I saw it through the smoke and grime of Chicago, the crowded tenements of New York, the injustice of your courts and the corruption of your politics.
Farther on we come out upon the bluffs overlooking the lake and see the smoke and grime of Buffalo far across.
Foreman though he was, Joe Banks had been hard at work, and his hands and lace bore the grime of the foundry.
Then suddenly he became conscious of his torn, soiled uniform and the grimeupon his hands, and it made him feel uncomfortable to be in the company of women in such a state.
And there was nothing incongruous in the rags that clothed her, in the squalour and poverty of the bare room, in the white furrows that the tears had plowed through the grime and make-up on her cheeks.
WEST West "I'VE seen so much uv dirt an' grime I'm mad to 'ave things clean.
Perhaps the confusion and disarray was partly due to the market-day rush, but the grime and dirt that prevailed everywhere seemed as ancient as the ramshackle old house itself.
We soon left behind us the smoke and grime of the collieries and smelting-works, and the road over which we rapidly coursed took us through a rather pretty rural section, though the hills are numerous and steep.
She went on with old tales of London, tales that had in them the very smoke and grime of the city.
The church, a dreary Byzantine edifice, was nevertheless a very essential piece of London, being built of the yellow bricks whose texture and color more than that of any other material adapt themselves to the grime of the city.
A dip in an exotic stream reduced the grime and sweat of travel, and just beyond I came again upon the railway.
A roadside stream, of which the water was lukewarm, removed the grime of travel, and I climbed sweltering into the village of Escorial de Arriba, pitched on a jagged shoulder of the calcined mountain high above the monastery.
Sir Hugh in the Grime look'd out of the door, With his hand out of the bar; There he spy'd his father dear, Tearing of his golden hair.
Hugh in the Grime was taken then And carried to Carlisle town; The merry women came out amain, Saying, 'The name of Grime shall never go down.
Sir Hugh in theGrime look'd out at the door; Oh, what a sorry heart had he!
Hugh in the Grime was cast to be hang'd, Many of his friends did for him lack; For fifteen foot in the prisin he did jump, With his hands tyed fast behind his back.
There is never a Grime came to this court That at thy bidding saved shall be.
The Story+ in its full form relates that Sir Hugh in the Grime (Hughie Graeme or Graham) stole a mare from the Bishop of Carlisle, by way of retaliation for the Bishop's seduction of his wife.
There is never a Grime came in this court That at thy bidding shall saved be.
O then a jury of women was brought, Of the best that could be found; Eleven of them spoke all at once, Saying 'The name of Grime shall never go down.
She knelt, and began to wash the grime from his face, to cleanse the wound on his head, and readjust the bandage.
Washing with water melted from snow, without soap or towels, had only the effect, as it seemed to her, to fix the grime more deeply in her skin.
Then he asked and received permission to retire to the smoke-room, for a pipe and a quiet half-hour, after having washed the dust and grime of battle from his hands and face.
The liquid light of the hoard flashed strange radiances on their tanned, deep-lined faces, now smeared with sweat and dust, with powder-grime and blood.
Here one realizes, if not before, that he is in Anjou; no more is the atmosphere transparent as in Touraine, but something of the grime of the commercial struggle for life is over all.
No longer do the women bend over a wash tub, scrubbing outgrime and grease on a wash board.
By some writers it is called a black stone; but this colour may have been given to it by frequent handling when in use, and by the grime of age since.
A small portion of it is polished to show the beauty of the material, while the rest is dimmed and incrusted with the grime of age.
Their faces were washed but the grimeof the shops was not quite effaced.
Snow lay piled along the sidewalks and in the gutters of Main Street--black snow, sordid with the gathered grime of human endeavour that went on day and night in the bowels of the hills.
The coin had no native affinity with the dirt and grime of the careless woman's house.
So with the lives set by fate in the refuse and grime of our industrial civilization, the pure minted gold effectually concealed by the obscurity and filth around.
After soaking, the clothes were laid on boards and the grime driven out with "beetles" or paddles; then, the garments were hung up or laid out to dry or bleach in the sun.
Williams Wash-day in the Seventeenth Century The women soak the clothes in hot water dipped from the nearby kettle heated over the open fire, beat out the grime with paddles, rinse the articles in the shallow stream and hang them out to dry.
Then he bade the mutes wash the blood and grime from us with wet cloths, and after that we were laid down upon piles of aromatic grass, and instantly fell into the dead sleep of absolute exhaustion of mind and body.
And after the day's work is finished and they go home in the evening, they wash away the grime and oil and play about the streets and lanes till bed-time, utterly indifferent to the wearisome occupation awaiting them on the morrow.
His skin is dark with the heat and grime of the furnace; his expression is one of marked good-nature.
His flannel shirt is thrown open; his trousers merely hang on him, and he is as black as a sweep with the smoke and grime of the furnace.
The hands of the woman at the cabin door were a miracle of grimeand scrofula.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grime" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: dirt; dirty; dust; foul; grime; mire; muck; mucky; mud; muddy; murk; smirch; smoke; smudge; smut; soot; tarnish