The Tractate Middoth was naturally taken in charge by the coroner for further investigation, and Mr Garrett explained privately to him the history of it, and the position of events so far as he knew or guessed them.
Talmud: Tractate Middoth, with the commentary of Nachmanides, Amsterdam, 1707.
Originally, probably shortly after the time of Hillel, it may have been merely a sort of appendix to the Tractate Sanhedrin, with typical sayings of each of the heads of the Sanhedrin.
His osteology was admirable, and his little tractate "De Ossibus" could, with very few changes, be used today by a hygiene class as a manual.
Hippocrates, in the tractate on "Ancient Medicine," has a splendid paragraph on the attitude of mind towards the men of the past.
The Maggid's long black beard lifted itself slowly from the worm-eaten folio of the Babylonian Talmud, in which he was studying the tractate anent the payment of the half-shekel head-tax in ancient Palestine.
From the "Tractate on Education") III On Reading in His Youth.
The idea that we must always do the exact opposite of what the devil suggests, is the leading one in Gerson’s Tractate ‘De remediis contra pusillanimitatem.
Reitzenstein has tried to bring order out of chaos by distinguishing in the first tractate two originally distinct views as to the origin of the world and of man, but his analysis has not won general acceptance.
When the meeting adjourned, the lank unhealthy swaying creature in the corner, who had been mumbling the tractate Baba Kama out of courtesy, now burst out afresh in his quaint argumentative recitative.
But he went with me to the Beth-Medrash, when the Maggid was studying it with a class free of charge, and we learnt the whole of the Tractate Niddah.
Witness a Tractate on Divorce, in which the bonds of marriage are let loose to inordinate lust and putting away wives for many other causes besides that which our Saviour only approveth, viz.
Sundays was the dictation to them of a Tractate on Christian Divinity digested from such approved Protestant Divines as Amesius and Wollebius.
On which occasion there grew on my hands a tractate with this title, Via Lucis: Hoc Est, &c.
Tractate of Education with pagination continuous with Latin Poems.
This tractate applies doctrine to existing institutions, and makes the truth clear to the laity.
While the former tractate propounds the supremum magisterium of the Church, as holding sovereign power over lands and seas, souls and bodies, in the last Schema this supreme magisterium crops out in the person of Pius IX.
For the originator of this tractate assures us that the aversion of men for such doctrines is only one of the poisonous fruits of Rationalism.
Here, too, is an admirable short tractateon Style which exemplifies what it preaches; and a large number of other excellent things.
In a small but curious tractate entitled "Daimonomagia," the effects of Witchcraft are maintained to be a disease.
The same incomprehensible distinction between Vespasian's and Titus' war occurs in the Mishna at the end of the tractate Sota.
It is a tractate on Christian doctrine: no one now doubts its genuineness; and it proves him to have been a Unitarian, or High Arian, by his own confession.
His tractate on Education contains peculiar views of a curriculum of study, but is charmingly written.
His Tractate on Education (1644) was extensively read, and was influential in shaping educational practice in the non-conformist secondary academies which arose a little later in England.
In 1644 he published his Tractateon Education, in which he outlined his plan for a series of classical academies for England.