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Example sentences for "thruout"

Lexicographically close words:
thrum; thrummed; thrumming; thrun; thrunk; thruppence; thrush; thrushes; thrust; thrusteth
  1. The wires tonight will carry the word all over this land, into Australia, New Zealand and thruout the world.

  2. But the muscles and the fat grow thruout their mass, like dough being raised for bread.

  3. Now this growing at one end which looks like growing thruout is pretty common in our own bodies.

  4. The odor of the queen ant remains the same thruout life.

  5. He plays baseball all the spring, tennis all summer, football thruout the autumn, and what there is left of the year goes into ice hockey.

  6. Most parts of the body grow thruout their mass; but the skin grows only on the inner side.

  7. Golden Seal is now becoming scarce thruout its range.

  8. The plant with which it is so much confused, Aletris farinosa, will also be designated thruout by its generic name, Aletris.

  9. On account of poor equipment the earlier sprayings were not as thoroughly done as they should have been, and some disease appeared on the stalks here and there thruout the gardens.

  10. It is now becoming scarce thruout its range.

  11. This root has long been used in domestic practice thruout the West as a tonic and blood purifier and is now official in the United States Pharmacopoeia.

  12. Not only does the wind carry the spores from plant to plant thruout the garden, but no doubt frequently carries them for longer distances to gardens near by.

  13. Chamaelirium is the most recent botanical designation and will be used thruout this article, but the synonym Helonias is a name very frequently employed by the drug trade.

  14. The potatoes are known thruout many states as "Jersey Sweets" and have a ready sale.

  15. Thruout the "Ginseng producing section" the plants are dug by "sengers" from early spring until late fall.

  16. Habitat and Range--Blue Cohosh is found in the deep rich loam of shady woods from New Brunswick to South Carolina, westward to Nebraska, being abundant especially thruout the Allegheny Mountain region.

  17. Under such conditions the leaves may show few or no spots becoming thruout of a dark watery green and drooping as if dashed with scalding water.

  18. Altho, perhaps, in some secluded localities Golden Seal may still be found rather abundantly, the supply is rapidly diminishing and there is a growing scarcity of the plant thruout its range.

  19. Habitat and Range--Black Indian hemp is a native of this country and may be found in thickets and along the borders of old fields thruout the United States.

  20. Ginseng is a plant found growing wild in the deep shaded forests and on the hillsides thruout the United States and Canada.

  21. Raymond acted hundreds of times thruout the United States, the playgoing public pardoning the inexpertness of the dramatist in favor of the delicious humor and the compelling veracity with which the chief character was presented.

  22. Demosthenes and Cicero alone would be hailed as the supreme orators thruout the whole group of civilized nations.

  23. He does not mass his explanations all in the earlier scenes; he scatters them thruout the first act, and sometimes he even postpones them to the later acts.

  24. It summers thruout eastern Washington, and even (doubtfully) occupies the western coast of British Columbia.

  25. This bird, probably the same individual, was seen and heard on several occasions subsequent thruout a stretch of half a mile bordering on Brook Lake.

  26. Thruout western Washington the bird is largely resident, and if this very stable species ever does begin to show variation, it will be in the Pacific Northwest.

  27. The male is equally tuneful thruout the breeding-season, and his song is also very similar.

  28. Lutescent Warblers abound thruout western Washington, and easterly, when the Cascades are well passed, as upon the Pend d'Oreille.

  29. Of general distribution thruout the State but found chiefly in more open situations in vicinity of streams and ponds and in cultivated sections.

  30. Thruout the winter the Western Goldfinches are much less in evidence, the majority of them having retired to the southland at that season.

  31. Common summer resident thruout the State chiefly in settled portions and more open situations.

  32. Summer resident of regular occurrence at lower levels thruout the State, less common west of the Cascades, more common elsewhere in the older settled valleys.

  33. Summer resident thruout the State in deciduous timber, chiefly at lower levels.

  34. Pacific coast district from southern California to Alaska (Juneau), breeding thruout its range; south in winter thru Mexico to Central and northern South America.

  35. Summer resident in dense thickets thruout the State from sea level to about 2,000 feet elevation.

  36. Oregon, northern California, and in the southeastern states; breeding from the middle portion of the United States northward; south in winter thruout West Indies, Mexico and Central America to northern South America.

  37. Do you know that about one-fourth of all students who enter the freshman classes of our high schools, thruout the United States, drop out before the close of the first semester?

  38. A similar point of view is generally discernible in the election of boards of education in towns and cities thruout the country--any one is satisfactory save those who know definitely what should be going on inside of the school house.

  39. Thruout the play his speech is interrupted with frequent yawns.

  40. Lulu stares before her, mechanically crumpling up the note that Rodrigo stuck into her hand, which she has held in her fingers thruout the dialog.

  41. Who speaks thruout the act in a bored and weary tone, to Magelone.

  42. To be sure of your game, you must notice the "run" of more than one animal at a given place but the buried bait must be adhered to thruout your whole line.

  43. I shall assume here that the reader is already sufficiently familiar with the practices of the Jews, as recorded thruout the Old Testament, concerning this matter of blood atonement, to render it unnecessary to go into further details.

  44. To this end promises and prophecies are said to point, thruout the entire Old Testament from Abraham to its close, and even as far back as the Garden of Eden and the first sin.

  45. The child stood close by thruout the entire conversation.

  46. The kept-after-school pair emerged from the building and stood near us, goggle-eyed thruout the interview.

  47. Establishment of breeding service at institutional farms, and the building up of pure-bred herds thruout the state.

  48. There was much interest among the governors and mayors on the street railway situation thruout their states and cities.

  49. There are a great many adherents to this denomination thruout Ohio and adjoining states.

  50. Thruout the Central and many of the Eastern and Southern States, they have entirely disappeared.

  51. Scattered thruout the South, Rocky Mountain sections, Northern Canada and parts of the East, are several thousand professional hunters and trappers whose annual catch amounts to several hundred dollars each.

  52. Thruout the Civil War, marksmanship was a neglected factor in the training of both northern and southern armies.

  53. The Fusiliers have excelled in many military lines thruout their long and honorable history--by no means least of their attainments is the masterly skill with which they have maintained the custom of dining together.

  54. How the units of the regiment kept coming back to the artillery branch thruout the war!

  55. His scholarly interest in history and science kept showing thruout all his writings.

  56. And thruout these opening days the 1st Regiment was subjected to the very hardest test, in that nothing whatever happened to them.

  57. Butler's decision caused a sigh of relief thruout the loyal states.

  58. Ere long the Boston Light Infantry found itself provided with a nickname--and it is best known thruout its long history as "The Tigers.

  59. Thruout the entire two-hundred-three days of duty they maintained the very highest standards of efficiency and discipline.

  60. War clouds began to darken the political sky in 1794, war clouds generated by the titanic struggle between the French and their enemies thruout Europe.

  61. This militia existed, in 1784, thruout Massachusetts (and Maine) as nine divisions of approximately five thousand men each.

  62. While it was inevitable that there should be a deal of experimentation whose results were not always satisfactory, it remains true that constant progress was made thruout the ensuing years.

  63. Malaria, that awful fever, has spread to such an extent thruout Italy, that in 1882 the government became alarmed and instituted an investigation.

  64. Other countries may have a greater accumulation of art in their capitals, but no other country possesses such a distribution of art thruout its entire realm.

  65. Thruout the book there is a plea for the balanced ration and right eating, the advocacy of plain foods simply prepared and appetizingly served, the nutritive value given careful consideration.

  66. Mr. Hirtzler is known thruout Europe and America as one of the ablest chefs of the day.

  67. Always dec on 2nd row of pattern when decreasing thruout coat).

  68. Continue to inc inside of borders every row and above previous increases every other row, thruout collar, until you have 10 rows.

  69. K next row, increasing 1 st at beg and end (Inc 1 st at beg and end of every other K row thruout collar).

  70. Do not inc in first and last 8 sts thruout yoke.

  71. Light in rooms for general use should be distributed as evenly as possible thruout the entire room.

  72. The success of warm-air heating depends on a natural circulation of air thruout all the rooms which are to be heated.

  73. Since warmed air will continue to travel upward so long as it stays warmer than the air above, it is important that the pipes have a continuous rise thruout their entire length, the in some parts the rise may have to be only very slight.

  74. Many plantings will be made thruout the Exposition.

  75. These very beautiful towers are seen in pairs on either side The Court of Flowers and The Court of Palms, and assist in the fine balance preserved thruout the block of palaces.

  76. The wallflowers, interspersed with Spanish and English iris, are massed thruout this court, with rhododendrons in the corners.

  77. The Philosopher, who by his fine knowledge of the Greek and Latin manuscripts was able to disseminate knowledge in the 16th century thruout the new regions.

  78. Here Freedom cradled; here its paean burst Upon the ears of nations, near and far Till Light of Freedom is the Guiding Star Thruout the world; though Thraldom still obscures The Guiding Star where Tyranny endures.

  79. For discussion of Luke's non-use of Mark thruout the Great Interpolation, see pp.

  80. Thruout this discussion I am greatly indebted to Wernle, as anyone must be who has read his Synoptische Frage.

  81. It is worthy of note that thruout the entire story the verbal agreement is much more slight than is usual in narratives, especially such as contain sayings of Jesus, taken by Matthew from Mark.

  82. Luke has likewise distributed his peculiar material thruout his gospel, and also begins and ends with it.

  83. The assumption that he did so, and the assignment of the double tradition thruout this portion of Luke, would require also an entire rearrangement of Q.

  84. The verbal similarity thruout the section is sometimes close, sometimes remote.

  85. Thruout it Luke appears to forsake Mark, tho there seem to be evidences that for some of the material contained in this section and also to be found in Mark, Mark and Luke have been drawing upon a common source.

  86. We conclude that thruout his Great Interpolation, Luke, while having some matter paralleled in Mark, was not following Mark, but some other source.

  87. Thruout this discussion the distinction between narrative material and sayings-material, and the difference in treatment accorded to these two kinds of material by Matthew and Luke, must be constantly borne in mind.

  88. Nor could he, when he had the Sermon on the Mount before him in the form in which Matthew gives it, break it up into little pieces and scatter it up and down thruout his Gospel.

  89. Thruout these verses there is a strong Judaistic coloring.

  90. The writer has expressed his own judgment freely thruout it, as to the merits of arguments of others, and as to the points involved in the discussion.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thruout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.