I had given up all hopes of being able to ascend Mont Blanc; and hence resolved to place the thermometers in some more accessible position.
I had now the thermometers in my possession; and having completed my work at Zermatt and Saas, my next desire was to reach Chamouni and place the instruments on the top of Mont Blanc.
No sooner had the thermometers been thus disposed of than the weather appeared to undergo a permanent change.
I had last summer left with Auguste Balmat and the Abbe Vueillet thermometers with which observations were made daily during the cold weather referred to.
Special thermometers of German make were lowered by Nelson through the ice holes to get sea temperatures, and likewise reversing water bottles were employed to obtain samples of sea-water daily.
To prove this, the perpendicular thermometers were removed.
Any man who can weigh water and coal and read steam gages and thermometers is able to do the work required in making a boiler test for evaporation or efficiency.
Dairy thermometers registering 212° Fahrenheit may be obtained; they are cheaper than chemical thermometers.
The uses of thermometers for indoors and outdoors; for dairy, sick room, incubator, and soils; maximum and minimum.
The naked thermometers employed for indicating the relative amount of solar and terrestrial radiation, are precisely similar to those in use at the Government Observatories.
The amount of radiant heat thrown off from the earth's crust at night, in the year 1849, as indicated by naked thermometers placed on raw wool and on grass, is much greater than usual.
The whole four thermometers were now placed in boiling water, and kept there for a week, when the freezing points were again observed to have risen respectively .
Bake the biscuits 30 minutes in a hot oven and the bread about 60 minutes in a moderate oven (see Oven Thermometers and Temperatures).
Although it is possible to secure more satisfactory results with a thermometer than without, oven thermometers do not always indicate the temperature of an oven accurately.
A meteorological screen, containing thermometers and a barograph, had been erected on a post frozen into the ice, and observations were taken every four hours.
Continuous observations were made during the long drift on the floe and while on Elephant Island the temperature was taken at midday each day as long as the thermometers lasted.
The other thermometerswere all checked from this one.
Thermometers must be isolated, kept in a corrosive sublimate solution one to one thousand, which must be removed daily.
The serge overdress can have a little cotton or flannel blouse, just as thermometers demand.
We placed one of Casella's thermometers on a piece of wood on one of the wet stones, clear of the ice, and it soon fell to 34°.
Three thermometers in various parts of the glacière gave all the same temperature, namely, a fraction under 33° F.
When the thermometers were suspended in the water, Rosset asked how long they must stay there.
They're thermometers with an electrical attachment, something on the principle of the thermostat, which you see nowadays in big buildings.
Subsequently various other determinations were carried out in thermometers filled with hydrogen derived from different sources, and also with helium, the average value given by the experiments being -252.
Expose thethermometers of human sensibilities, which are of myriads of different kinds, to one and the same temperature of environment.
In the figure the wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers are easily recognized.
One of the thermometers is intended to register the temperature of the air and is called the dry-bulb thermometer.
This appliance is composed of two thermometers mounted in a frame with a vessel for holding water.
The relative humidity of the air as indicated by the readings of the thermometers is taken directly from a humidity table.
The readings of thethermometers in the figure give a difference in temperature of 12°, the dry-bulb thermometer reads 77°.
If the air is saturated with moisture, no evaporation will take place and the thermometers will read alike.
An observation consists in reading the two thermometers and from the difference between the wet-bulb reading and that of the dry-bulb, the relative humidity is taken directly from the table.
Between the thermometers is a diagram chart from which the atmospheric humidity is taken.
For the meteorological observations we had a couple of aneroid barometers, two minimum spirit-thermometers and three quicksilver sling-thermometers.
Where possible it is advisable to place new thermometers which have been previously tested at all points of high temperature.
Where Thermometers are Required Equally important with the foregoing is the necessity of calibrating and testing of all thermometers used during a test.
A design of thermometer cup suitable for oil thermometers is given in Fig.
For taking bottom temperatures at great depths, two or more of the thermometers are lashed to the sounding line at a little distance from each other, a few feet above the sounding instrument.
The American name of the cage or screen in which thermometers are exposed at meteorological stations.
A cage, or sometimes merely a roof, for protecting thermometers from direct sunshine and other radiation that would cause the readings to indicate a temperature different from that of the air.
I was aiding the King of Finland to move a heavy keg of nails, when the Countess called out to me in alarm, saying that the thermometers had dropped to 80° Fahrenheit.
We had been having extreme cold weather, as low as 59° below zero, and on the morning my party started the thermometers in the camp showed 49° below zero.
Also intense cold; the thermometersare all out of commission, due to bubbles; but a frozen bottle of brandy proves that we had at least 45° of cold.
By means of thermometers sunk to different depths, the rate of increase of temperature with depth has been determined.
When the academy was dissolved by order of the Pope, some of these thermometers were packed away in a box, and were not discovered until early in the nineteenth century.
Spirit thermometers were made for the Accademia del Cimento, and described in the Memoirs of that academy.
Robert Hooke describes the manufacture and graduation of thermometers in his "Micrographia" (1665).
Here a few rooms at the top of the house were made habitable; the rest were filled with apparatus of all descriptions, among which the most numerous examples were thermometers of every kind.
The first thermometers which were blown in glass with a bulb and tube hermetically sealed, were made by a craftsman in Florence, in the time of Torricelli.
The constancy of the specific heat of perfect gases forms one of the fundamental propositions of the whole theory of heat and on it depends the determination of temperatures by means of gas-thermometers containing hydrogen, nitrogen, or air.
The liquid alloy NaK{2} is now used for filling thermometers employed for temperatures above 360°, when mercury boils.
In setting up thermometers remove bone to hoof and whittle out a stick shape of bones removed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thermometers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.