We complain of poverty, and yet giv the profits of our trade to foreign nations.
Our manners are wholly subservient to the interest of foreign nations.
We can throw no blame on foreign nations; they are wise, and profit by our want of spirit and taste.
Let candid men judge, then, whether the division of America into any given number of independent sovereignties would tend to secure us against the hostilities and improper interference of foreign nations.
We are now to be bound to foreign nations, without freedom to act for ourselves and running great risks of national destruction.
Those, whose fate we have now hastily drawn, are not always stolen by foreign nations at distant places.
We have expected sometimes recognition and sometimes intervention at the hands of foreign nations, and we had a right to expect it.
All these circumstances point but to one conclusion: Either this war must be brought to an end, or the time will at last come when the South may claim its own recognition by foreign nations as an independent power.
If the acquiescence of foreign nations in a pretended blockade has deprived us of our commerce with them, it is fast making us a self-supporting and an independent people.
This rule of voluntary association, which can not fail to be conservative, by securing just and impartial government at home, does not diminish the security of the obligations by which the Confederate States may be bound to foreign nations.
In short, the whole article relates to a particular duty of one hundred sols, laid by some antecedent law of France on the vessels of foreign nations, relinquished as to the most favored, and consequently as to us.
Let it be understood, that Congress can only correspond through the executive, whose organ in the case of foreign nations is the Secretary of State.
Foreign nations will be shy of making treaties with a government that has given the faithless example of perverting the liberality of a former treaty to the injury of the party with whom it was made.
But it is only by acting in union, that the usurpations of foreign nations on the freedom of trade can be counteracted, and security extended to the commerce of America.
As a people, they are neither commercial nor agricultural, they neither import nor export, have no property floating on the seas, nor ships and cargoes in the ports of foreign nations.
United, she is formidable, and that with the least possible charge a nation can be so; separated, she is a medley of individual nothings, subject to the sport of foreign nations.
To foreign nations we should, at least, be one people--an undivided people, and that in peace as well as in war.
It is always the highest class which travels most, knows most of foreign nations, has the least of the territorial sectarianism which calls itself patriotism, and is often thought to be so.
With respect to the shipping, which, according to this author, were so numerous at the port of Antwerp, comparatively few of them belonged to this city, as most of its commerce was carried on by ships of foreign nations.
Some curious and interesting particulars of this rivalry are given by Sir Walter Raleigh, in his Observations concerning the Trade and Commerce of England with the Dutch and other foreign Nations, which he had laid before King James.
Several kinds of manufactures were encouraged, which were highly valued by foreign nations, especially coverlets for beds, and brass and earthen-ware vessels.
Some of the most celebrated cities of Macedonia were founded by foreign nations.
Japan braced herself nervously to the effort, and, distinguishing between what was feasible and what was not, organised a counter-invasion unsuspected by foreign nations, whom she subdued by their own strength.
Foreign nations laughed at the Chinese pretension as an innocent archaic survival.
Not the least interesting part of Li's memorial is the ground on which he advocates reform--the proved superiority of foreign nations.
A separate group of Oracles on Foreign Nations, Chs.
Prophet tells the story of his call and describes the range of his mission as including both his own people and foreign nations.
The policy of the United States, with reference to foreign nations, has always been founded upon the moral principle of natural law--Peace with all mankind.
While the resolute and despotic character of Cromwell's government secured obedience at home, its strength and vigor awakened the fear as well as the admiration of foreign nations.
The College of Heralds had the care of all public matters pertaining to foreign nations.
The liberal policy of Psammetichus, while resulting in a great advantage to foreign nations, brought a heavy misfortune upon his own.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreign nations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.