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Example sentences for "peon"

Lexicographically close words:
penumbral; penurious; penury; penwiper; peny; peonage; peonies; peons; peony; peopel
  1. The peon seemed to be vastly astonished; but he turned to a tall, thin, elderly man who had dived out of a tent at his cry, and now strode forward.

  2. I would have continued, but a peon interrupted us at this moment with a sign to Enriquez, who leaped briskly from the hammock, bidding me wait his return from a messenger in the gateway.

  3. As I passed through the gateway I asked a peon to send Enriquez to me.

  4. It is usual for a Peon who has been fortunate at play, to go to Monte Video and clothe himself anew in the shop of a slop-seller.

  5. The peon fetched a large goatskin, which might contain some fifteen quarts, and was full of rum.

  6. The school is as free to the son of a peon as to him with the richest of parents.

  7. It is a common saying that when a peon earns two dollars he gives one dollar and forty-five cents to the priest, spends fifty cents for pulque, and supports his family on the remaining five cents.

  8. Some convicts stationed at Nebong Tubal and a Malay police peon saw what was happening and put off in a boat to his assistance.

  9. When the inspection was over, the "blind man" was taken, and carefully led by the peon in charge of the gang to one of the long wards, when he was told to walk up and down in the presence of the doctor.

  10. Before I take a claim," said Tom Roll, "I'll go to Minnesota and peon myself to some Swede farmer for my keep the balance of my life.

  11. The peon was brought in, the situation was explained to him, and he was ordered to be in readiness at nightfall to start on his errand.

  12. When darkness set in SeƱora Mora sent a letter by a peon to an old family friend at his home on the river.

  13. The peon took a large pair of saddle-bags for me on the horse he rode, and I had a smaller pair on mine.

  14. Early next morning the native peon rode off with Royd's letters for the Swiss Colony, and I gave him mine to deliver at Mr. Dampier's house as he passed.

  15. I have got some letters to write, and as the diligence will be passing Quincke's in a couple of days on its way back to San Jose, I will send the native peon over with them early to-morrow morning.

  16. The peon could leave my letter at Mr. Dampier's house as he passes by.

  17. This seemed to please him rather than otherwise, and it was settled he should come down with his belongings on the following Monday, and Royd promised to send up the native peon to help him to drive the sheep.

  18. Leaving the native peon at the house to look after the sheep, I started with Bent to go to the puesto, so that we might try if we could hear anything of all the sheep he told me were missing.

  19. He had a peon with him with a led horse in addition to the ones they rode, whom I directed to get something to eat in the galpon.

  20. I wrote a message to Royd on a piece of paper, which I gave to the peon for him, just to say I had arrived all right.

  21. However, he said that he and I had better go back with Bent to the place, taking the native peon and a spade and pick with us, so that we might dig a grave, and so give the body a decent burial.

  22. I and the native peon went together to quite the far end of the camp.

  23. The native peon and boy with the aid of Francisco, kept them there, not allowing them to go back to their feeding ground until twelve o'clock.

  24. A peon was ploughing on the arable land, using a somewhat heavy plough, drawn by a yoke of oxen.

  25. Royd kindly said he would send the native peon with me, who could lead the extra horse which was to carry them, and then bring him back afterwards.

  26. Our native peon was away among the rocks, looking for two of our riding horses, which were missing.

  27. No Latin who can help it works at that hour of the afternoon, and peon and soldier alike lay where there was coolness and shadow wrapped in restful sleep.

  28. I can see that peon in the plaza clawing at the stones, and the cazadores standing still with ordered rifles.

  29. No," said Appleby, and the peon whom the civile turned to shook his head emphatically.

  30. It is a trifle difficult to understand why you place yourself under an obligation to me in respect to the peon Pereira.

  31. We could see the peon in the howdah leaning over the front bar, and eagerly peering into the recesses of the thicket before him.

  32. I abuse the boatmen, slang the syce, and rush to grasp a pole, while the peon seizes another; for we are drifting rapidly down stream, and may at any moment strike on a bank and topple over.

  33. My syce pats, and speaks soothingly to the trembling horse, while my peon with excited fingers fumbles at the straps of my gun-case.

  34. Knowing the little elephant to be a fast walker, and fairly staunch, I got on her back, and accompanied by the gomasta and mahout we set out, followed by the peon and herdsmen to shew us the way.

  35. The howdah swayed wildly, and the peon clung tenaciously on to the top bar with all his desperate might.

  36. The peon (attendant) in the zoological laboratory of one of the Madras colleges would put his hand with impunity into a jar of live scorpions, of which he believed that only a pregnant female would sting him with hurt.

  37. We got ter risk that peon seein' anybody ter talk to," said Tom.

  38. Peon women and Indian squaws regarded the four with apparent approval and as they left the square and plunged into the poorer section again, compliments and invitations reached their ears.

  39. Sickness took its toll of peon and townsman alike.

  40. A compound originally enclosed the whole building, flower garden, and adjacent peon and work sheds, but at the present time only pieces of wall of this compound remain.

  41. A peon offered us his only bed in his hut but Don Santiago and myself spread our blankets on some straw pallets in an open shed with the starlit sky for a canopy, and there we slept until awakened by the sonorous grunting of sows at dawn.

  42. The peon then wandered on along the verandah and came upon Captain Giles, who was there by an extraordinary chance.

  43. A peon was seen walking that morning on the verandah with a letter in his hand.

  44. He hadn't been back more than an hour before there was an office peon chasing him with a note.

  45. The hacenade holds the peon by a debt bondage.

  46. Ireland is the English peon, the great peon of the British Empire.

  47. His supper awaited him; Piute hummed a song; the peon sat grimacing at the fire.

  48. With this peon watching here I'm not likely to be surprised," said Naab.

  49. Piute was eating his supper, and the peon had just come in.

  50. But I'll cut out my tongue, and be dumb as my poor peon before I'll speak the word that'll make me Snap Naab's wife.

  51. Then my peon died, and I had to shift for myself.

  52. Piute and Peon were skinning coyotes by the blaze of the fire.

  53. Then Mescal told him how the peon had led her on a long trail from Bitter Seeps, how they had camped at desert waterholes, and on the fourth day descended to Thunder River.

  54. Naab's peon came from a little cave in the wall; and grinned the greeting he could not speak.

  55. Piute approved, for he said "damn" whenever his intelligence grasped a meaning, and the peon twisted his lips and fixed his diamond eyes upon Hare in rapt gaze.

  56. My peon mapped them in the sand for me one day.

  57. My peon never made a mistake about directions.

  58. Like nearly all Mexicans of the peon class, he probably never has a cent of money in his possession.

  59. Often a peon would appear in the market-place of Marcapata wrapped merely in a banana leaf, which, cracking in the sun, reduced all pretence of decent covering to an irony.

  60. I am neither crazy nor drunk, Taytachay" (dear little father), calmly explained the peon with his placid smile.

  61. We had all but reached the stern when I heard the smack of a fist and turned in time to see a Panama peon hit the deck full length.

  62. Your turn now, Sambo," I told the peon after the sailor had gone.

  63. There is a feeling amongst Argentine politicians that the peon and the colonist have little chance of becoming owners of small farms unless they are assisted by credit banks.

  64. There was that in the white man's face which caused the peon to remember that life was sweet.

  65. A peon servant was paid to keep up the vigil when Blake slept, as sleep he must.

  66. Blake, who had no gold to spare, covered the startled peon with his revolver and commanded Viquez to take him to that hut.

  67. It was at Chalavia that a peon named Tico Viquez came to Blake with the news of a white man lying ill of black-water fever in a native hut.

  68. A month later my gang came roaring back from the peon camp.

  69. Bruised and bleeding in a southern, peon camp, where he and other hungry men had been trapped by a brutal slave driver, he drank the bitter cup of unrequited toil.

  70. My bunch down at the flop house was in deadly terror of being "kangarooed" and sent to a peon camp in the rice swamps.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "peon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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