It'd be like totingaround a carboy of sulphuric acid.
And in half an hour, Jerry carrying the heavy pack-set and Slim toting the equally weighty rations and incidentals, they set off on the Boches' trail.
I'm toting around about twenty pounds more than the government wants, and I'd have to stand on tiptoe in high-heel shoes to meet the requirement in height.
I'm looking for 'em myself, an' we're all looking for coyotes toting these irons.
There is a kind of traveler who repays this hospitality by defiling the walls with his inconsequential name, scratched in or scrawled on, and by toting away as a souvenir whatever portable object he can confiscate when nobody is looking.
Toting KFC and a six-pack of beer, we would situate ourselves alongside of the Mississippi or travel to a park and eat beneath the trees.
Maybe I was some sort of an odd-ball, I thought, toting the book under my arm.
When I saw a "typical" tourist attempting a hike while toting a radio or blandly surveying the scenery, I realized how different I was.
Finally they put us to toting water to de field hands, minding de gaps, taking de cows to pasture and as dat kept us purty busy we wasn't so bad after dat.
We kids use to make extra money by toting gravel in our aprons.
Brother bear trappers, how do you like this style of bear trap (see frontispiece) fortoting through the woods three or four miles from camp and at the same time tote a couple of sheep heads or the head of a beef for bait?
Many a deer has given me the slip before I could drop the bear traps and get my gun ready for action when I have been toting bear traps in the woods.
I must say that I think this was the hardest stunt of packing that I remember and every old trapper knows what sort of a job of toting he often runs up against.
After dinner, Swickey insisted on toting her share of the equipment, taking one of the lighter packs, as she followed David and her father, who tramped along with the partially laden canoe on their shoulders.
By taking turns at toting the thing, the boys got their venison to camp without very much trouble.
So we had better keep on till the brook gives out and then travel to the east, toting the canoe till we get to the Glades.
The Indian had terminated a long two days' search by toting from the forest a number of strips of the outer bark of white birch, in its green state pliable as cotton, thick as leather, and light as air.
He insisted on doing everything for himself--cruel hard work it was too--including the toting and skinning.
Elshawe had always thought of a ranch as a huge spread of flat prairie land full of cattle and gun-toting cowpokes on horseback; a mountainside full of sheep just didn't fit into that picture.
They walked across the field, past the two gun-toting men in Levis that Porter had guarding the ship.
They were just toting little pasteboard sheep, gray and droopy, and long crooked sticks.
You look just like a little fox squirrel toting two big hickory nuts!
They pay Janus ten dollars a week for toting them around," he chuckled.
Illustration: Our Artist becomes dumb with admiration, at the ingenious manner oftoting little niggers.
I’m a pistol man, so the stun-gun that old gorilla-man was toting couldn’t have had more than one more charge.
Someone behind me in the dark was toting a needle-ray.
They let the log they wastoting down; six, three on a side, had holt of a hand stick toting a long heavy log.
He fixed it so as we could both go in with aperns on and toting vittles.
Atiba motioned them into the shadows, where they watched in dismay as a scattering of white indentures began lumbering down the hill, toting buckets of water and shovels, headed for the burning fields.
But he's been toting a lot of it away," suggested Ray.
Instead of toting that gold around some difficult path, he makes the creek carry it straight down here near the outlet.
We had time to spare, but the black figures presently pushed out on the beach, toting a heavy object among them.
But in between, back in the twenties and the thirties, there was a period when gun toting wasn't so highly popular.
Iron fences and wide expanses of lawn, protected by Uzi-toting security, guarded whimsical architectural conceits topped by silver satellite dishes.
He gazed out over the square, Uzi-toting police still strolling by.
As he came trucking on tequila-numbed feet up the pavement, toting a bag full of floppy-disks, he noticed a large number of unmarked cars parked in his driveway.
It looks like there is going to be snow, too, and I'd hate to keep you late and then send you toting home after dark.
Toting up the hill, Sally's thoughts wandered back to Theodore Starr and settled on a certain dark, cold night when he sat in her cabin piling the wood on her fire, while she lay shivering with chill upon her wretched bed.
When I got down to help her into the cart I saw she was toting a child in her arms.
But I was going to say, what's to hinder me from toting that boy to my home?
She give me a dollar, and the last I seen of her she was hurrying through the rain toting the child in her arms.