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Example sentences for "trackless"

Lexicographically close words:
trackage; tracked; tracker; trackers; tracking; trackmen; tracks; trackway; tract; tractable
  1. Down there in the trackless swamps of Big Cypress, someone was signalling the amphibian.

  2. Bill had heard about the Florida Cypress Swamps, and knew them to be a trackless labyrinth of swamps, lagoons, creeks and low, fertile islands, all deeply buried in the shadows of a mighty cypress forest.

  3. Trackless swamp all around--it would be sure death to face it without a boat or canoe.

  4. What guide had I through the trackless waste of interplanetary space?

  5. I either wander through the country, climb some precipitous cliff, or force a path through the trackless thicket, where I am lacerated and torn by thorns and briars, and thence I find relief.

  6. By day the cloud before us goes, By night the cloud of fire, To guide us o'er the trackless waste, To Canaan ever nigher.

  7. The sun that keeps his trackless way, And downward pours his golden flood, Night's sparkling hosts all seem to sky, In accents clear, that God is good.

  8. They found, however, a silent waste, almost without vegetation, and nearly as trackless as the ocean that lay behind them.

  9. Another plunge was made into the trackless forest and ten days elapsed before another plantation was reached, during which time the small-pox broke out, with greater loss of life than any other enemy had as yet inflicted.

  10. As to camels for carriers, away from the desert and through trackless jungle and forest, it was in the nature of an experiment which soon grew tiresome and ended in failure.

  11. On the tavern hearth the embers glow, The laugh is deep and the flagons low; But without, the wind and the trackless sky, And night at the gates where a soul would go!

  12. IX Beloved, when far up the mountain side We found, almost at eventide, Our spring, how far we did fear Lest it should dare the trackless wood And disappear!

  13. So fell the castle of Chagres, and nothing now lay between the buccaneers and the city of Panama but the intervening and trackless forests.

  14. Driven from his paternal domains at Mount Hope, he threw himself into the depths of those vast and trackless forests that skirted the settlements and were almost impervious to anything but a wild beast or an Indian.

  15. Trappers, traders, travelers and prospective settlers all stopped here for rest and refreshment before making the plunge into the wilderness that lay beyond on the trackless plains.

  16. Early the next morning they loaded up their wagons, bade farewell to the other movers, and struck off across the trackless prairies.

  17. There is always before me the picture of that tiny mound we left behind us in this great trackless desert when our own little girl was taken from us.

  18. White poison-foam drops from his hideous jaws, Which yawning wide, display a dismal gulf, The grave of many a hapless being, lost Wandering amidst that trackless wilderness.

  19. Sám, on hearing of the fate of his father, was deeply afflicted, and in a short time proceeded against the fort himself; but he was surrounded by a trackless desert.

  20. He marvelled at the skill whereby they had been able to find the transports on this vast and trackless sea; he marvelled at the slender vessels with their four low, rakish stacks.

  21. Back in the interior were vast trackless forests of fir-trees, and moss-covered swamps in which in summertime a man would sink up to his neck.

  22. The shutterless windows, yawning doors, and open gate refuted her suggestion, but the encompassing solitude and trackless waste still held her captive.

  23. She personifies the impulsive power and motive force that sustained these Battalion men, and led them, as a vanguard of civilization, across the trackless plains and through the difficult defiles and passes of the mountains.

  24. Without a guide who had traversed them, we have ventured into trackless tablelands where water was not found for several marches.

  25. He excellently typifies that band of pioneer soldiers which broke a way through the rugged mountains and over trackless wastes.

  26. The Rockies were passed through a trackless wilderness, yet on better lines than had been found by Kearny's horsemen.

  27. Now, on the cold, trackless road, she was saying to herself that she did have a grudge against the woman who had destroyed the life that belonged to her, who had killed the thing that was hers to kill.

  28. Grim and silent, the man at the wheel, ungoggled and tense, sent the whirring thing swiftly over the trackless village street and out upon the open country road.

  29. Across the trackless waste we had been guided aright, and there was music the angels might have envied in the hoarse notes of the fog-horn that welcomed the wanderers home.

  30. But thou must ask permission of my parents lest they find fault with me for taking thee through the trackless jungle.

  31. How can I leave thee all alone in trackless forest when thou hast lost thy kingdom and thy riches, and whilst thou art athirst and tortured by hunger?

  32. You could not, and cannot, carry out anything big via a couple of narrow cracks through a trackless labyrinth of mountains.

  33. As she made tracks back through the trackless blue, the ships gave her a taste of some big projectiles, 12-inches or 9.

  34. The wide horizons and the limitless stretch of trackless woods were missing.

  35. The walk was far from pleasant, and he realized that things would be much worse when he went up into the trackless spaces of the frozen North.

  36. Though there had been rain in abundance, it flowed crystal clear out of the trackless wilderness of rock and forest that rolls north from the Lake of Shadows toward Hudson Bay.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trackless" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.