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Example sentences for "maintain themselves"

  • A fresh attack was therefore planned, as it would have been impossible for the 6th Seaforth Highlanders to maintain themselves in their advanced position unless some effort was made to relieve the pressure on their flanks.

  • Their patrols had previously reached the west bank of the river, but had drawn such a storm of fire from the east bank that they were unable to maintain themselves there.

  • Everywhere and at all times some species of plants will be dominant and aggressive; while others will be diminishing in numbers, reduced to occupy a smaller area, and generally having a hard struggle to maintain themselves.

  • The outcome was that the Negroes suffered much in their struggle to maintain themselves.

  • What has just been said sums up very briefly the whole situation regarding the efforts of Negroes to maintain themselves in the North.

  • One of the strongest features, indeed, in their lives is the persistency with which they essayed to maintain themselves, even when no apparently pressing necessity impelled them.

  • The bishop erected his cathedral in the city of Manila, by apostolic bulls, with prebends paid by the royal exchequer, until there should be tithes and ecclesiastical revenues to maintain themselves.

  • Able-bodied paupers whose destitution is due to idleness and unwillingness to maintain themselves.

  • The opposition or wealthy oligarchical party in Elis availed themselves of this juncture to take arms against the government; hoping to get possession of the city, and to maintain themselves in power by the aid of Sparta.

  • Feeling unable to maintain themselves, they were besides frightened by menacing omens, when they came to offer sacrifice, in order that they might learn whether the gods encouraged them to fight or not.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maintain themselves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brown scales; comic opera; country called; farm hand; fire upon; large dinner; maintain himself; maintain order; maintain the; maintain their; maintain them; maintain themselves; make much; mental development; more excellent; must part; nothing remarkable; party politics; sacred subjects; sexual differences; sweet sister; this circumstance; usually placed; water hole; went about; white man