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Example sentences for "successes"

Lexicographically close words:
succeeding; succeeds; succes; success; successe; successful; successfully; succession; successional; successions
  1. The Powers were insistent on peace, and the successes of the Allies left no alternative and no excuse for delay.

  2. It was not a happy augury for the immediate future to recall the historic fact that the past successes of the Moslems had been due to dissensions and divisions among their Christian neighbors.

  3. Who now are rated as successes on the roll call of those cub reporter days?

  4. The largest of our popular magazines never appear without something which touches this sort of interest, stimulating the man of affairs to strive after further successes and advancement in his chosen occupation.

  5. We have had a success in China, but I always tremble for the consequences of our successes there, lest we should be seduced or compelled into making permanent settlements and further extensions of our Empire in the East.

  6. She would not only earn for herself the gratitude of Europe, but give a great proof of her morality and her power; it would be a fitting complement of the military successes she has achieved.

  7. The successes of Crœsus finally changed the Lydian kingdom into a Lydian empire, and all Asia Minor westward of the Halys, with the exception of Lycia, owned the supremacy of Sardis.

  8. It was probably the after effect of these foreign successes which first induced the Carthaginians to pass from the position of tenants and occupants by concession to that of actual owners and conquerors.

  9. The idea of attributing great successes to "genius" has always been repudiated by Edison, as evidenced by his historic remark that "Genius is 1 per cent.

  10. Johnson, fresh from his successes in England.

  11. To some extent there has been a popular notion that many of Edison's successes have been due to mere dumb fool luck--to blind, fortuitous "happenings.

  12. Throughout Senior year she anxiously related all her experiments and partial successes to a career.

  13. IV There were, to inform the doctor's wife of his successes no clapping audiences nor book-reviews nor honorary degrees.

  14. As a kind of set-off, however, to that gloomy spectacle, fresh rumours of French successes began to circulate.

  15. Our experience then gained showed that we could not trust to our recent military successes leaving any lasting impression.

  16. The Fire Queen anchored in the roads with Havelock aboard, fresh from his successes in Persia, and it was arranged that the two old soldiers should hurry up to Calcutta without an hour’s delay.

  17. One regiment was represented on that hill-top which had not participated in those reverses, and was indeed fresh from successes in Afghanistan.

  18. His soundest successes were in portraiture, in which branch of art he stood so high that towards 1550 Michelangelo introduced him to Pope Julius III.

  19. The successes are often the most surprising where the technique is old, and where it might have been imagined that the experiences of many centuries would have secured through mere common sense the most effective performance.

  20. The things which he forgot were his noble Jewish birth, his upright training, his successes and honors in the eyes of his fellow-countrymen.

  21. So, too, it is worth our while to forget our so-called successes and our earthly reverses by absorption in those ends of living which Christ has taught us to be really good and great.

  22. He did not let past troubles hamper present actions, nor past successes cause him to rest upon his laurels, nor past services satisfy him, nor past losses embitter him.

  23. But these successes and these triumphs are not capable of contenting that thirst for glory with which your being is animated, and I am humbly desirous of indicating to you the means of culling fresh laurels.

  24. His own ardent soul, flushed by the successes he had already won, told him to stay, but prudence bade him go.

  25. Meanwhile Langy saluted Montcalm with the great respect that his successes had won from all the French.

  26. Even as a lover it is often in his later years that his greatest successes and his happiest passions come to him.

  27. The vulgar successes of such easy seduction will have no attraction for you, and I am sure that the share which your wife originally had in thus bringing about her misfortunes will make this child altogether sacred to you.

  28. I told them of studies, my examinations, the little successes which I had enjoyed at the University, the beautiful future of professor to which I could lay claim, with three thousand francs income, at least.

  29. He had already consented to sacrifices which his successes in Italy did not justify.

  30. Great Britain was forced to come to this arrangement in consequence of the situation to which the successes of the army of Moreau had reduced Austria, which it was certain would be ruined by longer resistance.

  31. Yet on the whole his success has been cheap as successes go.

  32. Unfortunately these successes left him little time for the sports which should be a boy's most profitable form of idling.

  33. The successes of the Italian arms had been, up to this point, if not decisive, at least sufficiently important to make the result a question of doubt.

  34. Its sole object is to show what has been done and what can be done on small areas and to show that life in the country need not be so laborious if the same methods are used which make successes of business in other lines.

  35. Beginning life as a shoe-maker, his successes at the Eisteddfods of Ruthin and Mold in 1823 attracted the attention of the gentry of the neighbourhood, and a fund was formed to send him to the University.

  36. He, like Alun, was of Nonconformist parentage, and like him, attracted attention by his successes at this or that Eisteddfod.

  37. Well, I came over to Trinity College strongly impressed with the notion that, because I had gained successes at Oxford, here I should be triumphant.

  38. The distinctions at which he aimed were those attainable by ability; social successes were triumphs he never dreamed of.

  39. The successes of the gallant General in war were only less renowned than his successes in love—that is to say, from the General’s own not very lofty point of view.

  40. If that gentleman has not achieved a long record of successes on the stage, he has certainly made a great reputation off it.

  41. Some of his most notorious successes in that line have been narrated in works of biography or autobiography by other men.

  42. Ten forts surrendered, one after another, after sustaining a kind of siege or assault; and this series of successes did not cost the life of a single man, nor even a scratch, on the part either of the victors or of the conquered.

  43. Some prompt and easy successes exalted the ambition of Kara Mustapha; and in spite of the contrary advice of Tekeli, Ibrahim Pacha, and several other personages, he determined to besiege Vienna.

  44. After further successes in Flanders, Marlborough is removed from command; the Whig ministry falls in England.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "successes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.