This well-marked speciesthrives in a warm greenhouse.
This plant thrives if treated as recommended for M.
With us itthrives in a warm greenhouse, producing its beautiful flowers in summer.
It thrives in a house where the winter temperature does not fall below 45 deg.
It thrives with us when grown in a frame in summer, and wintered in a cool greenhouse or frame.
It thrives on a shelf in a warm greenhouse, if kept perfectly dry in winter, and it should be potted in a compost consisting of broken brick two-thirds, loam one-third.
It thrives when grown in an ordinary greenhouse, on a shelf, in full sunshine.
It is, however, only indebted to the tree on which is grows for moisture, for it thrives if planted in a pot or basket in ordinary soil, and kept in a stove temperature.
It thrives best when kept in a warm, sunny house during winter, and in an exposed, airy, warm position under a frame during summer.
A patch of it thrives on ground in Worcestershire, where the first blood was drawn in the civil war between the Royalists and the Parliament.
Out into the wind and the rain we shall go, and there I will draw my pictures while he observes; then into the roaring, brawling taverns we shall go, where life thrives in all its abundance.
Please not into the roaring, brawling taverns where life thrivesin all its abundance.
It is extraordinary how vegetationthrives in this country, wherever there is the least water.
The valley of Kohrood extends in a North-Eastern direction; it is abundantly watered and wooded beautifully, and every species of fruit tree thrives there.
The kind best known and mostly grown here is the "Arab," which thrives at an elevation of three or four thousand feet.
Realizing that the coffee crop is still in an experimental condition, some of the planters are giving their attention to the cinchona, which thrives greatly at Ceylon, even flourishing at elevations where coffee naturally dies out.
Some of the cultivated berries are remarkably developed; the strawberry, for instance, thrives beyond all precedent in central Mexico, and while larger, it is no less delicately flavored than our own choice varieties.
Speaking of coffee, the region wherein it thrives and is remuneratively productive is very large in Mexico.
The canna thrives admirably as a house plant, and has a happy way of accommodating itself to circumstances, which makes it especially desirable for decorative effect.
It thrives in about the same soil as the heliotrope, but needs an entirely different exposure, being one of the few plants that flower perfectly in a sunless window.
The reason of it is this, that the power by whose help she thrives is an evil power; so long as it is held on her own side she can be safe, while the rest of the world trembles.
But all the same moral law is the law of humanity, and the exclusive civilization which thrives upon others who are barred from its benefit carries its own death-sentence in its moral limitations.
The little Rickmaness, whom you enquire after so kindly, thrives and grows apace; she is already a prattler, and 'tis thought that on some future day she may be a speaker.
The Fragrant Shield Fern thrives in a colder climate than that chosen by many of its kinsmen.
The cheerful community of the polypody," as Thoreau calls it, thrives best on the flat surfaces of rocks.
It thrives best in a position with a south aspect, and may be multiplied either by division in spring, or by sowing from April to June.
Thrives best in good soil in shady or half-shady positions.
It thrives well in the greenhouse or conservatory, and in the midland and southern counties may be placed in the open air from the end of May to October, while it is a fine object indoors at all seasons.
Thrives best in peaty soil, and is best multiplied by division, as the seed is very slow and capricious in germinating, sometimes not starting until the second year, and it is some years before the seedlings are strong enough to flower.
Here an island is planted with a hardy bamboo (Bambusa falcata), which thrives so freely as to form great tufts from 16 ft.
Thrives best in a light, cool, sandy soil in a sheltered half-shady position.
It thrives freely in the open air in the south of England, from the end of May to October, if planted in rich light soil and in warm positions.
It is most at home on dry soils, but during the summer months thrives on all.
Easily raised from seed, and thrives in almost any kind of well-drained soil.
It thrives in a deep, substantial, moist, but well-drained and free soil.
In light warm soils, deep, and with a free bottom, it generallythrives very well, if a foot or so of rich and rotten manure is placed beneath its roots.
This is a valuable species for warm greenhouse or conservatory use, and also for placing out of doors in the southern counties, though it thrives best indoors.
It thrives but poorly on cold soils, and will probably not grow well north of London except in peculiarly favourable positions, and in well-drained free loams.
A bush of golden eleagnus is happy, and a shrubby speedwell thrives beside it; honeysuckles climb to the thatch of the white-washed homestead; a rambler rose hangs out its last blossoms; and a yellow jasmine also blooms upon the wall.
There is a garden here and many a plant, that had not yet faced the buffets of an English winter when Kingsley's heroine tended her clove-pinks and violets, now thrives contented in this little garth.
And for that cause (instead of prayers) he does every morning at the Counter-gate ask him blessing, and thrives the better in his actions all the day after.
No man proves life more to be a blast, or himself a bubble, and he is like a counterfeit bankrupt, thrives best when he is blown up.
When he wants a better introduction he begins his addresses to the chambermaid, like one that sues the tenant to eject the landlord, and according as he thrives there makes his approaches to the mistress.
He orders all things and thrives in none; skilful in all trades and thrives in none.
A good dull wit best suits with him to comprehend commonsense and a trencher; for any greater store of brain it makes him but tumultuous, and seldomthrives with him.
When rages strength that has no reason, There breaks the mould before the season; When numbers burst what bound before, Woe to the state that thrives no more!
Wherefore so sad, when fortune smiles on us, When every step thrives to our utmost wish, And all around are arming in our cause?
It thrives best in mixture with other grasses, and deserves a prominent place in all mixtures for rich, moist pastures, and low mowing-lands.
It thrives best on moist, peaty, or loamy soils, of medium tenacity, and is not well suited to very light, sandy lands.
Like many other crops, the sweet potato thrives on newly cleared land, but the crop should not be planted continuously in the same place.
In the North it thrives in any soil from a light sand to a heavy clay, but prefers a medium heavy loam.
Lettuce thrives best during the early spring or late autumn and will not withstand the heat of summer.
It thrivesin substances containing sugar, which it decomposes or breaks up into carbonic acid and alcohol.
Owing to the tropical nature of the sweet potato it naturally thrives best in the South Atlantic and Gulf Coast States, but it may be grown for home use as far north as southern New York and westward along that latitude to the Rocky Mountains.
Spinach thrives in a rather cool climate and attains its best development in the Middle South, where it can be grown in the open ground during the winter.
The tree, indeed, thrives so well, that large branches cut off in the spring and planted two or three feet deep in the ground send out roots and develop into fine, fullbearing trees by the third year.
It may be that he cannot stand the extremes of our climate, though the English sparrow thrives well enough.
The fruit of the date tree thrives marvelously in Asia and Africa, and it takes up so little room that 200 trees can go on one acre of land.
Here, if he finds herbage scant once and again, he thrives as nowhere else, and attains often an age of thirty-five years.
It lives and thrives in captivity, can be tamed to follow you like a dog, and is as affectionate as a caressing kitten.
Whether any particular religion or religion as a whole thrives or decays, is none of the state's business.
It thrives best in a light, mellow soil, made rich by the application of old, decomposed manure; but the roots will flourish well if planted in any corner of the garden less suited for other descriptions of vegetables.
It thrives best in light, mellow soil; and the seed should be sown in shallow drills fourteen or fifteen inches apart.
Spearmint thrives best in rich, moist soil; but may be grown in any good garden loam.
It is very hardy; yields abundantly; thriveswell in almost any description of soil or situation; and, though not so sweet and tender as some of the more recent sorts, is of good quality.
It is always raised from seed, and thrives best in light, warm soil.
It is usually grown from seeds; and is of easy cultivation, as it thrives in almost any soil or situation.
The variety is hardy, productive, thrives well, matures its fruit in the Northern and Eastern States, and is decidedly one of the best for general cultivation.
It seems adapted to every description of soil; thrives well in all climates; and is one of the best sorts for agricultural purposes, as well as of good quality for the table.
Anise is raised from seeds sown annually, and thrives best in light, rich, comparatively dry soil, and in a warm, sunny situation.
It thrives best in light, deep loam; and is raised from seed sown annually.
Rue is a hardy, shrubby, nearly evergreen plant, and thrivesbest in poor but dry and warm soil.
The pest divine in horrid grandeur reigns, And thrives on mankind’s miseries and pains, What slaughter’d hosts!
It is sown in autumn or spring, the former being preferable, as it can endure cold better than heat, and thrives rather best when partially shaded.
Alfalfa thrives on all soils except those too wet or having too much acidity.
It thrives on soils not too dry, and being long lived, is especially valuable for permanent pastures.
Oats thrives best in cool weather with abundant moisture, and in the principal oats territory should be sown as early as possible in the spring--earlier than any other spring grain.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thrives" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.