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Example sentences for "tracked"

Lexicographically close words:
trachytic; tracing; tracings; track; trackage; tracker; trackers; tracking; trackless; trackmen
  1. The whirlies tracked about in a most irregular manner and woe betide any light object which came in their path.

  2. Whirlies tracked about at intervals and overhead a fine cumulus cloud formed, revolving rapidly.

  3. Relieving the grey sheen of the gneiss were dark bands of schist which tracked about in an irregular manner.

  4. Our conversation was side-tracked by your remark that death was an unjust natural condition.

  5. But the line is single-tracked and was just then very much overloaded with military transports.

  6. One by one my skilful boatmen negotiated them; either we tracked up or half unloaded, or landed and portaged, but it was hard and weary work.

  7. It was with my eldest sister, now in heaven, that I last tracked the stream; it was with her by my side I last sat on this very seat.

  8. She passed her husband on her way but did not see him, but he tracked her very closely.

  9. So the boy tracked the island all over and jumped into the water many times, and at last went into the tree.

  10. Once on the caribou's trail, he tracked it along the ridge for a little way, noticing, as he went, a hare runway and some lynx tracks.

  11. It was with considerable difficulty that the Ojibwa tracked them to the tall spruce.

  12. From what the Cree told him, Nangotook discovered that Le Forgeron had not tracked the treasure-seeking party as easily or readily as he pretended.

  13. The wolf pack was tracked and gradually thinned out and scattered, and Gray Coat, the big, brave leader of the pack, one day realized that he was just one solitary, lonely old wolf roaming the forests alone.

  14. The line is being double tracked and stone ballasted, and the running is comfortable.

  15. The bushman had already tracked out his victim for the sport.

  16. Still the beast managed to follow him up the ravine, and May tracked the steps from bush to bush till Marmion sank down whining piteously, and holding his bleeding limb up with an imploring look that May could not resist.

  17. Here he was tracked by the bloodhound who had successfully trapped Lord Edward Fitzgerald and the many misguided enthusiasts who had similarly played with treason under mistaken ambition.

  18. Many of the shops were already closing in the back lanes and avenues through which she tracked her way, in making from Spitalfields towards the West-End of London.

  19. Once in woods Northward of Tara as we tracked our way Round us there gathered slaves who felled the pines For ship-masts.

  20. Nine miles with chant and hymn They tracked the gold path of the sinking sun; Then southward ran 'twixt headland and green isle And landed.

  21. As they passed out, my father was enabled to recognize several whom he knew; but for one only had he any care; on him he fastened his eyes with the eager steadfastness of hate, and tracked him as he went, regardless of all others.

  22. Had I really pursued the proud path I once tracked out for myself?

  23. What I want to know is whether there's any show of our being tracked to this place?

  24. A minstrel show can be tracked a dozen times where one man could give the officers the slip without trouble.

  25. Chauvelin was close upon his heels; here in Calais, the astute diplomatist was all-powerful; a word from him and Percy could be tracked and arrested and .

  26. He would be tracked by Chauvelin's emissaries, followed until he reached that mysterious hut where the fugitives were waiting for him, and there the trap would be closed on him and on them.

  27. I tracked him to this house, and a few moments after he left the house you were found lying unconscious in this room.

  28. We tracked him by his blood to where he jumped into the Wabash.

  29. Roussillon and Rene both fugitives, tracked by wily savages, a price on their heads, while every day added new dangers to the French inhabitants of Vincennes, no rosy view could possibly be taken of the situation.

  30. The next morning Long-Hair was tracked to the edge.

  31. Sheltered by the darkness, Mr. Danforth, who had tracked the steps of Dawkins, had been an unseen witness of this whole transaction.

  32. It was quite muddy out of doors, and Ben had tracked in considerable mud with him.

  33. Those men we tracked here have disappeared since we started to pass around the camp," said the other.

  34. Evidently it was a camp of some sort, though just then besides the three men they had tracked there hardly seemed to be anybody around.

  35. Even though the illumination did not seem very good, all of the scouts could see that these were the trio of miners whom they had tracked from the shore of the bay.

  36. Tracked like wild beasts, we are compelled to adopt extreme means for obtaining a livelihood.

  37. Well, at any rate, Dal, they have tracked us down, and that accounts for the attack.

  38. Then the intelligent beast has tracked us out.

  39. I have tracked black bears across mountain passes, and on one occasion I found a bear track on the summit of Long's Peak.

  40. I back-tracked to see where they came from.

  41. After following her fresh trail for about three miles this united with the trail she had made in leaving the basin--the trail which I had back-tracked the day before.

  42. I back-tracked their wallowed trail to the nook in which they had endured the three-day storm.

  43. The snow along the edge of the disturbed area was tracked and re-tracked--a confusion of cony footprints.

  44. He had crawled forward, then back-tracked and turned to the right, then made round to the left.

  45. Hoping to learn where this mother grizzly and her cubs came from I back-tracked through the November snows in a dense forest for about twenty miles.

  46. They went down the mountain about two miles, using the trail they had tracked in the snow climbing up.

  47. It was the voice of the spy who had tracked us in the streets of Bristol.

  48. It's been she, as I say, who has tracked me down.

  49. You've been blind to the way in which, from the very beginning, she has tracked me down.

  50. Once and again he was tracked by bailiffs; and as often he was constrained to keep away from his lodgings and conceal himself from the emissaries of the law.

  51. Hidden in a secluded corner of Carmarthenshire, he would not be easily tracked and discovered.

  52. We tracked through some rapids and finally overhauled the others at a place where the river branched again.

  53. A party of the rebel horsemen have tracked ye, and are near us now.

  54. One by one I have tracked them down, even to Belgaum.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tracked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.