Hardly a great scholar or theologian had arisen among them since the Patristic age, with the exception of a few schoolmen like Anselm and Peter Lombard.
He was not a great scholar, or theologian, or philosopher, but a man of action, embracing opportunities and striking decisive blows.
Anselm was a great scholar, the profoundest of the early Schoolmen; a man of meditative habits, who it was presumed would not interfere with royal encroachments.
How a great scholar of England would have argued against Pantagruel, and was overcome by Panurge.
How a great scholar of England would have argued against Pantagruel, and was overcome by Panurge Chapter 2.
But rare indeed it is to find a great scholar who is a good teacher.
But your father is a great scholar, and must not be plagued with such matters.
If you set a great scholar--and a great scholar has an unfortunate habit of being nothing but a great scholar--in charge of the multifarious interests of a public school, you are setting a razor to cut grindstones.
Mr. Bull was not a great scholar: some of the "highbrow" members of the Staff professed to despise his humble attainments.
She remembered suddenly that Mr. Burton’s curate had been spoken of as a great scholar when he came first to the parish.
He is not my curate,†said Bee, with indignation; “but I have always heard he was a great scholar.
You are a great scholar, Professor, a great scholar!
Young Prince Michael admired his Russian teacher, because his mother affirmed that he was a great scholar.
He went to the chief rabbi, and announced me as a great scholar and a pious man, who by extraordinary accidents had fallen into a very miserable condition.
A great scholar, who would not believe the infallibility of this superior, was seized with such terror by his threatening look, that he fell into a violent fever of which he died.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great scholar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.