In the awareness of meaning the given, the actually presented, is in some way transcended, and this transcendence is what has chiefly to be reckoned with in any attempt to explain the conscious process.
There is no need for inference, because there is no transcendence of the domain of our inner consciousness.
In the transcendental deduction Kant, as above noted, is seeking to do justice to the universal or absolutist aspect of our consciousness, to its transcendence of the embodied and separate self.
Consequently, the religious dimension of transcendence is annihilated.
The eternity and transcendence of art, notions and expectations associated with the literate experience, become nostalgic references of a past pragmatics.
Sign activity at such primitive stages of humankind marked the transcendence from accidental to systematic.
So too, according to Croce, is a dream of transcendence empty of content, because inexpressible; based on no clear intuition, but on a confusion between the historical judgment and some vague conception of the transcendental.
If this ideality or transcendence seems a mystery, it is such only in the sense in which every initial or typical fact is mysterious.
This transcendence is what gives knowledge its cognitive and useful essence, its transitive function and validity.
Plato's doctrine of ideas aimed at establishing the transcendence of the highest Idea--that of God.
Thus Dionysius tries to safeguard the transcendenceof God, and to escape Pantheism.
But we can see that he valued this method mainly as safeguarding the transcendence of God against pantheistic theories of immanence.
Eckhart, however, whether consistently or not, frequently asserts the transcendence of God.
Footnote 180: It may be objected that I have misused the term via negativa, which is merely the line of argument which establishes the transcendence of God, as the "affirmative road" establishes His immanence.
For this reason, it is particularly the transcendence of the more restricted folk circle on the part of religions that constitutes one of the most significant events of mental history.
In so far as world history involves a transcendence of the history of a single people but nevertheless a limitation to the circle of cultural peoples who are more or less generally interrelated, it is a direct product of world culture.
This plan has, from stage to stage, merely passed from transcendence to immanence, inasmuch as it is finally thought to be present to the mind of the philosopher who interprets the meaning of history.
As respects both these characteristics, however, the interest in humanity finds expression in a transcendence of the limits of a single people.
In this way, however, romantic art becomes art which transcends itself, carrying on this process of self-transcendence within its own artistic sphere and artistic form.
They consist in the aspiration after, and the attainment and transcendence of, the ideal as the true idea of beauty.
It was by means of this relation that the transcendence of e was proved by the French mathematician Hermite, and the transcendence of [pi] by the German Lindemann.
Therefore eternity signifies transcendence above all existence in time; its real meaning is supermundaneity.
It is not enough to state that God is without beginning and without end; the essential part of the doctrine is His transcendence above the changes and conditions of time.
Transcendence gives place to immanence, not only in theology, but elsewhere.
It makes its appeal to love, and that means that it calls men to devotion to a living Being, a Transcendence beyond and without us.
Worship as the Chief Approach to Transcendence 184 VIII.
Instead of this transcendencemodern preaching emphasizes immanence, often to a naïve and ludicrous degree.
There is also a native and majestic alliance between the idea of transcendence and doctrinal preaching and between the facts of the religious experience and the content of speculative philosophy.
Immanence and transcendence are merely theistic terms for identity and difference.
It is not difficult to make transcendence real and to reveal to men their consummate need of it when we speak of it in the language of experience and perception.
I am sure that the chief ally of the experience of the transcendence of God and the cultivation of the worshipful faculties in man is to be found in severe and speculative thinking.
And this it will do as it seeks to draw men up to the "otherness," the majesty, the aloofness, the transcendence of the Almighty.
The long conflict between immanence and transcendenceis touching its close.
Transcendence is theology or metaphysic, explaining the universe by causes outside it; immanence is science, explaining the universe by causes within itself.
Man, the Growing-point of Earthly Life 154 Immanence or Transcendence of the Cosmic Reason?
And in vital action the alternation of immanence andtranscendence in an ever-ascending scale becomes still clearer and more significant.
By transcendence I mean that deifying, infinitating process that is ever working contra to the anthropomorphic influence in the sphere of religious conceptions.
While, therefore, biological considerations result in the great gain of giving concrete reality to the processes of knowledge, the gain is lost, if knowledge itself is denied the transcendence which it so evidently discloses.
Now the self which has achieved this degree oftranscendence has achieved, too, considerable experience in that art of contemplation or introversion which is the mode of its communion with God.
The human creature, turning towards Reality, has pressed up to the very edge of the 'Cloud of Unknowing' in which the goal of transcendence is hid.
I have spoken of Ruysbroeck's concept of God, his closely related concept of man's soul; the threefold diagram of Reality within which these terms are placed, the doctrine of transcendence he deduced therefrom.
It is an outflowing torrent of Good which streams through all heavenly spirits; it is a Flame of Fire that consumes all in the One; it is also the Spark of transcendence latent in man's soul.
To be a living, willing Tool of God, wherewith God works what He will and how He will," is the goal of transcendence described in the last chapter of The Sparkling Stone.
The astringents used to remove the brilliant colours of miracle and transcendence have proved so strong as to destroy the portrait they were intended to restore.
Only in such transcendence of the merely human did it develop any characteristic content, find an inner unity, arouse respect, and lead man beyond mere nature.
A transcendence of the antithesis must, therefore, be sought; and this needs a distinctive structure of life.
We can never acquire a morality from the troubled confusion of social life; on the contrary, morality involves a transcendence of this; it necessitates distinctive convictions concerning the world as a whole and our position in it.
Life finds its main problem in itself, solely in the development of an ethical character, and attains to complete independence and a transcendence of nature only when the spiritual takes precedence.
A transcendence of nature therefore is already accomplished in the process of thought, even when it only represents nature, only displays it to our consciousness.
However, self-consciousness cannot possibly be reached without a transcendence of the division between activity and the given condition of things.
All spiritual activity is, as we saw, a transcendence of the antithesis of subject and object; it is progressive and formative universal activity.
That transcendence and distinctness of the deity which some Christians now want to remove from Christianity, was really the only reason why any one wanted to be a Christian.
By insisting specially on the transcendence of God we get wonder, curiosity, moral and political adventure, righteous indignation--Christendom.
And Catherine’s persistence in this attitude of utilization and transcendence of what the natural man so continuously tends to make his direct aim and final limit continues practically unbroken to the end.
But Aristotle has lost the Conversion from out of his scheme, and also the Transcendence conceived as at the same time immanent in the world; and Plotinus has lost the Universality, and the Unification conceived as a Unity in Multiplicity.
And Plotinus insists, even more constantly and movingly than Plato, upon Conversion as a necessary means, and upon Transcendence as a necessary characteristic of all true philosophy.
There is throughout the book a most natural and instructive, indeed in its way most legitimate and even necessary, insistence upon the apparently complete independence and aloofness, the transcendence of her inner life.
The transcendence of time beyond nature gives some slight reason for presuming that causal nature should occupy time.
He was the same character as when he harangued the Seventh Ward voters, or discussed the Divine Transcendence at Brook Farm.
May the Divine transcendence and the Divine immanence be the two poles of your life.
The belief in the metaphysical transcendence of the object of knowledge seems to have its real origin in an empirical transcendence of a very specific and describable sort.
Just and only because experience has been reduced to “states of consciousness” as independent existences, does the question of self-transcendence have any meaning.
The notion of transcendence has a double meaning; first, it denotes that which lies inherently and essentially beyond experience.