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Example sentences for "more good"

  • More good is henceforth to be accomplished by adding to and extending those in existence.

  • It seems to me that he can do more good by talking to people than in any other way.

  • One seldom encounters a wilder or more good-natured savage than this stalwart wanderer.

  • But a more good-natured, pleased animal you may never see.

  • We might as well say that there are no more good pictures to be painted as that there are no more good stories to be told.

  • We have need of all, and of more than all that has yet befallen us: and are to thank God, since his word and patience have done no more good to us, that he hath appointed men to make us better.

  • Wilt thou do so much, and pay so dear for that, which will do thee no more good, and which thou wilt set no more by when thou hast it?

  • Our salvation is not furthered by sin; and though we saw a probability that we might do more good to others, if we did but commit such a sin to accomplish it, yet it is not to be done.

  • But for all that accidents or circumstances may make it one man's duty to divorce, and another's duty to continue the relation; according as it is like to do more good or hurt.

  • And to know when you should reveal it, and when not, you must wisely foreknow which way is like to do more good or harm.

  • I'd rather be a real good doctor than the President in the White House, and I don't believe but what I'd do more good.

  • And anyway, I'd a great deal rather be a doctor, for they do more good.

  • I come here to try to do you good, and you've done me more good than I ever thought could happen again.

  • This talk has done me more good than I imagined possible.

  • Besides, I can do more good in the streets than there.

  • There could hardly be a better woman than Ellinor Greystock,--or a more good-humoured, kindly being.

  • There is more good to be done, Lady Eustace, by living among our fellow-creatures than by deserting them.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "more good" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    checked himself; many regions; more abundantly; more active; more appropriate; more considerable; more effectual; more effectually; more human; more importance; more inclined; more often; more open; more positive; more reason; more sensitive; more shall; more striking; more suitable; more then; more thorough; more usually; more will; more words; other natives; trying hard