Everywhere might be seen their traps and nets for catching salmon, of which fish they must capture enormous quantities, for they live upon salmon the year round.
Indian villages or camps were seen occasionally on the upper ends of islands, with their fish-traps set above them, and from some of these we obtained fresh salmon.
On pegs under the porch a score or more of rusty traps hung.
The trooper's good-humoured intimation that Earl Leverett took fur in other men's traps was not lost on the company.
Then he set out alone, to find his traps in the Jefferson River.
The Crows made friends with the white men, and only stole their horses and traps and other "plunder;" but to a Crow this was no crime.
To keep out of sight of Indians, they set their traps after dusk, ran them very early in the morning, and lay hidden all day.
During the next mile six other mink traps were set.
During this evening Mukoki boiled up a large pot of caribou fat and bones, and when Rod asked what kind of soup he was making he responded by picking up a handful of steel traps and dropping them into the mixture.
The task was a most difficult one; rocks and other landmarks were completely hidden, and the lost traps averaged one out of four.
Rod could see that one of the big steel traps had caught the wolf on the forward leg and that the other had buried its teeth in one of the hind legs.
He had set eighteen traps and had shot two spruce partridges.
With him he carried two powerful wolf-traps slung over his shoulders.
Muky has set traps there and we may have our first scalp in the morning.
Wabi equipped himself with twenty of the small traps and four each of fox and lynx traps, while Rod and Mukoki took about forty in all.
Mukoki's traps were not more than an eighth of a mile from camp, and as the two rounded a certain bend in the river the old hunter suddenly stopped with a huge grant of satisfaction.
There was no thought of visiting any of the trapsthat day, and the next morning Mukoki insisted upon going with Rod, in spite of his four days of hard travel.
When the meal was finished he seized his gun and signified his intention of visiting the mink traps just beyond the hill before leaving on his long day's trail.
Ulenspiegel, without telling a word concerning his project to any man or woman in Damme, betook him to the forge, and there, in secret, he fashioned a fine and a strong trap such as those trapswhich are made to catch wild beasts.
If they are carefully put in, and provided with suitable traps placed just as close to the fixture as possible, the result will usually be satisfactory.
Very few instances occur where traps are placed as close to the fixtures they serve as they might be, and yet a very short length of untrapped pipe, when fouled, will sometimes smell dreadfully.
Formerly my custom was to put in brick receptacles; it is now to put in Portland cement traps (Henderson pattern), though perhaps I may succeed in devising a cast-iron one that will answer better.
Fortunately her father had left a number of good traps and nets, and plenty of twine for snares, and so the industrious girl got on fairly well.
One night he saw her two brothers leave, about midnight, for some distant traps that would take them all day to reach.
Then the man took his traps and started off as though he were going on a long journey.
He had made up his mind very late in the season to come down to Moisie and make his mass and get a new wife, and start a fresh line of traps in the autumn.
Each man has a line of traps of his own, all the way up to the Height of Land.
There had been less and less in his traps and he had seen no caribou.
He was a Montagnais, he said, with a line of trapsto the northeast of the Height of Land, and last winter he had had very bad luck indeed.
Men were setting netted traps for them along the coasts of Spain and France, in Sardinia, the Straits of Messina and the waters of the Adriatic.
In spite of the continual traps of the fishermen, the marine herds keep themselves intact because of their infinite powers of reproduction.
Night was swallowing him up with all the ambushedtraps of a virgin forest while before his eyes was sparkling a great city, crowned with electric diamonds, throwing a halo of flame into the blackness of space.
These carriers must stop at all the lodging-places to see that the traps are in order, and take out any sables they may find in them, and skin them, which none must pretend to do but the chief man of the company.
The hunters stay in a station till they have a sufficient number of traps set, every hunter being obliged to make twenty in a day.
Often as many as a dozen fish are taken from the trapsat a single catch.
When they find few sables in their traps they hunt with nets, which they can only do when they find the fresh tracks of sables in the snow.
Haven't I broken through all the traps and plots that she could set?
If she shields the victim from the traps of men, it is not because she wishes him to escape, but because she is pleased to reserve him for her own trap.
However touching such an agreement might be, it would also be somewhat disturbing, for one must always beware of an enemy who resorts so freely to tricks and traps of every kind.
Similarly, so long as a fisherman's nets or traps were in the water, he must live apart from his wife, and neither he nor she nor their children might eat salt or meat.
But the apprentice packed up his traps and turned his back on that mill before the sun had set.
He set salmon-traps in the river Driva, which traverses the valley, and he caught many fish both in spring and autumn.
At all events, I have at present no time for further reflections; for the waggon is waiting at the door, the traps are all in, and there stand mine host and his lady, as ready to speed the parting as they were to welcome the coming guest.
My traps are all in the ferry-boat: I have crossed the river, been wound up the opposite bank, paid my fare, and am hissing away for Rochester.
In these woods the larger birds were fairly common, and the traps obtained for us numerous rats of two varieties, one of which squealed pitifully when approached (Mus stoicus, sp.
The traps produced a couple of rats only; but we obtained several specimens of the storkbilled kingfisher, which was common about the shores of the bay.
Scrambling up a steep hill, we found a small stretch of flat land on the top, where ran one or two faint paths, along which the traps were placed.
You'll find all the trapsready in the little cabin for'ard under the half-deck.
In one week Michel is go to his traps same as ever.
How, I ask you, could the prisoner have foreseen and prepared for all those ingenious traps formulated in the resourceful brain of my learned friend, unless he was telling the simple truth?
They lugged their pitiful belongings with them--a few rags of bedding and clothes, some traps and snowshoes, and cooking utensils.
It was when the men went out to visit their traps again after big time at the fort.
With my field thus narrowed down, I fell back on my gun and some old rat-traps I found in the woodshed.
There I set my traps and baited them with carrots and turnips.
I packed away mytraps and started for Buffalo with my grip, walking along the lake.
Twice a week, when I had set my traps in the glen, I went to town and talked astronomy and geology to interested audiences that gazed terror stricken at the loathsome saurians and the damnable pterodactyl which I sketched on the blackboard.
On the other hand, Mr. Blanford states that the bedded traps are seen to underlie the Eocene Tertiary strata with Nummulites in Guzerat and Cutch,[2] which would appear to determine the limit of their age in one direction.
These traps consisted in apparently casual references to social distinction, aristocratic title and privilege, and such things.
Poor Tracy did not know that these experiments were being made upon him, consequently he walked promptly into all the traps the girl set for him.
Traps made of hollowed Potatoes will also assist the latter object.
Fifty traps may be prepared in a hundred minutes; and those who are determined to get rid of Woodlice may soon make an end of them.
Happily, they will flock to traps such as Potatoes and Rape cake, and their destruction is a mere question of daily attention.
Potatoes serve admirably as traps for these pests.
The traps should be scattered about at dusk, and be gathered up in the morning, and buried in pits, or destroyed by fire.
Traps are efficient while they are new, and almost any reasonably good contrivance will answer for a time, but will fail at last, or at least for a season.
The larvæ may be trapped by burying in the ground pieces of Potato, or better still thick slices of Beet root; the spots to be marked, and the traps examined every few days, when the Wireworms can be destroyed.
Small Potatoes, roughly hollowed out, or pieces of Carrot, may be used as traps for wireworm and other vermin.
Old Folkard, having disposed of his peltries, and obtained new traps and a fresh outfit, started westward in the course of a fortnight, declaring that he could not breathe among the bricks and mortar.
Having reached the spot where he had left his mules with his traps and peltries, we turned our horses' heads eastward.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "traps" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.