neighbourhood of Elysium, where we camped on a great rolling plain, extending for miles in every direction.
From Heilbron theytrekked to Frankfort and back with Col.
During April the column trekked through the difficult country between Vryheid and Zululand, arriving at Newcastle on the 20th of that month.
A few shells exchanged places, and then the battery limbered up and trekked on quietly to the drift.
However, no information was given to us, so we trekked on steadily until the afternoon, when the General, who had ridden on in front some miles, sent back word to the Colonel to say that he wanted to see Major du Moulin.
So I changed my mind, and next morning trekked on to Nodwengu by the only route that my guides reported to be practicable, one which took me a long way round.
There was no particular reason why I should be irritated, since time in those days was of no great account in Zululand, and it did not much matter to me whether I trekked in the morning or the afternoon.
Our convoys were ready waiting, and the following morning wetrekked into the Hinterland Desert, saying farewell to commissariats and stores.
We came trotting down one road, covered with dust, and they came trotting down another road even more covered with dust, having trekked all day.
The Boers who had trekked resented every attempt at interference with them on the part of the Cape Government with a view to their acceptance of such principles of British Government as are expressed above.
They crossed the Orange River, and finally trekked beyond the Vaal.
We arrived without incident at Wailly--the tanks had trekked across country--and proceeded to re-erect the tents and structures which we had collected at Behagnies.
On the 6th my tanks moved into the trenches, spending the night near Hargicourt, and on the night of the 7th trekked down a valley, less destroyed than others, to Bellicourt, and over the tunnel canal and the main St Quentin road.
Both Ritchie's and Harland's tanks trekked back that afternoon to Bellicourt.
Thomas's and Harland's tanks trekked back to Geneve on the 26th, Parslow arriving on the night of the 27th.
So on the 21st Ritchie's weary old tanks trekked six miles over difficult country to Bonnay, a pleasant little village on the Ancre, a mile above the confluence of the Ancre and the Somme.
Night and day the convoy trekked backwards and forwards under Cooper or Talbot.
Leaving the valley of the Olifants to our right, we trekked along the high-veldt, and thus avoided all the fever country.
Man, I know this country, and you're a newcomer; you've trekked here because you wanted to get away from life and start all over again.
She then proceeded to tell me that she and her mother and a numerous collection of young brothers and sisters had trekked in from their home in the Transvaal to spend the Sunday in the laager with their father.
He also told me General Cronje and a great number of Boers had left Mafeking and trekked South.
Taking their fish out of the water, where they had been placed to keep fresh, they trekked towards home.
This was agreed on by the boys, and chatting merrily of many things, they trekked through the forest to the lake.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trekked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.