The secret agent of British diplomacy, shrugging his shoulders and with a grin, said: "The scoundrels are terrorising the Emperor and the whole Imperial family.
Then I wish to reveal to you a few facts concerning this man who wields such wide and autocratic power in our Russia--this man who is the real oppressor of our nation, and who is so cleverly misleading and terrorising its ruler.
This worthy triumvirate raided the wilds of the Upper Plenty, robbing and holding to ransom the lieges, terrorising a line of farm-houses.
A keen sportsman, a high-couraged, chivalrous gentleman, he was justly indignant that he should be menaced by the lawless men who were then terrorising the country.
He had several times said what a shame it was that a fellow like Morgan should go about terrorising the whole country, and what fools and cowards people were to suffer it.
A gang of Irish-Americans had come to this country with the object of terrorising the Government by a series of explosions of nitro-glycerine.
Among these powerful and terrorising confederacies, the Hawkhurst gang was pre-eminent.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "terrorising" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.